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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Sporting Achievements

KS1 Girls' Football Event

Some of our children from the KS1 Girls' Football Club represented Bridgetown at Alcester Town Football Club in a skills-based session.  The players highlighted the strength of our team with their confidence and control with the ball. An amazing celebration of girls' football, thank you to the parents who came to support too. 


Netball Workshop with Shottery Girls Grammar School


This week, the Year 5 Herons class were fortunate to spend the afternoon with some pupils from Shottery Girls Grammar School.  Our visitors delivered a fun-filled netball session which focused on skill development, games and most of all fun!  Thank you SGGS!

Netball 05.02.2024

Well done to the group of seven year 5 pupils who represented our school so well at a netball workshop and tournament held at Warwick school.  The team took part in four workshops which focused on the skills needed to play netball and then played in the pool stages of the tournament which hosted around eighteen teams from local primary schools.  Our team won two games and lost two games and had a brilliant morning with lots learned as well as having fun.  Well done year 5.

Cross country 20.01.2024 


We are very proud of all the Bridgetown runners that took part in the cross country last Saturday, at the Stratford High School. It was fantastic to see so many children, from lots of different schools, get together to enjoy their sport. Fleur in Year 5 said " It was amazing! I had so much fun running around the track and the field and I am going to keep practising so that I am even faster next time!" Well done to all that joined, and many thanks to the parents for taking the time to ensure that the children could go.


Year 6 have had a great opportunity to explore the basics of playing the game of Squash over the past 2 weeks with specialised coaching sessions provided by Stratford Squash Club. The children learnt how to strike and return the ball with a racquet at speed with some of them learning to rally too. Both afternoons were ‘high energy’ and certainly kept everyone on their toes. Jaime, Summer-Rose, Logan and Nithila were all awarded ‘Best improved players’ for the sessions. Thank you to David and Ian for such expert coaching and patience with us all as well as the free one-lesson vouchers which each child received at the end of the sessions.

Girls Football 19.12.24


We took a fantastic team of Bridgetown girls to the 'Girls Play' event at Stratford Football Club. It was a great combination of some of the more experienced year 6 girls as well as some newer participants who haven't played at these competitions before.  The girls played 6 games, and won every single one, only letting one goal in against them during all 6 games.  It was fantastic to see the sportsmanship, kindness and teamwork between these girls.  Well done to all, and we are looking forward to the next event! 

Gamechanger Assembly 19.12.2023


We were very fortunate today to be visited by an FA representative and two female football players from Stratford-upon-Avon School.  Year 5 and our House Captains attended an assembly designed to change attitudes towards girls playing football, to encourage all pupils to accept and include in football anyone who wants to play, regardless of their skill and ability.  The assembly focused on the recent success of The Lioness' and showed us just what can be done by anyone who has the support and access to do what they love!


Following the assembly, the girls participated in a football session led by the Gamechangers whilst our House captains observed and took part so they can pass the knowledge and messages onto the Year 4 pupils in the new year.

Girls Football 30.11.2023

What a fantastic team of girls who represented our school at a game against Claverdon Primary School!  They worked hard as a team to listen to the coach (Amelia's dad) against a very strong team who were determined to push us as much as possible.  Our girls kept a cool head and came away with a win....just!  7-8 to us!  Well done girls, it was a very cold, but successful, evening.

Cross Country 18.11.2023


It was fantastic to see so many cross country runners on Saturday morning at Stratford High School.  The children were incredible, every single one finished their race, with many finishing within the top 20. We are very proud of all of you!  It was especially nice to see many new runners, and we hope we see all of them back in our future races. 

The plan is to have a cross country event each month until April so watch this space.


A special congratulations to Ollie in Year 4 and Amelie in year 6 who both came first in their race.   Many thanks also to all the parents for giving up their Saturday morning to support us.

Netball Tournament  

On Monday 22nd May, our netball team took part in the Stratford Cluster netball tournament, an event that has not taken place since 2019 due to Covid.  Our team were outstanding; they showed great team spirit, consistently supporting and encouraging each other; determination to work hard at all times and strong sportsmanship.  We won our three pool matches, then our semi-final against The Dassett and then in the final against Thomas Jolyffe, Sophie's shot went in just as the hooter sounded to give us the win 5 points to 4!  Well done to every player in the team and in our club, you all deserve this win.  A huge thank you to the umpires, all students at Stratford upon Avon School - they were excellent.

New sand! 

New sand for the high jump pit!  A big thank you to the Year 5 Swans who gave up their lunch time to distribute the sand to the pit!  

Cricket festival

On Thursday, 18 May we took 14 excited Year 5 girls to the Stratford Cricket club for a cricket festival with the cluster schools.  They all  thoroughly enjoyed learning new skills, followed by playing two games for each team.  As always, the Bridgetown pupils behaved beautifully and showed great sportsmanship.  They all had the best time in the sunshine! Many thanks for Mrs Du Preez for volunteering with the walk there and back.



The Year 1's and 2's were in for a treat on Tuesday, 7th March as Nigel from the Stratford Cricket Club came to teach them.  Each class had a full lesson, practising both fielding and batting. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and each received a band as a souvenir. There are spaces available at the cricket club if your child is interested to join the club!

Netball 14.02.2023


On Tuesday, we took a team to Thomas Jolyffe Primary School to enjoy a netball game in the sunshine!  Both teams were fantastic, showing great team spirit, sportsmanship and excellent netball skills.  We were lucky to take the win, 11-13.  Well done team!

Cross Country 31.01.2023


On Tuesday afternoon we took 42 runners to the cross-country event at the Recreation Ground, to compete against the other cluster schools.  The top 8 from each group will then go on to represent Stratford at the regional cross country at the Croft in March.  It was fantastic to see so many keen runners on this sunny afternoon, and the teamwork and sportsmanship was outstanding.  We are still waiting for the official results, but we are very proud of each and everyone of them for pushing themselves as far as they could! Many thanks to the parent volunteers who joined us on the day.



On Monday 16th January, our netball team won their game against Stratford Prep School, 8-10!  The team were amazing on a very chilly evening.  They worked hard, supported each other and demonstrated just how much progress they have made since our last game.  A huge well done to each and every one of them.

Cross Country


After having trials at school for Year 5 and 6, we took 28 children to the Recreational Grounds for the cluster cross country.  They all did very well, and showed great sportsmanship when encouraging each other. There were many top 10's, and a special congratulations goes to Amelie, who won the Year 5 girls' race. Don't they look smart in our new Bridgetown bibs? 


We can't wait for the trials for Year 4 and 5, and their cluster meeting on November 10th. 

Sports Day 2022

How fantastic to host our first Sports Day with spectators since 2019! We were so grateful to have an audience for our Sports Day this year. The children competed for their house team, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald or Amber, earning points towards their total. We were so proud of all the children and their positive team spirit. We also enjoyed watching the parents compete in egg and spoon races too! Congratulations to the Amber house, who were the winning house in both KS1 and KS2. 



Girls' football tournament


On Tuesday afternoon (21st of June),  girls in Year 4 and Year 5 took part in the girls' football tournament, to celebrate the Women's Euros being held in England this summer. It was a great afternoon and all the girls played brilliantly!  The teams had to play 3 and 4 games respectively which was no mean feat in the blazing sunshine.  It was fantastic to see the enthusiasm of the girls, and the great team work throughout all the matches.  Both teams did us proud, and a special congratulations to the Year 4 team, who won all their matches and are now through to the School Games County Finals in Coventry!  Many thanks also to all the parents that came to support the event. 

Year 2's Tennis workshop 


On Tuesday 21st June,  the children were invited to Stratford Tennis club for a free taster session. They had great fun learning ABC: Agility, Balance and Coordination. They learned how to control a ball, use a racket and had a mini game with a partner. They were all engaged, well behaved and polite. They also received an extra free session invite to take home. Well done Kingfishers and Swallows for a great morning out!

Athlete Visit


What an amazing morning we had with Darren Harris, the blind footballer who came to our school to inspire us to be more active.  The children first spent time in the hall with him, completing a variety of activities.  Darren then held a KS1 and KS2 assembly to share with us his story of his sporting achievements.  He challenged children and staff to wear a blindfold and experience the challenges faced with trying to dribble a ball to another player, something he makes looks so very easy!

Girls Football 


After a long wait and a lot of training, the girls football team were finally able to put their practice into action!  The team played Bishopton (31.03.22) at home and although they lost 2-4, they worked hard as a team and learnt a lot about the game and teamwork.  They are already looking forward to continuing their training and playing more matches.



We were very lucky to be able to host the year 12 girls from Shottery on Wednesday afternoon (09.03.2022).  The 9 girls all had prepared different drills and activities and our Year 6's thoroughly enjoyed the lesson! 

Cross Country 


We are very proud of all the children that took part in the Cluster Cross Country at the rec in Stratford this very wet Wednesday afternoon. The children were so excited and the wet weather only added an extra element of challenge. It was fantastic to see the great sportsmanship, as all participants were cheering and encouraging each other.  A very well done to Martha, Katherine, Ava, Eva, Daisy, Lilly, Daniel, Jovun, Adam, Toby, George and Noah! 


We are delighted that 10 children from Bridgetown have now been shortlisted to represent Stratford in Rugby, 12 March.  Watch this space! 


Hockey workshop

A group of Year 6's took part in a hockey workshop and games on Friday 15 October. They had a wonderful time learning new skills and tricks which they later put in practice playing the games.  They played brilliantly and came 4th out of 12 schools.  A very well done to  Jack Rosenthal, Jack Rossiter, Clemmie, Rhys, Ava, Ellie, Joe and Boran! 

Cricket Festival

On Wednesday (6 October), ten Year 6 girls went to the Cricket festival in Stratford.  After a brilliant workshop with Josh, they played a match against Bishopton.  The girls were fantastic and although it was a very close game, the Bridgetown girls won!  Very well done to Ellie-Mae, Eva, Minke, Amitola, Niamh, Tierney, Daisy, Scarlet, Erica and Lena.  We are looking forward to many more sporting opportunities!

Football news



Thomas Jolyffe 0 - 5 Bridgetown. 

Our Year 6 football team travelled over to Thomas Jolyffe Primary on Thursday afternoon (7 Oct) for our second fixture of the season. The team played towards an emphatic victory, scoring 5 goals against our hosts while conceding none.

Swimming Achievements Year 6


Our current year 6 contains 56 children. Below is a table of the number of children and their swimming outcomes within this year group.


Outcome Number
swim confidently, competently and proficiently over at least 25 metres 50
use a range of strokes effectively 50
perform safe self rescue in different water-based situations 34


The Bridgetown Cup!


In June 2019, we hosted our very first Bridgetown Cup! Eight of the Stratford schools were invited to participate in this football tournament: Bridgetown, Bishopton, St Gregory’s, Stratford Primary, The Willows, Thomas Jolyffe, Alveston and Shottery Primary. The quality of football was fantastic, with some very close games and a league table that could only be decided through goal difference (take a look below). However, despite such high levels of talent, it was our very own boys who were triumphant and, after a tough final, were able to lift the trophy. Well done Bridgetown on winning this very well-earned trophy. Hopefully it will be the start of many to come.




Athlete Visit by Kristian Thomas


We were delighted to welcome Olympic athlete, Kristian Thomas, into school before half term. We were all extremely excited to join in with the whole school sponsored exercise circuit which he led. Our House Captains supported the day, helping Kristian Thomas run the event for the children across school. They had the privilege of having a close up view of one of his medals! See the photo below. Later, we were astonished by his fascinating and inspirational story and demonstrations in assembly. 


Thanks to the success of this event and your fantastic support, we have managed to raise a staggering  £2382.82 ! Keep your eye on this page to see how this money will be well-spent on some much-needed sports equipment to boost our PE in school.


Thanks again everyone!

Netball Report!


We have had a fantastic start to our netball this year. We have had a mix of results, with two wins and one loss. Both of our wins, we won by A LOT of points. The team is very proud of what we have achieved already and we are sure we will win even more by the end of the year.


In netball at St Gregory's we unfortunately lost 2 - 0, but it was still an amazing game because we didn't give up! In the first half they scored 2 goals so in the second half we did better and didn't let them score any more. In our second match against Alveston we won 16 - 0 which is brilliant!!! In our first match we lost so we were even more determined to win this match, and we did. Our last match this term was against Thomas Jolyfe and once again we won! We were extremely thrilled about it as the scores were 20 - 3 and it was out best match yet. YAY! Everyone thought the matches were super fun and we never gave up. 




By Matilda & Evelyn - 6TL

Football Fixtures and Results


Boys' Results:

Bridgetown P - P St Greg's

Bridgetown 3 - 1 The Willows

Bridgetown 1 - 0 Thomas Jolyffe

Stratford Primary 1 - 1 Bridgetown

Bishopton P - P Bridgetown

St Greg's 0 - 4 Bridgetown

Bridgetown 3 - 0 Stratford Primary

Stratford Prep. School P - P Bridgetown

Bridgetown 1 - 1 Bishopton

Bridgetown 12 - 3 Alveston


(P = Postponed) 


Girls' Results:


Thomas Jolyffe 0 - 1 Bridgetown

The Willows 1 - 1 Bridgetown

Shipston 3 - 3 Bridgetown


They're at it again!

The boys have bagged their second win to begin an undefeated run for this football season. The game was close and looked destined to be a nil - nil draw, but an excellent team goal, which saw the ball passed between each player on the team before going in, resulted in a 1 - 0 victory for us. Well done boys!


Bridgetown 1 - 0 Thomas Jolyffe


Our very own fan who watched from Denim wrote about the game from his own viewpoint:


On the 4th of October, Bridgetown had a match against Thomas Jolyffe and like all the time Bridgetown won. It was 1-0. It was really an exciting match because everyone was kicking the ball everywhere! But suddenly the ball was dribbled into the Thomas Jolyffe box and the away team were crowding our players, trying to get the ball back. Then it was passed to Oliver who kicked it straight in the goal. Thomas Jolyffe didn’t score a goal which was sad for them but good for us. The man of the match  was Oliver for scoring that amazing goal.


Written by Gabriele - 6TL

Boys Football

Well done to the Bridgetown boys football team who secured their first victory this week against The Willows. After a long, exciting and tiring match, the score was 1 - 1. One goal each and the game seemed destined to be a draw. However, a moment of magic saw a long range effort from our own half lob the Willows goal keeper, giving Bridgetown a 2 - 1 lead with seconds remaining. The boys were obviously excited and pumping with adrenaline, as less than a minute after the game was restarted, a third goal was put past the opposition defence. The final whistle blew and the boys had their first win. Top effort!


The game was filled with intelligent passing, team encouragement and great spirit, so no surprise really that Bridgetown pulled through. Thomas Jolyffe next week, can we keep this great team spirit up and maintain an undefeated run? 


Bridgetown 3 - 1 The Willows

The Daily Mile is Here!


The children of Bridgetown Primary School have been taking part in an exciting new initiative over the first Autumn half-term.  The children and teachers have been taking 15 minutes a day to exercise and enjoy the fresh air by running, jogging or even walking at their own pace around our school field. Most children have been averaging a mile during these 15 minutes, with some doing more and some doing less. But the idea is that it has been non-competitive and rather than officially recording laps, the children have enjoyed challenging themselves, independently setting personal targets and most importantly, achieving the 15 minutes in a style which suits them. We have challenged Bridgetown to collectively run the distance of the Great Wall of China over the first half-term. That's 13,171 miles! Challenge accepted!


Why are we doing this?


 As well of teaching the children the importance of daily exercise and how we can make that part of our daily routine, we believe that offering the children this chance to join in with daily exercise should be beneficial to their physical, social, emotional and mental health, and well-being. It can help children to focus and concentrate in the classroom and raise their attainment. But, of course, most importantly, the children really enjoy it! 


As you can see, even the teachers are enjoying it!

The Daily Mile.mp4

Still image for this video

Bridgetown Newtball Team 2015Netball


Well done to the Bridgetown netball team who came third in the 2015 Stratford-upon-Avon Schools' Competition.


Thanks to Miss Thijssen, Mrs Rees and Mrs Pinkerton for their coaching and support.

Bridgetown Represented on South Warwickshire Cross Country Team


Two of our Year 6 pupils made it through the heats to represent Bridgetown in the South Warwickshire Cross Country Team. We are hugely proud of Thomas' and Daniel's achievement and of their performance at the final, on what was a hilly and challenging course.


