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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Safe and Active Travel

Autumn Term 2024-25

Our work towards promoting Safe and Active Travel has continued this year and we are once again aiming for a Bronze Award.  The Safe and Active Travel awards are done in partnership with Warwickshire County Council and aim to educate our pupils about how they can stay safe on and near roads as well as become more active.

Each year group will explore an area of Road Safety as part of our curriculum (details below) and in addition will be exposed to National Campaigns solely focused on educating our children and families to be safe and active.  

Already this term we have completed our Active Travel survey where we look at how our pupils travelled to school on a specific day, Year 5 travelled by foot to their school trip in Stratford-upon-Avon, we have participated in the Road Safety Awareness week as provided by Brake and promoted our work in the September parent newsletter.  We have lots more to look forward to this year, including Bikeability for Year 6 and our Walk to School week in the warmer weather.

Progress Report Summer Term

We are delighted to report that we have been awarded our Bronze Award again for our work towards promoting Safe and Active Travel!  We will continue our work in the new school year.

Progress Report Spring Term


A quick update on our Safe and Active Travel plan for the 2023-2024 school year.  Our aims this term were to:


1. Focus on cars idling outside our school


2. Ensure pupils are accessing the Daily Mile for 15 minutes everyday


We are pleased to say that our Pupil Leadership Team are on the case to ensure that parents and carers park safely and sensibly around our school facilities which encourages people to park safely and turn their engines off. 


As a school we are extremely committed to the Daily Mile, it is rare that a class misses it and if they do, it is usually due to the weather and it has rained a lot recently!  On these days, staff use other ways to get the children active in the classroom.



Progress Report - Autumn Term


We are well on our way to achieving our target of maintaining our Safe and Active Travel Award for this year.  To date, we have:


1. continued to keep our webpage updated with information.


2. continued to ensure that all year groups have access to the Daily Mile track at an allocated time every day.


3. Year 5 achieved our third target 'to participate in an active travel to school trip' by walking into Stratford-upon-Avon to spend the day acting as a tourist (details can be found on the year 5 class page).


4. Delivered age-relevant information across the school about road safety in partnership with Brake, the road safety charity, during their Road Safety Awareness week in November (19 - 25th).

Road Safety Awareness Week (19 - 25 November)


Across the school, we delivered age relevant information to pupils aimed at supporting them to stay safe when out and about.  The Road Safety Charity Brake, focused on speed this year as 5 people die every day on roads in the UK.


Pupils in year 5 and 6 explored how to ensure they can be safe when walking to and from school unaccompanied while pupils lower down the school completed a variety of different activities designed to increase their awareness of speed.  All resources are below.


Safe and Active Travel 2023-24

Following our success in this area last academic year, we are already on our way to maintaining our bronze level award again this year.  Please see our action plan below and look out for information about Road Safety Week coming soon.

Activities to date...


A number of events took place during the Spring Term to help us to maintain our Bronze Level as part of the Safe and Active Travel Campaign.  A huge thank you to everyone who took part!  Due to staff absence, and availability of dates, our action plan is being completed slightly out of the original order, but we are working hard to make sure that we cover everything we have planned this year.


Some of you may have seen that we are encouraging parents and carers to turn their engines off whilst waiting outside the school gates at drop-off and pick-up times.  This helps us to keep the air around our school as clean as possible for our pupils, staff, parents and local residents.  There is a banner on the school fence in case you are interested.


We also had our second bike-marking session on Thursday 23rd March in the KS2 playground for pupils, parents and local residents to come along and have their bike marked in case of theft.  Those who visited received a item to help them to 'Bling their Bike'!  



Cars Idling Campaign

Last year, Bridgetown Primary School signed up to take part in an Active Travel Award as part of the safe and Active Travel Schools Programme.  This programme includes road safety and cycling proficiency along with other exciting schemes.  The Active Travel Award programme is aimed at getting more pupils walking, cycling and scooting to school and last year we received a Bronze Award in recognition of our efforts.


This year we are aiming to maintain our Bronze award!  To help us to achieve this, we have written an action plan (see below) so please watch out for exciting initiatives throughout the school year.
