Home Learning Week Beginning 22nd June 2020
Hello Blackbirds and Starlings!
So, we continue along our rainbow... we've seen red, orange, yellow and now it's time to think of all things green. I wonder what that makes you think of? There are lots of lovely activities planned below. We hope you enjoy them. It's been fantastic to see many of you in school but also to see photos of what the rest of you have been up to at home. Keep them coming to the year group email account. Year1bps@welearn365.com. We are also looking forward to some virtual meetings soon as well! Look out for an email about this very soon.
Keep up your great work. We are really proud of all our families for the fantastic effort put in by you all with home learning. Take care.
Mrs Pinkerton and Miss Smith.
This week's planner (click to enlarge):