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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Year 3

Bollywood dancers and Samosas 


We had an amazing day on Tuesday when the Year 3's turned into Bollywood dancers.  Each class worked so hard to learn and perform 2 different dances.  Mr. Green was lucky enough to watch the shows and he couldn't believe how they had learned all this in one morning.  

Back in the class the children made vegetable samosas, they were delicious!  

Year 3 Sports Day


We have had a fantastic morning working in our teams to earn points for our houses.  The weather was great and the children thoroughly enjoyed competing in the different activities.  It was fantastic to see the year groups work together, and mixing for the first time since March 2020!  


The activities tested different skills which meant there was something for everyone. These included ball skills, throwing skills, speed for obstacle courses, team work and of course the sprinting and egg and spoon races.  


We hope you will enjoy watching the slide show! 


Best wishes, 

Mrs Pearson and Miss Thijssen 

Stone Age art in the Forest School!


The children had a fantastic time in the Forest school, squashing berries and mixing this with oil to create their own paint.  They used sticks, feathers and anything else they could find.  The charcoal from the fire pit also turned out to be great for drawing!  

Soup-er Day! 


The Year 3's had great fun making Stone Age soup this week. After tasting a variety of soups last week, each child decided which soup they wanted to make.  They worked very well in their teams, dividing the jobs equally and carefully practised the 'bridge' and 'claw' grip, to cut the vegetables safely.  The best part of the day was tasting the soups - they were all delicious! 

Dear parents, 


It has been a great start to the summer term and the children have immersed themselves into the Stone Ages! We had great fun in the forest school making Stone Age weapons and we made 3D models of Stonehenge.  In week 3, the children will be making their own Stone Age soup before writing the instructions for this in our English lesson.  


We are looking forward to Sports week, where the children can compete in year groups for their houses.  We will update the class page with many photos of all the different events so you can get a feel for what we have been up to! 


Please find below an overview of the topics and lessons covered during this half term.  


Best wishes, 

Mrs Pearson and Miss Thijssen






Week 1

Talk for Writing:

Instruction Writing



Rhetorical question to grab the readers’ attention


Subtitles –

What you need What you do


Commas in lists




Imperative verbs


Time conjunctions


Final point


Extra tips

Fractions –

Fraction Wall, unit and non-unit factions

Making the whole


Rocks –

What type of rock?




Art throughout the half term:

Stone Age art

Including sketching, cave art, creating  colours (berries mixed with oil) and painting in forest school.


Topic lessons:


Making Stone Age weapons in the forest school.


Making Stone Age soups (vegetable soups)


Migration and settlement

Week 2

Fractions –

Fractions as




Which rock is which?

Week 3

Fractions –

Fractions of a set of objects

Which rocks are waterproof?

Week 4

Fractions – problem solving

Equivalent fractions




How fossils are formed

Week 5

Play script

Comparing fractions

Adding and Subtracting fractions

Problem solving

Formation of the Earth

Phases of the Stone Ages

Week 6

Play scripts


Months and years

Hours in a day

Estimating time

Telling time to 5 minutes

Soil detectives

Skara Brae

Dear parents, 


We are delighted to have all the children back in school and we are very proud of how they have settled back into our routines.  Please find below a brief description of this half term.  Don't forget our topic day on April 1st!  We are looking forward to see everyone in their Egyptian costumes and we are very excited about Professor McGinty's workshop.  


Best wishes, 

Miss Thijssen and Mrs Pearson






Week 3

Hot write News Paper Report

Length –

Measuring lengths in metres, centimetres and millimetres


Equivalent length m and cm;

cm and mm


Science experiment


The children designed and carried out experiments to test how body shape affected physical performance.




Death Mask


Designing and creating a death mask with a partner, using card and mod rock. 



Egyptian Artefact


Designing an artefact, using clay




Making Egyptian  paper with a partner


Making Egyptian Saboob (flatbread)

Week 4

Talk for Writing:

Adventure story


Focussing on:


Powerful verbs and adjectives




Fronted adverbials


Creating tension




Time conjunctions

Length – Comparing lengths


Adding and subtracting lengths


Week 5

Length- measuring perimeter and problem solving

Week 6

Recap Division


Dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number




Year 3's Brilliant Biscuits 


The children had a fantastic day baking and decorating biscuits, using maths  and English skills to weigh ingredients and follow recipes.  It was lovely to see the children working together and helping each other, showing great team work.  Thank you all very much for the voluntary contributions, we are delighted that both classes have raised enough money to adopt a rainforest animal!    

Welcome to Autumn 2!


We hope you have all had a lovely half term break and that you are rested and ready for a busy and exciting half term. 


This half term we will continue to learn about the rainforests. Here is a brief overview of what we will be covering during the second half term.  We have lots of exciting projects planned including raising money for the WWF, both classes are very keen to adopt a rain forest animal to support this amazing charity.  In DT the children will design and create a moving 3D pneumatic rain forest animal, and in PSHE we will cove the Taking Care Project.







Adding and subtracting a  digit number and 10’s - mentally


Talk for Writing -

Persuasive Letter


Focussing on:


Persuasive and emotive language




New vocabulary


Time conjunctions


Adding conjunctions


Letter format



Electricity – what is it and what do we use it for

Rain forests - Deforestation


Adding and subtracting a 3 digit and 2 digit number -  formal written method


(column addition and subtraction)

Making and drawing simple electrical circuits


Deforestation – What is it, what are the reasons and what can we do to stop this?





Adding and subtracting a 3 digit and 2 digit number -  formal written method including regrouping


(column addition and subtraction)

Drawing simple electrical circuits using scientific representation

Baking and decorating biscuits to raise money for the WWF


Creating posters to raise awareness for the WWF


Adding and subtracting 2 3-digit numbers – column addition and column subtraction

Conductors and insulators

Rain forest tribes – how do they live, what do they need to survive


Estimating answers and checking strategies


Talk for Writing -

Kennings Poems




Electrical circuits – predicting which ones will work and checking this

Designing and creating 3D pneumatic rain forest animals



Problem solving – addition and subtraction

Electrical circuits including buzzers and motors



Christmas Activities



                                            Welcome to Year 3!  



Here you will find out what the Goldfinches and the Puffins have been learning about.  We appreciate your continual support with reading, spelling, rockstars and mathletics as this is really beneficial to your child's progress. 


Watch this space for updates and photos as we explore the rainforests this term! 


Here is a brief overview of all the exciting things we have planned for the first half term. 







Wellbeing focus and transition activities



Problem solving activities and number facts



Talk for Writing -

Non- Chronological Report about a rainforest animal


What is a habitat? How do animals adapt to living in different habitats?




DT – creating 3D rainforest animals






Problem solving activities and number facts


Animal Classification

Where are the Rainforests – identify the Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn and the Equator



Maths Week – Growth Mindset and time table practice

Food chains

Comparing UK and rainforest climates


Art – Henri Rousseau Jungle pictures – focussing on individual flowers


Beginning our new Power Maths Scheme

Place Value within 1000



Talk for Writing -

Story in a familiar  setting

Amazing Invertebrates – hunt for mini beasts in forest school and garden

Studying the 4 different layers of the rainforest and their characteristics


Art – Henri Rousseau Jungle pictures – using view finders




Place value within 1000

Designing poster about invertebrates

Jungle Explorer Topic day!

Wed 7 Oct Puffins

Fri 9 Oct Goldfinches



Adding and Subtracting (2 digit number from a 3 digit number)


Art – Henri Rousseau Jungle pictures – drawing Jungle pictures, using crayons




Adding and Subtracting (2-digit number from a 3-digit number)


Harvest Festival


Harvest Festival 


On Tuesday 20th October the Year 3 will perform the Harvest Assembly.  We will record this and the clip will be shown on the website for everybody to enjoy.  The children are working really hard to learn their lines and songs, and we appreciate any support you can give them with this.  


Below is a link to the 3 songs that they will be singing and we will send the lyrics home with the children this week.  


Best wishes, 

Miss Thijssen and Mrs Pearson

Thank your lucky Stars


This is a link to the third song, it is a youtube clip that we use in class. 

Harvest Assemblies


Click on the images below to link to our harvest assembles. We really enjoyed rehearsing and presenting them even though we aren't able to present them to you all in person...



Year 3 Puffins Harvest Assembly




Year 3 Goldfinches Harvest Assembly




Jungle Explorers!


The Year 3's transformed into explorers this week and went off into to the Jungle!  They all had a fantastic day, exploring and discovering the world's jungle-covered regions and learned so much from Simon, a genuine real life explorer who spent a lot of time in the rainforest.  The day was full of fun activities like problem solving and team work and they investigated many interesting and current subjects such as climate change and deforestation. They all looked the part, thank you for the super outfits! 
