School Day
We have had busy school days and the Theme Parks are coming along well. Today, it is your turn to see how much profit o make over a month and then how this impacts each month.
We have had some of last year's Year 6s to help with the topic about making friends at secondary school. There are 5 short films for you to watch that discuss some of the questions you might have.
1. Complete posters, ride designs and costings activities from the previous two weeks challenges.
2. Work out your overall profits for the first month using the Task 5 worksheet on slides 2 and 3. If you have use of a computer with Microsoft Excel, you may want to try and use the spreadsheet I have made to help you quickly work this out.
3. Complete Task 6. Using the percentage increases to work out your profits for your first open season of your theme park. Ignore the numbers written in purple - I think they are left from last year and don't make sense!
4. Begin Task 7 – making improvements to your theme park. You can save money on your advertising if you design and make your own, so please send in any billboard/poster designs, radio jingles or TV adverts you might make in your improvements. You can apply a 25% discount to the costs of each advertisement you use if you do this.
Task 1: Write down or think about the qualities you look for in a friend.
Task 2: Watch the 5 short clips about making friends in Year 7.
Task 3: Write down 3 tips you have picked up from the films about making friends in Year 7 - share these with a grown up at home.
The films are only very short!
And finally
If you have any more time, finish any reading from your independent reading or Holes.
Thursday 18th June
Good morning Year 6, no need for your irrigation systems today - definitely a wet playtime day for us all! I hope that I am just in time for 9:00 and getting everything on the webpage for you to start your day but I have got a little distracted by going through our class email page and sorting all the emails into different folders from this week and last - you have done so much work! We are coming to the end of our Mayan topic so next week we will be concluding that and evaluating so please keep all of your Mayan work as we will refer to it .
Have a good day, Mrs Swanwick
1.Read Chapter 14 or listen to the audio book
2. Identify the meaning of the Americanisms and American English words and complete the table. Add any of your own that you know.
1. Watch Video: Can be viewed on the school website or through the link here:
2. Activity worksheet: ‘L4. Solve simple one step equations.’
1. Create your own Mayan food using either of the two recipes
Wednesday 17th June
Good morning Year 6 - nearly half way through the week. It looks like lots of you have been busy with letters home from Stanley, creating origami fish - they look amazing and beginning to make chocolate drinks! Please continue with this hard work. We know that it is sometimes hard to keep motivated, especially when we haven't been together for so long but you are doing so well and we can see the effort that lots of you are making - keep it going!
Thank you for the great contributions sent in already for your Year 6 Yearbook. Can you please try and send everything in by Friday so that Mr Lether and I can get started on putting it all together.
Have a good day, Mrs Swanwick
1. Recap on your letter plan from yesterday – make any changes
2. Using the CUPS and ARMS poster, similar to the ones we use in school, proof read and edit your letter.
3. Publish your letter either in your best handwriting or word process. Please email a copy in if possible. It may be annotated and illustrated with a few of Stanley’s drawings.
4. Read chapters 12 and 13 or listen to the audio book
1. Watch Video: Can be viewed on the school website or through the link here:
2. Activity worksheet: ‘L3. Substitution.’
3. Mathletics and/ TT Rockstars
Topic - Mayan Food
Continue with the topic work and activities from yesterday (Tuesday).
Tuesday 16th June
1. Recap on your letter plan from yesterday – make any changes.
2. Recap on the features of an informal letter. Using your plan, look at the features and think about the language, words and phrases that you might use for these features. This is a bit like our ‘boxing-up’. Complete the sheet or create own planning sheet.
3. Write your letter as Stanley.
Topic - Maya Food
1. Look at and read through the Powerpoint.
2. Create a Maya food inventory either from Maya foods that you might have in your cupboards or from the foods in the powerpoint.
3. Read about and research which food you think was more valuable to the Mayans. There are 3 different activity levels *, ** or ***. Choose the level of response that you want to give. Use the extra reading material on chocolate and corn to help you.
Monday 15th June
Good morning! Apologies for the delay updating this page this morning. Hopefully you have found all of the necessary tasks in the folder at the top of the page anyway.
1. Read Chapter 11 of Holes by Louis Sachar or listen to it on the video below.
2. Look at the picture and describe your feelings in words and phrases.
3. Write an outline plan for your letter to include the following:
Spelling & Punctuation
Complete the two proof reading exercises below and then check with the answers:
Keep up with your TTRockstars and Mathletics! New Mathletics has been set this morning.
Watch the video below about finding a rule then complete the activity worksheet document below the video.
World Oceans Day follow up
It was great seeing so many posters and hearing some of the speeches from last week’s Ocean’s Day Task. Some of you enjoyed it so much that we continued to look a little at it in school on Thursday. We looked at some of the content on the two links below (we particularly enjoyed the What ocean creature are you? quiz. Most of us came out as dolphins! What are you?).
We then began building a display for World Ocean’s Day so it would be great if we could add to it by:
1) Finishing your posters and/or speeches
2) creating one of these decorations in the link or thinking of your own which we could add to the display… make a moving fish decoration:
Please email or bring anything you have done in.