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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Home Learning Summer 2 week 5

Dear Puffins and Goldfinches, 


We hope you have had a great week, it has certainly been a hot one! A great time to get the paddling pools and sprinklers out to cool down after some work.  Thank you for sending in your work again, we have seen some fantastic descriptive writing about Mumbai and we are both very impressed with the neat handwriting and interesting vocabulary that you have used,fantastic!  We have a few more weeks left of the summer term, so keep up this great work.  Also, well done to those that have been using the online reading scheme lots of over the last few months, remember to take your time to answer the questions.  


In maths next week we are learning about all sorts of different angles (obtuse, right and acute angles) and vertical and horizontal lines.  Don't forget to go on to TTRockstars to practise your times tables in the meantime.  


Our English lessons are based on a video called Girl an Robot.  You will be working towards writing a set of instructions on how to build a robot out of junk materials.  


We have planned for 5 days home schooling. However, we are very excited that many of you will be coming in to school this week.  If that is you, please don't do the English lesson planned for Tuesday as that lesson is a stand alone lesson, the others all build up towards the instruction writing.  We will also give you longer to do your Mathletics assignments this week.  


We really hope you have enjoyed the Bhangra dance lesson.  We are sending the second link this week and if you are coming in to school this week, we would love to have a go at some Indian dancing all together! 


We wish you all a happy week, and don't forget that you can email us any of your work, we really enjoying seeing your master pieces.  


Best wishes, 

Miss Thijssen and Miss Vernon

Home Learning Plan Summer 2 Week 5 w/c 26th June  

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