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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Equality & Diversity

Bridgetown Primary School is a successful school which strives to equip pupils as independent individuals who are able to contribute fully and thrive in our complex, multi-faceted society as lifelong learners.


We believe the strength and character of our successful school lies with its ability to create an inclusive learning environment enriched by working with the wider community.


The primary aim of Bridgetown Primary School is to enable all pupils to take part as fully as possible in every part of school life by developing each child’s self-confidence, recognising their strengths and encouraging them to achieve their full potential.


At Bridgetown Primary School we will take steps to advance equality of opportunity, foster good relations and eliminate discrimination or harassment across all the protected characteristics (age, race, gender reassignment, disability, marriage and civil partnership, religion and belief, pregnancy and maternity, gender, sexual orientation) within the school community.




      Click on the image to the left for a link to our accessibility plan and action plan.



      Where to look for further information...


      Please use the links below for further help and support relating to equality and diversity...

      Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID)

      The RNID runs a telephone/text service, produces information leaflets and fact sheets.

      Their publication ‘Deaf Students in Further Education’ gives a clear account of what learners may need whilst studying. It is available on their website.

      Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)

      The RNIB produces a wide range of resource materials which will be useful for learners. It runs a telephone information service and supports this by a range of fact sheets.

      Adult Dyslexia Organisation

      The ADO is provides support for dyslexic adults and resources for those working with dyslexic adults


      The Dyslexia Institute

      The Dyslexia Institute is a charity that specialised in the assessment and teaching of people with dyslexia. It looks at ways to improve the effectiveness of teaching and also focuses on the development of teaching materials

      Scope (national organisation for people with cerebral palsy)

      Scope produces information relevant to people with a physical disability. The Scope website offers a large quantity of useful information on-line but it also provides an index of additional publications that may be useful. The publications website is:


      NIACE – A national organisation that promotes adult learning. It has published several packs that are accessible for people with learning difficulties and books on different aspects of education for adults with learning difficulties.

      BILD (British Institute of Learning Disabilities)

      BILD is a not for profit organisation which exists to improve the quality of life for all people with a learning disability. It provides information, publications, training and consultancy services

      (MIND) The Mental Health Charity

      The aim of this charity is to advance the views, needs and ambitions of people with experience of mental distress, promote inclusion by challenging discrimination, influencing policy through campaigning and education and inspire the development of quality services which reflect expressed need and diversity.

      Warwickshire Local Authority Equality and Diversity.

      A resource base of further information for the local area.

