Home Learning week beginning 1st June
Welcome back to 'school' everyone and another week of home learning. We hope you've enjoyed a lovely, sunny break. Usually, at this time of year, we would be doing a transition topic with the reception and year two classes but, as things are a little different we've decided to embrace the rainbow theme that's been such a big part of our lives recently. So, week by week, you'll notice that we will be working through the colours of the rainbow with books and activities themed around that colour. We really hope you enjoy it; we've had a lot of fun planning and preparing for it.
So, our first colour is red. Below you will find all the planning and resources for our 'red' week (also sent via the year group emails). We know that some of you are coming into school for a day and some of you will be at home but we are still very much a year group team so you'll all be accessing the same learning opportunities. On the planning, you may notice a new box which lists the activities we intend to do in school along with that day's activities from the home learning planner. Feel free to dip into these as you choose if your child isn't coming in to school.
Take care, stay safe.
Best wishes.
Mrs Pinkerton and Miss Smith.