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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe


Learning Gird for Summer Term 1:



Reading and Writing


Topic related activities

Space Weeks 1, 2 and 3:


Revise phase 3

In Phase 4, no new graphemes are introduced. The main aim of this phase is to consolidate the children's knowledge and to help them learn to read and spell words which have adjacent consonants, such as trap, string and milk.

· said

· have

· like

· so

· do

· some

· come

· were

· there

· little

· one

· when

· out

· what

Revise reading: all Phase 3 tricky words

Cold task: write/scribe what we know about space


Find websites about space


Read  non-fiction books about space


Write a list of what you need in space


Talk 4 writing: features of factual writing

Write Space Facts about one planet


Retelling (verbally and simple written books) stories about space such as Man on the Moon

Whatever Next

Counting backwards from 20; saying one more or one less to 20; doing practical subtraction problems to 20

Ext: use knowledge of counting in 2s and 5s to say 2 less/5 less


Comparing random number and ordering number from smallest to largest.


Looking at teen numbers and place value

10s and 1s


Sharing and grouping

Cover balloons with paper Mache to create a solar system

Make rockets/mission control/moonscape in role play and outdoors

In groups, create an alien planet landscape to display the aliens

Make a ‘moon colony’ in outdoor area: plant ‘crops’ in garden i.e. beans, lettuce, carrots

Experiment with moving water in pipes – create a plumbing system

Experiment with different materials –which would protect us best in space/in water?

Making things that fly

Use digital cameras to record experiments

Learn songs about space

Sports Day

Painting aliens


Spelling: begin spelling books

(CVC words plus phase 2 tricky words)

Alien landing!

Supermarket on Mars


4 and 5

Read and write CVCC words like tent/camp/chest

Read and write CCVC words like stop/crab/sweet


Reading polysyllabic words such as:

Children helpdesk sandpit windmill softest lunchbox sandpit melting


Phase 4

Reading tricky words



phase 1 and 2 tricky words


Beegu – linked to Protective Behaviours – Early Warning Signs and being safe

Writing our imitated version of Beegu


Label and describe our own aliens


read and write list of items from story and innovate new items

Sun bun, jar of stars, snake cake, smelly jelly, rocks in a box, pink drink…

Shared writing: shopping list

Sheet – when I went to the supermarket on Mars I bought….

2D and 3D shapes used to make rocket ships and lunar vehicles


Counting in 10s

Adding in 10s


Doubling and halving



Spring Term 2 

Here is a taster of our plans for the half term. We are focusing on Traditional Tales and following our work on The Three Little Pigs we will be moving onto other tales including Jack and the Beanstalk. Miss Wilkes’ class will be having Forest school this half term on Thursday pm. The children can come to school wearing warm outdoor clothes. PE for Miss Wilkes’ and Miss Baxter’s class is on Thursday am / Mrs Holt’s class is Wednesday am. Please help your child to practise dressing and undressing.



Reading and Writing


Topic related activities






Traditional Tales

The 3 Little Pigs

Weeks 1-4

Revising all phase 3 digraphs


Spelling tricky words he she me we be was my you they all are


Reading CCVC and CVCC words


Tricky words said some


Phoneme spotters phase 3

Handwriting cursive script


Talk 4 writing: story map to orally retell the story


Writing speech bubbles – what the characters might say


Innovating story to retell with different characters


Writing a character description


Writing captions for photos


Writing signs – beware of the wolf


Writing our own little books to build up independent writing skills




Using. Describing and naming 3D shapes to junk model


Estimating and counting to check how many


Conservation of number – beginning to count on


Comparing amounts knowing more/fewer than with quantity and numeral.


Comparing weight using scales

· Pancake day – Mr Wolves Pancakes

· World Book Day 7th March

· Lego challenge

· Reading chair

· Sharing books from home

· Making masks and puppets

· Invite parents into school to talk about different occupations

· Junk modelling – making secure joins to build a materials transporter for the pigs or a building e.g a giant’s castle

· Outside area – building site, using bricks, blocks and mixing sand and water.

· Using tools – hammers and tacks

· Looking at different types of houses around the world

· Ball skills in PE and using small apparatus

Spring Term 1 in Reception

Here is an overview of our learning for the next half term... click on the grid for a closer look.

Autumn Term 2 in Reception







Reading and Writing 


Topic related activities 

Bonfire Night and 


Learning phonemes 

Pre writing activities e.g threading beads  

CVC word and picture matching 

 Recognising numerals 

Firework subtraction: 

 Subtraction songs 

  • Firework pictures using splosh ICT/ paint 

  •  Introducing The Taking care project 

  • Thinking about poppy day and finding out what it means 

  • Introducing Our Characteristics of effective learning puppets 

Diwali – linked to our fire and festivals topic 

Learning phonemes: ng, v, oo, y 


tricky words: 

spelling CVC words with magnetic letters 

spelling tricky words I/ the/ to/ no/ go with magnetic letters 

guided reading 

groups and 1:1 reading 

Create individual story map to retell the story of  Rama and Sita – defeating a monster genre 

subtraction: practical taking away of amounts and jumping back using a number line 

writing number sentences  with 

 -         =   symbols 






  • Make Diva lamps out of quick dry clay 

  • Create a Diwali dance to retell the Rama and Sita story 

  • Listen to visitors explain how Diwali is celebrated and share experiences 

  • Create Mehndi hand patterns using fine brush and black paint 

  • Create Rangoli patterns 

  • Monkey army lego bridges 

  • Bread tasting 

  • Smelling spices 


  • Attend dress rehearsal of Advent Service performed by Year 2 and Carol service performed by Junior children 

  • Rehearse and perform Christmas production 

  • Think about how Christmas is celebrated by others and share our experiences 

  • Role play Christmas shop and post office, wrapping and weighing parcels 

  • Comparing  the seasons, months of the year, days of the week, and hours of the day 

  • Belgrade Theatre trip 



Learning phonemes: qu, ou/ow, oi 

Ue, er/ir/ur, ar 

revise tricky words and begin to spell them 

continue to spell CVC words with magnetic letters 

handwriting: letter families cursive script 

Create class advent calendar 

The Nativity story 



2D and 3D shape 

Comparing weight 

and length 

Measuring time 




Dates for your diary …….. 


Week Beginning 



RKH/JT to begin Forest school (Thurs) 

Open Day 

Anti- Bullying Day 

Poppy Day 


14th  11.45 Reception parents roast lunch 

 Children in Need (Fri) 


Individual school photographs 


All clubs end this week 

YR2 Advent assembly for the children 


Christmas Fayre  (Fri 7th ) 


Nativity performances EYFS and Y1 

Wed  5.30pm / 

Thurs 5.30pm  

EYFS Theatre trip Coventry Belgrade theatre 

Santa’s Sparkly Surprise 


Wed School Christmas lunch 

Fri Break up for Christmas holidays 1.30pm 


Autumn Term 1 in Reception

Welcome to Bridgetown! 


The children are settling into Bridgetown with a familiar and popular story as the key theme. They are busy looking for bears!

Share the animated story together below:

We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen




 Many children find it difficult to explain what they are doing at school so here is a taster of our plans for the rest of the half term.

  Please make sure your child brings a water bottle to school each day. Many of you have registered for milk. If you haven’t yet registered, please do so as we only receive milk for those on the list. It is free until children turn 5yrs.

PE for Miss Holt’ is on Wednesday.  Miss Wilkes’ and Miss Heath’s class is on Thursday am.  Please help your child to practise dressing and undressing. We ask the children to bring in a PE kit by week 3- including shorts, top, trainers or pumps. We will be in bare feet in the hall for gymnastics and trainers for the ‘daily mile’.


Welcome coffee morning with FOBS

Monday 17th September in the hall.


Parent/carer pop in. Friday 21st September 3.15-3.30 a chance for your child to show you around their classroom and learning environment.



Phonics evening parents invited: Tuesday 2nd October(details and letter to follow)


Reading and Writing:


Mrs Turner and


Reading helpers

Miss Wilkes Monday


Mrs Holt and Miss Heath Wednesday



Maths parent forum led by Tim Dale Maths coordinator


(details to follow)

Topic related activities

In reception our planning remains flexible to enable us to adapt to the children’s needs and interests. Being flexible allows us to adjust the curriculum to where the children are in their learning and identify next steps. Here is a sample of some of the activities …



We’re Going On A Bear Hunt


Weeks 1-3


Sound discrimination:

Sounds all around us


Rhyming words: recognise rhymes, continue a rhyming string


Onset/initial  sounds – silly soup, socks and sand and silver spoons

Cats and crabs and crocodiles

Dogs and ducks and dinosaurs etc…



Talk 4 Writing: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt – learn and act out the story using key phrases


Talk 4Writing: make a class story map and story wall


Innovate ideas – What other ‘hunts’ could we go on? Which landscapes might we go under/over/through?


Talk 4Writing: Individual story maps to imitate and innovate – mark making and drawing


Recognising name, looking at letter shapes


Week 3 reading diaries and book from reading corner to rake home


Comparing and ordering objects by size and using mathematical language to make comparisons


Saying number names in order

Counting objects


Introduce numicon


Numeral recognition and ordering


3D and 2D shapes and patterns


  • Making new friends: circle time games
  • Self portraits
  • Going on a bear hunt in Forest school
  • Introduce class bear
  • Making a story wall with mixed media and different  art techniques: rolling, printing, collage, textured paint, pressing
  • Collage Bear Hunt
  • Body percussion and percussion instruments
  • PE: warm up games, parachute and introducing large apparatus to jump, climb and roll.
  • Start ‘Write Dance’ program for gross and fine motor skill development
  • Start ‘Dough Disco’ for fine motor development
  • Forest school (details to follow)
  • Introducing the daily mile (chn to walk/slow run for 10 mins – we don’t expect them to complete a mile!)
  • Role play Vets surgery
  • Introduce Charanga music scheme – nursery rhymes and simple rhythms
  • Visit from Avonvale Vets
  • Baking biscuits
  • Introducing guided reading
  • Making animal homes using a range of large and small construction items
  • Designing the ‘perfect pet’

Our Pets:

Weeks 4-8


Special friends: Year R children are paired with a year 6 child to share books in the library each week. They will also have special playtimes and buddy times together throughout the course of the year.


Please note we do not pair siblings or children that are known to each other. It is about establishing a new friendship!


Sound Talk: blending a word from its segmented sounds: c-a-t = cat ( to support reading)


Sound Talk: hearing sounds in words, identifying initial sounds


Letters and Sounds Phase 2:


tricky word -  I

i./n/m/d    - to

g/o/c/k – no/go

ck,e,u,r - the

letter sound recognition

segmenting and blending to read words

Start reading records

Talk 4 Writing: learn Dear Zoo; create class story map; innovate as a class and draw class innovated story  map

Talk 4Writing: make individual story maps to imitate and innovate Dear Zoo; which animals are sent?

Think of other animals…why would you send them back?


Rhymes of the week: from Rumble in the Jungle


Tell me a story:

Chn create own stories for class book:  scribed/read/performed to class each day


Other books focus: The Tiger who came to Tea

The Great Pet Sale

Mog and the Vet

Explore the concepts of ‘more’ and ‘less/fewer’, sorting sets of animals;


Using objects to find one more/one less?’


Creating graphs and comparing amounts

(favourite pets/favourite fruit)


Counting objects and matching the numeral


Looking at coins and counting using pennies


Introduce concept of addition and subtraction- counting on and counting back

Using objects to add more or take away - less



Things you can do at home…

Make a bear cave with junk

Go on a ‘bear hunt’ in the garden or park

Paint or draw your teddy bear

Draw a picture of your favourite pet

Do you have a pet at home? Take a photo or draw a picture and tell us about it!

We welcome children to bring in work or objects from home for ‘show and tell’ -  as long as they are related to the topic we are learning about.


ICT links to learning    Bear Hunt Michael Rosen performing    Song and action version



Ordering numerals

Shape sequencing

Take a look at what we have been up to below...


We built Bear Hunt trails using the large construction materials.

We used rollers and sponges to colour mix and print a Bear Hunt story wall. Swishy swashy!


The children used different containers to fill up the water trays. It was a bit tricky trying to find the right container and sometimes if we filled it to the top it was a bit heavy to carry! 

The children enjoyed digging, climbing, painting and finding in forest school. In PE we have been using the large apparatus to stretch, balance and jump.

Phonics Evening


Thank you to everyone who came along to our evening on phonics, reading and writing. Please find the links we mentioned on the night below and the presentation and handout. Thank you. 

