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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Year 6


Well Year 6, the ending wasn't quite what we had hoped for but our last few days together were fun.  We practised and filmed our play (well most of it); made sculptures; nearly got through our bikeability groups and had fun making our journey sticks.  The main thinkg is that we were together.  Here are just a few final pictures of this time together - we were too busy not to take lots of piccies but here are a few.

Thank you for being you.




What a fantastic morning.  After so many weeks of being in our own class bubbles we were finally able to 'reunite' and the perfect occasion - beautiful sunshine, blue skies and everyone involved.  We all had a lovely day.  Please enjoy the slides and we suggest a great couple of tunes as a backing track - Perfect day by U2 and Happy by Pharrell Williams.


Summer Term 1

Welcome to the final term of the year and of Year 6 at Bridgetown Primary.  Below is an outline timetable for the Core curriculum subjects and a resume of other curriculum learning in PSHE, RE and Art.  We will not be covering any aspects of history or geography in this half term.






19th April

'The Viewer' by Gary Crew and Shaun Tan

Introduction to the text and related activities

Explanation Texts - 'The History of...' focus on mechanical inventions of household objects

Problem solving for Area and Perimeter

Volume of a cube

Introduction to the circulatory system 

26th April

'The Viewer' 

Text Focus - Explanation Texts - 'The History of...' focused on mechanical inventions of household objects continued

Dividing Decimals and pre-teach sessions on formal division methodsThe features and working of the heart 

3rd May

'The Viewer' 

Text Focus - Poetry - 'The City Dump'

Dividing 3 and 4 - digit numbers by 2-digit using short and long formal methodsHeart rate investigation 

10th May

'The Viewer' 

Text Focus - Adverts and persuasive language


Using a protractor

Drawings shapes accurately

Angles in a triangle


What it is and its contents


17th May

'Pig Heart Boy' by Mallory Blackman

Text Focus - Diary Writing



Continued work on measuring and calculating angles


What happens to water in our bodies? 

24th May

'Pig Heart Boy'

Text Focus - Explanation text about the heart and circulatory system


Maths Assessment using SAT-based materialsWhat does the road around our body look like? 


Overall topic title - Growing, Changing and Moving on

PSHE - We will be looking at all aspects of puberty, thinking about the physical and emotional changes associated with adolescence and how we learn to look after ourselves during this time.


RE - Is it better to express your religion in arts and architecture or in charity and generosity?  This question will be discussed through writing, art and looking at how this relates to Christians, Muslims and non-religious groups e.g. Humanists


Art - The artist we are focusing on is Peter Blake, with collage and the development of this technique across different themes and ideas.



Spring Term - 2

Welcome back to school everyone!  Only a few weeks of this half term in school but we have lots planned.  All the work we began this half term in our remote learning is a foundation to the work we are continuing in school.


Spring 2 - Back to School curriculum outline

Week English Maths Topic Science
8th March

The Sleeper and the Spindle - traditional tale with a twist

Looking at illustrations and text to deduce and infer information about characters within the story.

Drama and playscript writing

Revision of scale in ratio and proportion

Revisit Jo Boalar and Growth Mindset in maths

Introduction to Algebra

The Mayans - clothing and weaving


Plant survival - How plants are adapted to their environment.
15th March

The Sleeper and the Spindle

Playscript writing

Developing setting descriptions


Algebra - Finding and using a rule

Using formulae 

Mayan communication

Exploring the Number and writing systems 

How do living things survive  - recap on animal adaptation and create a new animal to survive in a chosen environment

How do living things become extinct?


22nd March

The Sleeper and the Spindle

Setting descriptions and using dialogue for a sense of place and moving action forward

Planning and writing the next chapter of the story

Algebra - solving equations

End of Unit check

Mayan Gods


Fossils - what they are, how they are formed and their importance to how living things have developed and change over time
29th March

The Sleeper and the Spindle

Practise and perform playscripts

Concluding activities linked to the story

Volume of a Cuboid

General arithmetic practice 


Mayan - The importance of Chocolate 


The End of the Mayan Civilisation



World War One Diary Writing

We have spent the past week writing a diary as a soldier in the trenches.  To help us develop our writing we spent one morning in Forest school.  During the morning we built and repaired our dugouts as well as experiencing an attack and venturing into No Man's Land.  We then wrote up some of our experiences as part of our diary.

Black History - The Underground Railway Quilts

As part of our work on Harriet Tubman, Year 6 designed and sewed a combined Year 6 beautiful textile quilt.  The purpose of these quilts were to help slaves as they escaped to freedom from the southern states in America to the Canadian border.  Each quilt was like a code.  The codes were communicated through stitching, patterns, designs and colours.  These codes informed the slaves how to prepare for their journey, the dangers they might face, significant landmarks and a final route to safety.  If you look closely, you can see this on our quilt.  Many thanks to Mrs Langford for all her efforts to put each part of the quilt together.


Autumn 2 - Curriculum Plan

Our focus for this half term is looking at Black History with the focus on Harriet Tubman and Slavery in America followed by World War 1 using War Horse by Michael Morpurgo as the text focus on which to base our learning.


  English Maths Science Topic
Week 1

'Journey to Freedom' Guided reading text

Identifying the features of a biography and comparing different biographies

Factors and Multiples



Black History

What was slavery?

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

Planning and designing Underground Railway Quilt

Week 2 Writing a biography of Harriet Tubman

Prime numbers

Square and cubed numbers

Mental calculation methods for addition and subtraction

Electricity end of unit assessment

Abolishment of Slavery

Key individuals who  supported this

Sewing Underground Railway Quilt

Week 3

War Horse by Michael Morpurgo

Cold Write flashback narrative and talk for writing text mapping, exploring vocabulary

Mental calculations

Reasoning from known facts

End of Unit Check

Fraction terms and glossary

Simplifying fractions



What is light?

What do we know about World war One - KWL

Create a timeline of events

How WWI began

Anti bullying Week activities

Week 4

The Piano by Aidian Gibbons

Film stimulus to look at writing a flashback.  

Simplifying fractions

Fraction on a number line

Comparing and ordering fractions


What they do, how we use them

WWI propaganda recruitment posters
Week 5

Comparing settings - flashback

Vocabulary development

Hot Write - writing a follow on chapter for War Horse, including a flashback

Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Assessment week activities


making Periscopes

Life in the trenches

using primary and secondary evidence

Creating a trench diorama

Week 6

Diary writing for the trenches

5 day writing project

Adding and subtracting fractions - problems

Multiplying and dividing of fractions

Light and colour The Christmas Truce
Week 7 World War One poetry Plotting coordinates, reflections and transformations Investigating shadows

Peace - the end of WW1



Three Wise Men (Owls class song for Carol Service 2020)

Three Wise Men - backing track

Welcome to Year 6  - Autumn 2020

Autumn 1


The first half term of Autumn 2020 has been a great success. We welcomed everyone into their final year at Bridgetown as well as Mrs Milward to her first term at Bridgetown.  After getting used to our new classroom layout and COVID arrangements it has been full steam ahead with our learning.  The purpose of this half term has been to settle ourselves in, understand the expectations for independent learning, management of our behaviour, establish the importance of Growth Mindset and get back to school-based learning.  We have all been keen to get back to that!  Here are some of the things that we have been doing.



Skellig by David Almond has been the focus for grammar, punctuation and writing.  Within this text we have focused on characters and setting, diary and narrative story writing as well as writing a non chronological report about Owls or Eagles.




We have welcomed the introduction to Power Maths as our lead in teaching and learning the Year 6 maths curriculum.  During this term we have covered the following topics:

  • Place value  with numbers up to 10,000,000
  • Rounding
  • Negative numbers
  • Addition and subtraction word problems
  • Multiplication of a 4-digit number by 1-digit and 2-digit numbers
  • Division using short division methods and long division


Topic - Our Voice

Sadly, Year 6 were not able to visit the Houses of Parliament this year but we were fortunate to be able to have access to the fantastic Education Department  at the Houses of Parliament.  With a virtual tour and Q&A session, we were able to find out about our democratic voting system, the role of MPs and what happens in both the House of Commons and the House of Commons.  Within this topic we also looked at how historical evidence helps us to find out information about the past, studying the Gunpowder Plot, the Suffragettes and how parliament has developed into how it is today.

What happens at the Houses of Parliament?


Portraits have been the focus for this half term.  The work culminated in portraits being drawn and painted of politicians and peers in the House of Lords.  Take a look and see who you can spot!


Members of Parliament, Lords and Baronesses

Hopefully you could spot our current Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, Rishi Sunak, Jess Phillips, Nadim Zahawi, Lord Sugar, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson and Baroness Floella Benjamin.


So an amazing Autumn 1 - here we go ready for Autumn 2.
