Welcome back
Goldfinches and Puffins
We hope you have all had a lovely Easter holidays in the sunshine. After a nice break, we hope that you all feel re-energised and ready to start the home learning from Monday. We are going to start our day at 9am with Joe Wicks' PE lesson, hopefully you will too. With this email we have attached the weekly plan including daily maths and English lessons as well as a selection of topic and other curriculum areas such as science, music, art, computing etc. We have attached a zip folder which has all the resources that you will need for this week's learning. All files are either PDFs, word documents or powerpoints so should all work on either laptops, PC, Ipads or phones. However if any document formats are not compatible with your device please let us know. (Science and topic resources are attached in a separate email due to the size of files)
We have a new online book scheme so we can continue to allocate books weekly. On Monday you will receive further information on how this will support home learning as well as receiving your child's login details.
We hope you all get on well with the home learning and do what you can, please remember we are here to support you by email if you have any questions or need help with your work please let us know. As well as being here to support your learning, we would love to hear from you to see what other fun activities you are doing during the lockdown. Remember that the most important thing during these uncertain times is everyone's well- being so please take the learning at yours and your child's pace as we understand that everyone's situation is different with different work commitments and family arrangements.
We will email the weekly plan and resources every Friday for the following week and we will also upload this on to the year 3 page of the website.
Please keep safe and stay in touch,
Kind regards
Miss Thijssen and Miss Vernon
Good morning Goldfinches and Puffins,
We hope you had a good first day back yesterday. Did you find lots of instructions around the house? Did you manage to see the similarities and pick out the main features?
Here is our Toolkit for Instruction Writing, we will work on all these features over the next couple of weeks.
Have a great day,
Miss Thijssen and Miss Vernon