Hello Year 5, we hope you had a wonderful, restful half term and are refreshed and ready for some more home learning. This week we begin our topic on Ancient Greece. The Ancient Greeks were amazing and we hope you will enjoy learning about them. Over the next 7 weeks we will be linking as much of our learning as we can to our topic.
Here is this weeks Learning Overview
Click on the image to enlarge and open document as a PDF.
This week we have a stand alone unit of work based on a short film called the Alchemist's letter. We really hope you will enjoy watching the film and completing the activities before we move onto Greek myths next week. All the activities for this week's learning can be found in the English journal below.
Here is the Maths Powerpoint you will need for all activities this week. It includes links to the White Rose website where you can watch teaching clips. We will be working through content based on Summer Term - Week 2 (w/c 27th April) lesson 2, 3 and 4.
This is our final week investigating materials and their properties. We hope you will have fun with the practical activities. Please send us any photographs of your creations.
What do you know about the Ancient Greeks?
This week we begin our Ancient Greek topic. Over the next 6 weeks you will be learning about how fascinating and influential the Ancient Greeks were.
We would like you to think about anything you already know about the Ancient Greeks and complete a KWL grid. You should be familiar with these grids, remember you only need to complete the K (What I already know) and the W (What I want to know) at the start of a topic.
Here are some links to video clips and websites to read / watch to tell you abit more about the Ancient Greeks in preparation for our learning over this half term.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RchSJSJAbc0 (This is an American site but the information is still interesting)Optional activities
ICT - Create your own Ancient Greece website using Google Sites (a step by step guide for adding a front page is provided in the document below) sites.google.com
Maths - BBC Bitesize maths challenges