Hello to all our Reception children and families! We hope you enjoyed the Easter break and managed to make the most of the glorious weather!
Below you will find some suggested planning for home learning. We've also attached here some resources that are mentioned in the plan should you wish to use them. Do remember that these are suggestions, and that we are not expecting children to complete all the tasks that are set. Use the plans flexibly to suit your timetable.
Remember that exercise is important too - the children of key workers have been keeping up with Joe Wicks in the mornings... the adults have been attempting to keep up too! Or perhaps try a little Cosmic Yoga. Don't forget to log in to your new online reading accounts on the Pearson website (log in information to be shared with you on Monday 20th April).
Please contact us using receptionbps@welearn365.com with any questions or photographs of home learning you would like us to share on the school website.
Week beginning: Summer 1 week 1 |
Phonics / SPAG activity |
Writing Activity |
Maths Activity |
Topic/Foundation Subjects Activity |
The phonics videos can be paused and revisited at any time |
Phonics 1 video You will need a piece of paper and a pen Revising digraphs, reading words Writing words and a simple sentence |
Share read the planet facts – there are a few sources (Parents will need to read them to you) – Listen to the planet song. Which is your favourite planet? Why? Can you recall some of the facts you have learned?
Ask an adult to hide the numbers from 0 to 20 around your house or garden. Can you find all 20 and put them in order ? Could you remember what the numbers look like to help you ? |
Paint /draw design your own alien
Tuesday |
Video clip Phonics 2 Revisiting 00/00 Writing some words and sentences |
Think about a planet you are going to write about. Learn 1 or 2 sentences about the planet. Write the name of the planet as a heading. Draw a story map to help you remember the facts and follow the sentence. see video clip story map and writing planet facts. |
Mathletics challenge Numbers to 10 or 20 |
Can you label your alien using describing words? e.g 10 googly eyes 3 spiky arms Spotty body Remember the tough y (ee) when you are writing describing words |
Wednesday |
Video clip phonics 3 Segmenting to read multisyllabic words introducing split digraphs |
Using your story map and phonics, write a ‘fact’. Use capital letters at the start of the sentence and for the name of the planet you are writing about. You can copy the name of the planet from your story map. Remember to spell tricky words correctly! |
Write out the numbers from 0-20 on some paper or card. Cut up the numbers and ask the grown up to muddle them up for you (No peeking !) See how quickly you are able to put the numbers into the correct order. Ask the adult to time you ! Can you get faster next time ?
Can you make a moonscape , planet landscape or rocket using junk modelling materials ? Can you talk about your model as you are making it |
Thursday |
Read the space sentences – link is on the website |
Repeat writing another fact about a different planet |
Mathletics challenge Numbers to 10 or 20 |
Think about things that can fly ‘ Can you make a list ? Go into your garden and see if you can add anymore flying objects to your list ( natural or manmade! ) |
Friday |
Read the space sentences – link is on the website |
Repeat writing another fact about a different planet |
Collect 20 leaves from your garden ( or the park if you are going for your walk !). On each leaf write a number from 1-20, one number on each leaf. Use a marker pen ( carefully !)Ask your adult to help you make a hole in each leaf with a hole punch. Then thread the leaves in order on to wool or string . you could put your leaf number line up to help you remember the order of the numbers. |
Learn and perform some songs about space . Some ideas : Aiken Drum, Zoom Zoom we’re going to the moon , Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer.
Watch The Solar system song
Please read regularly with your children using the Pearson’s Account we have issued for you. We will be allocating 3 books per week and will be able to move the children on if we can see they have read at home. Little and often is best! Thank you. |
Suggested Additional Activities (these are not an expectation but for extension to select from if you choose)