Hello Year 3,
We can’t believe it is this time of year already and time to say goodbye to you all! It has been a very unusual end to the year for all of us and we are very sad to be saying goodbye. We are super proud of all of you for how you have coped throughout the lockdown and home learning period - you are all amazing! We have really enjoyed seeing photos of what you have been up to this term and of your work and we are looking forward to still receiving these next week, they really do brighten up our day! So a big thank you for sending it to us.
This week, the planning is in a different format, we have made the learning more flexible and we have set you a maths and English project for the week. We will still set Mathletics for you and we have changed your reading books so you have new books to read. Please note, the books will not be changed again now, but you will have access to all of the books you have read already in your online library. We know how excited you all about starting Year 4 and you will receive a separate email from us with a transition project from your new teacher. We hope you enjoy finding out about your new teacher and they are looking forward to finding out about you!
We are really looking forward to our whole class Zoom session next week, where we will celebrate our time in Year 3. We hope you can all make it, you will receive a separate email with your invite. We wish you all a lovely summer holiday and hope that you have time to relax and have fun together. Please continue to stay alert, stay safe and keep washing your hands, to help us keep all our community safe. Come September, we will hopefully be returning to some sense of normality in school but Mrs Tailby will keep you posted in her letters.
Best wishes,
Miss Vernon and Miss Thijssen