India Topic Day
This term we had a wonderful day dancing and cooking. We spent two hours with dance teachers Rebecca & Rebecca to learn two Bollywood dances. We perfected special hand movements called mudras, and shimmed and shook in time to the music. We then put our best smiles on and wowed our parents with our amazing, energetic performances. When we weren’t dancing we were cooking. We prepared some delicious chapattis and a special Indian dip called raita
Our Soup-er Day!
Today we made soup as part of our D&T project. Last week we tasted lots of soups, this help us decide on the flavours which we like and those we were not so keen on. Then we decided on the ingredients we needed and we each brought in 1 ingredient from home. We worked very sensibly as part of a team to peel and chop the vegetables. We had to be very careful as the knives were sharp! Once the soups had simmered, we blended them until they were smooth. Finally the fun part—tasting! Our soups were delicious; we could taste chillis, garlic, tomatoes, basil, red and yellow peppers, leek and potatoes.
Stone Age Art
In our art lessons we looked at examples of cave art found across the world. We talked about the why cave paintings depict so many animals. We also thought about how Neolithic people created paint. We thought they might use blood, mud, berries and charcoal. We went into the forest school area and crushed and ground charcoal with sticks and stones. We added oil and used sticks, stones, leaves and feathers to apply our paint . We painted animals on to pieces of wood we found. It was a lot trickier and messier than we thought it would be!
Monday 16th April
Stone Age Topic Day
What a busy day we have head learning about the Stone Age. In class we completed a stone age challenge; we imagined we had been transported back in time, we had no food, water, shelter or clothing—how would we survive? What should we do first? How and what would we eat? In our table groups deicide that finding water was our priority, some of the group decided to hunt for food, but weapons had to be made first. Others in the group gathered food, (berries, leaves, nuts) that is because Stone Age people living in theMesolithic age were hunter gatherers. Once food had been hunted, fires were made to cook food, animal skins could also be used for clothing.
Next we went out in the forest school area to make tools of out own; axes, arrows, spears and bows. We found out that Mesolithic hunters mainly used spears but Neolithic hunters made bows and arrows. In the afternoon we learnt about Stonehenge and used watercolours to create beautiful Stonehenge sunsets.
Summer Topic Tracker
Here is a brief overview of curriculum content for this half term.
Week |
Maths |
English |
Science |
Topic |
1 |
Fractions |
Newspaper Recount |
Rocks And Soil |
Stone Age |
2 |
Fractions |
3 |
Fractions |
4 |
Time |
5 |
Time |
Play Scripts
6 |
Time |
What an exciting few weeks we have had, Professor McGinty visited us last week and took us on an exciting adventure back to the Ancient Egyptian times. We had lots of fun hearing stories, learning new facts and looking at lots of artefacts. Some of the artefacts we examined were papyrus, scarab beetles, baskets for collecting grain and much more. We even got to look at a mummified cat! During the day, we also made our own Egyptian flat breads, papyrus and our own artefact out of clay.
Lego Innovation Day
Here are a few pictures from our Lego Innovation day. We followed instructions to build a special fishing rod, pulley block and giant fish. It was really important that we helped each other, showed great patience as well as using our super problem solving skills. We then put our fishing rods into action and investigated the difference in effort and speed using a single or double pulley comparing the actual results to our predictions.
Egyptian Introduction Day
What a busy and exciting start to the Spring Term! To begin our Egyptian topic we spent the day completing activities, challenges and puzzles related to daily life in Ancient Egypt. In maths we used our problem solving skills to make pyramids and tried to spot patterns and predict how many cubes there would be in each pyramid, depending on the number of layers. We learned that Egyptians wrote on hieroglyphs and had a go at writing our own names. For fun we used our teamwork skills to make the best mummy using toilet roll! In the afternoon we werearchaeologists, digging up Ancient Egyptian artefacts and making deductions abut what they might be. We examined a timeline and discovered that Ancient Egyptian society began a VERY long time ago. We also used our art and observation skills to make collars in the style of those worn by wealthy Ancient Egyptians.
Pneumatic Models
Have a look at the fantastic rainforest models we have made in Design & Technology. Each model uses a pneumatic system to make part of it move. We showed super team work skills as we collaborated to design, make and decorate our animals.
Year Three’s Brilliant Biscuit Sale!
What a busy day we have had raising funds for the WWF! We used our maths skills to measure and weigh ingredients, great team work was needed to collaborate as a group; we took turns to mix, rub, stir and roll the biscuit dough. Our decorating skills showed wonderful creativity too. After school we sold our biscuits, using a our maths skills again to calculate totals and give change.
All of our hard work paid off as we raised over £170 for the World Wildlife Fund
Brandon Marsh Trip
We had an fantastic trip to Brandon Marsh Nature Centre. We had lots of fun pond dipping, bird watching, mini beast hunting and finding out about food chains. We spotted lots of different types of birds, found many mini beasts and caught lots of pond creatures. We used identification sheets and keys to identify the creatures. We also learnt about primary and secondary producers and consumers.
Pond Dipping.
Examining the creatures.
Identifying what we have found.
Bird Watching.
Mini beast hunting.
Have a listen to the backing tracks for our assembly and learn the words by Monday 9th October.
Welcome to the Year Three page!
What a busy and exciting start we have had to the year. All the children are thrilled with our new trim trail. Thank you FOBS for all hard work and fundraising.
Rainforest Hunt
On Monday 11th we used the Forest School as a starting point for our rainforest topic. We searched high and low, for pictures of animals and fact cards. When we found them all, we gathered together to decide if the animals were rainforest animals, or creatures which would be found in temperate forests. We discussed the fact cards and asked some excellent, thoughtful questions of our own. Rainforests are amazing places and we can’t wait to find out more about them!
Talk For Writing ‘Hook’
When we came into our classroom on Tuesday 12th September, something mysterious was waiting for us; an egg! But who did it belong to? Attached to the egg was a message from the owner, it had left us clues around the school to follow. We had to read each riddle carefully and think about the location it described. We followed the clues and found a dragon! The Dragon is now watching over our classrooms. We are reading a dragon non-chronological report as a model for our own report writing.
Topic Tracker
Here is a brief overview of curriculum content for this half term.
Week |
Maths |
English |
Science |
Topic |
1 |
Place Value – hundreds, tens & ones |
Non-chronological reports - reading |
Habitats |
Rainforests |
2 |
Place Value – hundreds, tens & ones |
Non-chronological reports – reading & planning |
3 |
Place Value – hundreds, tens & ones |
Non-chronological reports - writing |
4 |
Addition – adding mentally |
Non-chronological reports – editing & publishing |
5 |
Addition – standard written method |
6 |
Subtraction – subtracting mentally |
7 |
Subtraction – standard written method |