Hello Year 1 Families!
Thank you so much for all your emails, pictures and messages. It's great to see you enjoying the activities we have set. Remember though, we completely understand and appreciate that home learning does not come without its challenges, especially if you are managing multiple year groups and juggling working from home. Please just do what you can, there is no expectation for every task to be completed every day. Your family's mental health and wellbeing is of the utmost importance right now.
As we are sure you are aware, Friday is a bank holiday to mark the 75th anniversary of VE day. We have, therefore planned four days of the usual learning activities so you can enjoy this special and important day together. We have, however, provided a number of suggestions for things you might like to do to mark the occasion (details below).
Take care, stay safe and don't forget we are there at the end of an email at year1bps@welearn365.com
Kind regards,
Mrs Bes-Jeary, Mrs Pinkerton and Miss Smith.
Planner for week beginning 4th May (click to enlarge).
Web Links (hyperlinked in weekly planner)
'Virtual' Castle Tours...
Thank you for the recommendations of castle tours. Here are a couple of our favourites...
Kenilworth Castle
Warwick Castle
VE Day Celebrations: Friday 8th May 2020
Friday 8th May is a bank holiday to mark a very special anniversary. We plan to celebrate it as a whole school community albeit in a slightly different way to our original plan! Please click on the image below to find out more about how we will mark the 75th anniversary of VE day the Bridgetown way...
See our suggestions for activities you might like to do at home on Friday below...click to enlarge.