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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Home Learning Week Beginning 15th June

Home Learning Week Beginning 15th June


Hello Kingfishers and Swallows! We hope you enjoyed Chicken Licken last week. We certainly enjoyed your artwork of 'skies falling down'! 


Our story focus this week is Aliens in Underpants Save the World by Claire Freeman. Although we are sad not to be sharing this silly story with you in person, we hope that lots of you will enjoy this funny story and have a go at some of the extended activities provided. We look forward to seeing some of your space themed work and adventures! Please send in your photos for the website if you'd like to share them. 




Maths this week is focused on 2D and 3D shapes, using White Rose online Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and Mathletics on Tuesday and Thursday. As always, there are additional activities using objects around your house if you would like to try learning away from the screen. The suggested activities and White Rose worksheets can be found below. 


Next week is World Refugee Week, celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees. We've added some additional resources and reading to look at with your child below. 


Finally, we've been inspired by the Year 5 teachers to create a new page on our Year 2 webpage called 'What the Year 2 staff have been up to'! If you'd like to find out what's been keeping us busy this week, please click the link on the previous page. Spoiler alert... someone has had a haircut!


Please know that we are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Don't hesitate to get in touch, even if it's just to say hello - it's always lovely to hear from you.


Best wishes,


Year 2 Team 

Congratulations Kingfishers!
