All of the information below was sent on via email on 26.6.20. If you did not receive an email , please contact us at
Here is this week's learning overview:
(Click the image to open as a PDF document)
Day 1
Read the extracts contained in the PowerPoint below, as you are reading consider these questions:
What are the qualities of a hero / heroine?
How do heroes / heroines act?
How do they treat others?
What do heroes / heroines looks like?
Do all heroes have the same qualities?
Complete a heroes / heroines mind map using ideas from the extracts you have been provided with. You can also include information on any heroes and heroines, real or imaginary you have read or heard about.
Day 2
Create your own mythical hero or heroine then write a fact file or a short biography about him / her.
Remember heroes don’t need to physically strong! Intelligence, mental strength, resilience, kindness, selflessness are heroic qualities too
Here is an example of a fact file - yours does not have to be this detailed, but you might want to use some of the content to help you.
Day 3
Choose 1(*,**,***) of the SPAG sheets to complete.
Here are this week's spellings:
Complete the word search and spelling sheet below
Day 4
Heroes and heroines need situations in which to be heroic!
These could be:
Quests / journeys : to find an object or rescue someone
Task / challenge: to face a creature / escape from a situation
A problem to solve
Think back to all the myths you have read over the past two weeks, use these as inspiration to help you think of different quests your hero / heroine could go and exciting challenges and problems they could face.
Complete the table below with your ideas.
There are no longer any White Rose teaching videos and worksheets which follow how our curriculum in school would. Therefore, everything you need for each lesson will be on a PowerPoint (attached below). Each lesson (Monday, Wednesday) will include:
You will still be set Mathletics on Tuesday and Thursday.
Optional activities
Art - Last week you might have started to create your own Ancient Greek pot using your design from Week 3. Continue with your pot by adding some colour and paint to it. Send in a picture of the end result, we would love to see it.
If you haven't started your pot yet, you can make a start this week. This pot should represent YOU. To make the pots, you can either use clay (if you have it at home), paper mache or salt dough. Think about what shape you want your pot to be. The instructions for all methods are on the PowerPoint below.
Topic - This week we would like you to find out more about Athens and Sparta - two very important but very different cities in Ancient Greece.
Read the Powerpoint and follow the links below.
Optional tasks:
Complete a comparison table or
Create a poster to persuade an Athenian to live in Sparta or Spartan to live in Athens.
ICT - Continue adding to your Ancient Greece website. Lots of you have worked so hard on them already!
PE - Chance to Shine Cricket - Week 2, Brilliant Bowler.