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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Home Learning Week Beginning 29th June

Home Learning Week Beginning 29th June


Hello Swallows and Kingfishers! We hope you have enjoyed the nice weather we have had over the last week. Our sunflowers have definitely grown this week, how are yours getting on? 


This week, our book focus is on Six Dinner Sid by Inga Moore. We're hoping those of you with pets will enjoy this one! Maths this week is about mass and capacity. We've attached the White Rose materials here, as well as some more practical activities should you wish to work away from the screen. Friday's practical Maths is a little messy, but the children in school have always loved this lesson, so it's well worth the preparation if you have time. 





We're so looking forward to welcoming some of our Year 2 children back to school next week. There will be no teaching of Maths or English, and we certainly won't be trying to fit in 3 months of learning into one morning! Instead our focus will be on wellbeing, with lots of time for talk, play with friends, and some crafts too. For those that are unable to come into school next week, we look forward to meeting you 'virtually' and catching up about your time at home too. 


For those coming into school, they will need to wear school uniform. Please could children also bring in their own water bottles and snack if possible. We will collect the children from the KS1 playground at 9:10am, and the session will end at 12:10pm. Both Year 2 classes will be working in the Kingfishers classroom (over different days), as Mrs Bowen's classroom is currently hosting our key worker children. If your child is in the Swallows class, you may wish to let them know that they will be working in the Kingfishers class, with Mrs Bowen as their teacher. 


As always, do get in touch with any questions you may have.


Finally, we can say 'see you soon!'


Best wishes, 


The Year 2 Team
