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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Goldfinches & Puffins




60th Birthday Celebrations

What a 'groovy' day we have had celebrating Bridgetown's 60th birthday. We enjoyed a whole school assembly attended by four previous head teachers, learnt all about toys from different decades, enjoyed a lovely picnic and created art work for a whole school birthday project.

Egyptian Assembly

We are looking forward to welcoming families to our Egyptian sharing assembly at 9:15 on Wednesday 24th April.

Please use the links below to practise songs we will be performing.


Mummy Rap

A Visit from Professor McGinty



Today, Professor McGinty visited our class and took us on an exciting adventure back to the Ancient Egyptian times. We had lots of fun there, hearing stories and looking at lots of artefacts. Some of the artefacts we could touch were papyrus, scarab beetles, baskets for collecting grain and Egyptian bread. We even got to look at a mummified child and cat! During the day, we also made our own papyrus and artefacts made out of clay.



We are looking forward to starting our exciting topic this term - The Ancient Egyptians. Here is an overview of the key things we will be learning. 

Rainforest Animals

As part of our Design and Technology work, we planned and made 3D rainforest animals with a pneumatic mechanism. Working as part of a team, we carefully selected the materials needed, then made our animals, including a part which moved via a pneumatic system. Finally we carefully painted our models—we are very proud of them.


Year 3 Assembly

Everyone is welcome to the Year 3 Harvest Assembly on Friday 27th October at 9:15.

Please encourage your child to practise the words to our songs. They can be found on the links below.

Thank your lucky stars music - no words.mp3

Conkers Music with words.mp3

Harvest Samba (Cabbages and Greens) [with lyrics]

The Year 3 team are:

Mrs Pinner,     Mrs Luckhurst    &  Mrs Elwell  - Goldfinches Class

Teacher            Teacher                     TA

Monday &        Wednesday -

Tuesday            Friday


Mr Lether,  Mrs Cooper   &   Ms Acutt - Puffins Class

Teacher         TA                       SEN TA


TT Rock Stars Launch Day


What a busy and fun packed day we have had at the launch of this year’s Times Table Rock Stars.  We all dressed the part and looked very cool in our fabulous outfits. Instead of our usual maths lesson  we played times table games and used the ipads to earn coins in our rock battle against the Owls and Herons.


We have had a very busy two weeks getting to know the Year 3 routines, developing our maths skills, creating some beautiful art work and hunting for dragons!

We have a wonderful topic to start the year - rainforests. Here is an overview of the key things we will be learning.


Our KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts)  this half term is to recall number bonds within 20. We practise our KIRFs every week in school and we will set homework based on it each Friday. Please support your child to learn and rapidly recall these key facts. There are lots of activities on the KIRFs sheet below (a copy can also be found in your child's homework book) to try at home.

Helpful websites to practise our KIRF:
