Friday 24th April
Good morning Year 6 - summer week 1 - done! We hope that you have had a good week: got back into a routine, done some home learning, enjoyed the sunshine, been creative, had some relaxation time and exercised.
Today is a catch-up day for you to finish any work that you have been working on this week but below are 2 clips for you to watch and listen to:
End of week 1 review
Mrs Swanwick has done a review of the week but it is too big to load up so she is going to try her hand at editing and will try and post later!
If you haven't already dropped us an email this week then please let us know at some point next week how you are getting on.
Take care and keep safe
Mrs Swanwick and Mr Lether
Have you seen the response to the staff video our key workers' children in school had yesterday? This can be found on this link: , or in the video below! If you want to be added onto the video, send a short clip of yourself catching a ball coming in from the left and then throw it out to the right. Send it to as we left the original video with her yesterday.
Thursday 23rd April
You have both today and tomorrow to complete this task. If you have not done the role play activities from yesterday, you may want to do those today before you starts this activity. Alternatively, you could quickly scribble down a quick plan of ideas or a mindmap to get you going.
You will need the resource, ‘L4. Conflict dialogues’, below:
1. Write realistic sounding dialogue, using the correct punctuation and layout conventions rehearsed in Tuesday’s grammar lesson.
2. Write a short narrative, based on the conflicts you role-played yesterday. Include punctuated dialogue, thinking about making that dialogue sound real and distinct from narration using techniques discussed in the yesterday’s powerpoint.
Challenge - As you redraft, can you write in clues about characterisation and motive.
Redraft and read aloud, share via email, send to Mr Lether and Mrs Swanwick
Check your Mathletics today! You have been set new tasks! These tasks are all based on the ratio which you have started this week. You ratio learning will continue today and tomorrow and for the start of next week, so you will find that some of the Mathletics links with learning from after today. We have given you until Friday 1st May to complete these Mathletics tasks.
As well as your Mathletics, you have your next White Rose task, which can be found on: Video: Year 6, Week 1, Lesson 4 – Calculating Ratio
The activities linked to this task can be found below (including an Optional Problem Solving activity).
Note: If you chose to do the Optional Problem Solving Challenges, there are a lot of questions on this powerpoint. Spread out these questions over the next week. Maybe do a couple of problems a day.
Other tasks for today
Wednesday 22nd April
Good morning Year 6, apologies for being a little late with putting today's work on - we know that you are pretty well-organised and so will have done something else whilst you have been waiting.
Here are a few questions we were asked yesterday so hopefully the following will answer some of your queries?
Q: Do I need to share my work with you? If so everyday?
A: It would be impossible to share every piece of work and then for us to read and file all of it from you. We suggest that if you have done a piece of work that you are really proud of in any of the subjects from the day you can email to us or take a photo and email it. For example, on Monday we had some lovely responses to the Jungle Book writing and yesterday some great Science from some of you. Remember that there is no expectation for you to do this so don't worry if you don't.
Q: Do I have to save all my work?
A: This work is just for home learning and when we get back to school we won't be using it HOWEVER we have organised the work in subjects and topic so it would be a good idea, and good practice for going into Year 7 to keep your work, organise it into subjects or weeks. As the work is in different topics, 'Classic fiction from Rudyard Kipling,' Healthy Living' and from next week our history topic 'The Mayans' etc. it would be good to keep this together and organised. It doesn't matter if you have done your work on the computer, ipad, notebooks or just on pieces of paper, it can still be organised.
If we get any more questions we will try and answer them in an email but if it is a question that a lot of you are asking then we will post a Q&A here too.
Here is your work recommended for today - hopefully we haven't missed anything.
Reading - Please continue to use the Pearson Independent reading - we will be looking to see how you have got on. Remember the link is in the Monday and Tuesday section from this week's home learning.
English - The focus today is punctuation of speech and the way we use more informal language when we speak. Follow thought the powerpoint and at the end of the powerpoint there are a few scenarios for you to have a go at writing a short conversation with.
Practice the homophones from Monday and if you have some time, creat a poster which identifies the differences between the spellings and how you remember words such as dessert and not desert.
There will be a dictation that Mrs Swanwick has recorded on Friday to help see if you have mastered the difference.
More work today on ratio - today it introduces the symbol that we use when writing ratios. If you complete the activities today then maybe try some of the optional problem-solving and reasoning questions.
Video: Year 6, Week 1, Lesson 3 – Introducing the Ratio Symbol
Optional computing
You may have begun your VLOG - if you have then you might like to cder this question:
'How might learning from home compare to education in ancient civilisations?'
If you haven't started a VLOG then that's ok, maybe just discuss this question with someone at home.
Mrs Swanwick has uploaded the work this morning and found it a challenge - the internet wasn't being very co-operative and my uploading was too slow so I apologise - one of the challenges of home teaching!
Have a good day
Although we have designed tasks which do not require you to sit at your computer, we understand that this can still be difficult if you cannot print off the work or regularly use a computer to refer to the tasks and so on. First of all, if you are finding this difficult, then rest assured, there is no pressure for you to complete everything. There is no test, no prizes for who does the most, no Star of the Weeks for the best work (partly because you are all being stars!), as long as you are doing what you realistically can, we think you are doing a great job! Keeping a good routine is what's important so that it isn't a shock when we return to school.
Here are some suggestions linked to the work we are doing which require no computer time. Just jot down these tasks so you can remember:
English | Reading | Maths | Other |
We are studying the language choices and plot contexts of The Jungle Book. Most of you will have seen the Disney interpretations of this story (either the animated and the live action version). If you've not see them, I'm sure you have a good idea of what the story is about anyway.
So, imagine you are lost in a jungle, wild animals have come and taken you into their care to protect you from the fearsome tiger, Shere Khan.
Can you write the conversations you might have with these animals? Both the animals who are looking after you and perhaps an encounter with Shere Khan? |
Easy this one! Just read! Read anything! Something you enjoy. Then fill out your reading diary sharing with us what you have read.
It would be great if you could find some scientific writing about healthy eating and/or the digestive system. |
Ratio is used all the time in our everyday life. You just might not have realised it. The most common place we use ratio is in cook books! How many grams of sugar you need against grams of butter when making a cake for example.
Can you look through some recipes and create ratios of ingredients against each other.
Challenge, can you simplify these ratios to their simplest values? For example:
100g sugar : 20g butter ... becomes... 5g sugar : 1g butter
What else in your house can you compare by ratio?
Our Science work is about healthy eating and this week. Can you design a table which you can use to record what you are eating this week? You could have columns for each day of the week and rows for what time of day you are eating, for example, Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, Supper.
Can you analyse how healthy you think you have eaten at the end of the week? |
1) Remember to check your Pearson Primary Account to complete your reading for today. Complete you reading diaries when done!
To find your book, please go to:
Your books will be under the tab, 'My Stuff'. All books after completion will be kept in 'My Library'.
2) Can you analyse Kipling's style of writing. You will need to answer the questions on the worksheet below using your reading from yesterday.
Your grammar and punctuation work links to your Jungle Book work today. You will revise and use your skills of writing dialogue in narrative form to complete the following tasks.
The additional task for this is great fun! We have supplied you a script from the Jungle Book, can you convert that to story narrative form.
For those of you who feel confident about this task: remember, use description between your dialogue to describe what your characters are doing, how they react and what is going on around the speakers. Enjoy!
Watch the second video of week 1 on the White Rose website:
(Video: Year 6, Week 1, Lesson 2 – Ratio and Fractions)
Use this to complete the attached worksheet below. Remember, you might have mathletics which needs completing before you have new tasks set on Thursday and you should all try to fit in some time on TT Rockstars this week.
Have a look at the ‘gymnastics home learning activities’. This worksheets provides a number of activities which can be competed over the next few weeks. Have a go at some of the tasks and share what you've been up to!
Remember to also keep active in whatever other ways you can as well: Joe Wicks, bike rides, walking the dog, running round in circles in your garden!
DT – Food
Can you help make a healthy, nutritious lunch? Use your knowledge from the Science work you did yesterday to check whether it is healthy. Evaluate it using the DT ‘food evaluation’ sheet.
Computing –
Add to your VLOG.
Question to consider: how did I overcome a challenge today?
Listen to the two videos below:
1) The introduction of 'The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling'.
2) Extract: 'Mowgli's Brothers' (You have a copy of this extract in your packs and you can download it from below the videos, so please read along).
Download the extract below. This document also has some questions for you to answer after your reading.
You can also download the additional challenge and some background reading about how Kipling came to write The Jungle Book.
Your spellings challenges in the document above are about these homophones:
1) Watch the video on White Rose Home Learning: Year 6, Week 1, Lesson 1 - Using Ratio Language:
(Make sure you click on week 1 and are watching the first video on 'Using Ratio Language' as displayed in the image to the right)
2) Complete the worksheet below (‘L1 – Using Ratio Language’)
3) Catch up with any outstanding Mathletics work. More will be set later in the week!
1) Have a look at the interactive eatwell guide on: or the resource below: ‘L1. Eatwell guide poster’. Estimate the proportions (in a fraction or percent) of each food group shown.
2) Draw your own plate or use ‘L1. Find the group’ to make your own Eatwell plates.
Can you begin a video diary about your home learning? You can add to this each day (or every other day). Keep an eye out on this website, where we will ask some key discussion questions for your days to help with your diaries.
Please remember to read daily and update your reading diaries. See the link at the top of the page to access your Pearson Active Learn Primary accounts, where you can read your reading book. Or click here.
Also remember your chosen books! Reading for pleasure is just as, if not more, important as your allocated reading books. Remember to enjoy your reading!