Welcome to the Spring term 2025
The Home Front - World War Two
This term, we will be finding out about life on The Homefront, understanding why the war began, the events of the evacuation of Dunkirk and evacuation. It is always a fascinating topic that captures everyone's hearts and minds and we welcome any stories from any of your family relatives whose lives were affected by the war.
What an exciting couple of weeks we've had! Working hard sewing together our rag toys, creating wonderful teddy bears and soft toys from old socks. Our sewing skills have really improved, so if anyone need a button sewing on - come and find our Year 4 children!!
As part of our World War Two topic, we also had a lovely day at Coventry Cathedral finding out about The Blitz, looking at the ruins of the original building and being inspired by the details of the beautiful new building. The children behaved impeccably and made some thoughtful origami peace doves to bring home with them.
Finally, we have also used our new found expertise and knowledge about electricity and circuits to make our own torches, what budding scientists we have in Year 4.
Yet another couple of exciting weeks in Year 4; we have been creating rainforest mood boards in art lessons using paint colour strips and pastels to create our designs. They are all looking fabulous! We have also been finding out more about digestion, and this week we saw how the whole system worked using a banana, a tangerine and a pair of tights!! It was definitely a lesson we are sure they won't forget for a while - eww!!
Along with that, we have also been reporters on the scene of the Blitz in Coventry ahead of our trip there next week...
We've had a super fun start to the term and the children have all arrived back to the new year raring to go for the Spring term. We have already had an action-packed couple of weeks. Our World War two topic launched with finding out about the reasons for the outbreak of the war. Then we went on to find out about evacuation and filled suitcases with what children were allowed to take with them. In English, we have been learning about mythical stories and have been using the book Arthur and the Golden Rope written by Joe Todd Stanton. We have also launched our library book challenge and we have well-known children's author Tom Percival coming in to visit us this half term!!
What a magical last couple of weeks we've had in school; Elfie and Elbert have continued to visit treating us to colourful tricks using Skittles! We have also had an amazing time feeling like real scientists creating complete circuits and lighting up bulbs, making motors whizz round as well as causing all sorts of fantastic noise with buzzers! We could have carried on our lessons all day. Wishing all of our Year 4 children's families a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Welcome to Year 4 2024-5
A warm welcome to the new school year from our Year 4 team; Mrs Coaché (Woodpeckers class teacher), Miss Osmond (Chaffinches class teacher), Mrs Tilford (Woodpeckers TA and Intervention Y4 TA), Ms Stenning (Chaffinches TA) and Mrs Vale (Woodpeckers TA Fridays). We are all excited for the months ahead with the Woodpeckers and Chaffinches classes!
We are excited to be kicking off the new school year with our Romans topic. We will start by finding out how The Romans lived and also how their legacy changed our lives forever. On Thursday, 19th September we will be travelling back in time all dressed up for our Roman Day!
PE lessons
PE lessons will be on Fridays, please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit. Year 4 will be having tag rugby coaching led by SDH Academy on Tuesday afternoons in the second half of the Autumn term, please ensure your child wears their PE kit to school on Tuesdays and Fridays for this half term. Thank you.
Reading books
Your child will have been issued with a reading book. Books will be changed on Mondays and Thursdays, the day your child will have their book changed is recorded in their reading diary.
Learning Conversations
These will come out via email staring on Friday, 13th September. Maths home work will be based on our KIRF and will go out in their homework books, to be returned by the following Thursday.
This year's Y4 production dates will be 6pm Wednesday, 9th April and 2pm Thursday, 10th April. Information will be sent out nearer the time.
We have had a busy start to this half term in Year 4, including starting our tag rugby coaching and learning how to score a try as well as using atlases to find mountain ranges and use scales to discover how high the mountains are. Mrs Goodwin kindly shared some photographs of herself up Snowdon so we got to see a real life mountain experience!
In Art, we have studied Hokusai's paintings...watch this space for our final prints in a couple of week's time!
Mighty Mountains!
Time to find your walking boots and put your best foot forward as this half term we are climbing high up our Mighty Mountains topic; finding out about the features of mountains as well as discovering more about mountains around the world!
We're once again diving into our 'Splash!' topic, finding out about the features of rivers from source to mouth, We'll also be spending time studying the work of artists David Hockey and creating our own water effect paintings!
The Homefront - World War Two
This term, we will finding out about life on 'The Homefront' learning about the reasons why the war began, the events of the evacuation of Dunkirk, rationing and much more. It is always a fascinating topic that captures everyone's hearts and minds and we love to hear about the family stories of relatives whose lives were affected.
Welcome to Year 4 2023-24
A warm welcome to the new school year from our Year 4 team; Mrs Coaché, Mrs Element, Mrs Puar, Mrs Tilford, Miss Stenning and Mrs Vale! We are all excited for the months ahead with the Woodpeckers and Chaffinches classes.
We are excited to be kicking off the new school year with our Romans topic. We will start by finding out how The Romans lived and also how their legacy changed our lives forever. On Wednesday, 28th September we will be travelling back in time all dressed up for our Roman Day!
PE lessons
PE lessons will be on Fridays, please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit.
Reading books
Your child will have been issued with a reading book. Books will be changed on Mondays and Thursdays, the day your child will have their book changed is recorded in their reading diary.