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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Year 6

Before you check out our Home Learning Page for this week, why not have a look below at some of the fantastic work you have been sending in to us. 


Please send in more! We love seeing what you are all up to!

Art in Action

Thank you for some great home learning with Art over the past two weeks - here are some examples that you have sent in.

Poppy's Ballerina

Still image for this video

Flicker book by Ciara

Still image for this video

Flicker book from Ameena

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Video (6).mov

Still image for this video

Video (5).mov

Still image for this video

Josh L 1.MOV

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

DT Ideas for a simple irrigation device for the Mayans

Still image for this video

Megan 2.MOV

Still image for this video

Ben B 1.MOV

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Charlie P.mp4

Still image for this video

Holes by Louis Sachar. This is our set text for Summer 2. Most of us are reading, listening to the audio and enjoying this at home.

English - Our Just so Stories

Animal Facts - preparing for your Just So Stories

Topic - The Maya Civilisation

Have a look at some of the fantastic Science work you've been sending in!

DT/Science - Great to see you've been making some well balanced lunches!

Your wonderful Art work!

We are so impressed with the high level of English work which has been sent in to us. Have a look at some below! Scroll further down to see some videos too.

You should also all find time to read this writing below. It was so well written, we had to upload the whole narrative for you all to see:


Reading Narrative

Still image for this video

Reading CW.MOV

Still image for this video

A Message From Mr Green


The Key Stage Two team and I all hope that you took some time to relax and just enjoy being over the Easter break,  although being together so much can also pose its own challenges too!


As we return to home learning this week some of you may be feeling a little overwhelmed again by the thought of educating your children. We would feel exactly the same if we were asked to do any of your jobs at the drop of a hat, with little time to train or prepare. Do not worry, it looks like we will be spending several more weeks at home and the learning posted on our website is not intended as a challenge for you to complete as we would at school but as a range of activities for you and your children to dip into over time.  We don't expect you to print everything off and have a record of work on the work sheets provided and we have tried to increase the number of open ended practical activities that can be completed away from a computer.


Make sure that you have fun exercising, and enjoying the magnificence of spring as it unfurls around us!


We will continue to update the website over time and should you have any questions or concerns please email your year group teachers who will be pleased to help.


Stay safe everyone!


Mr Green

Welcome to Year 6


Welcome to year 6! A wonderful year, with lots of imaginative learning and new adventure throughout the year. Year 6 Owls and Eagles will embark on journeys through The Houses of Parliament, travel in time to life in the trenches in World War 1, explore the great outdoors on our residential to Marle Hall and much much more. All of this, alongside preparations for our big step into high school, year 6 is sure to be a busy, busy year.



KS2 SATs - Assessment Briefing powerpoint 2020

Marle Hall Parent Briefing powerpoint 2020

Spring Term 1









Text Study: Wonderstruck 

Decimals: Place value with decimals

Galapagos: Who is Charles Darwin? Evolution, adaption and inheritance - living things and their kingdoms


Decimals: calculating with decimals

Galapagos: Darwin's journey and mapping skills.

What is evolution?

Study of animals on the Galapagos Islands



Narrative writing based on Wonderstuck

Decimals: Decimals as fractions

Galapagos: Where are the Galapagos Islands?

Geography of


Narrative writing based on Wonderstuck Percent

Galapagos: Conserving the Galapagos Islands.

What's the problem with plastics?

How have animals adapted to survive in the environments on the Galapagos Islands?


One-sided arguments Algebra

One sided argument based on the plastic debate.



How are marine iguanas affected by climate change?


Speech to save the marine iguanas (one-sided argument)




Year 6 Eagles and Owls Flashback Writing


Year 6 have been very busy writing flashback narratives based an animation which we have watched this week (click on the link below to watch). Flashbacks are a tool which children can use to enhance their narrative writing and are something which has been used in our class book, War Horse by Michael Morpurgo. Our next step is to write our own chapter for War Horse and to use a flashback within this chapter. In the meantime, have a look below at some of the flashbacks which children have written this week based on the animation.

Autumn Term 2









Text Study: War Horse
Talk for Writing topic: 

Fractions: an introduction to fractions

World War 1 - introduction to topic 

Timeline of key events

Light - What is light?


Fractions: simplifying and comparing fractions

World War 1 - announcement of the outbreak of WW1 (newspaper article)  


Writing Flashbacks based on animation - The Piano by Aiden Gibbons

Fractions: arithmetic with fractions

World War 1 - Life in the trenches.

Trench day in forest school


Hot Write: Our own chapter of War Horse with a flashback Fractions: Finding fractions of numbers

World War 1 -

Art: Trench models



World War 1 Poetry Fractions: Multiplication and division with fractions


Autumn Term 2 assessment (arithmetic and 2 reasoning papers)

World War 1 poetry



World War 1 periscopes


Science investigations with Light


Christmas Coordinates!

Light - Assessment and review






Transition between Year 6 and Year 7


Year 6 is a transitional year for your child, whereby, they will flourish into young people as they approach the next chapter in their life, secondary school. It is our intention to prepare your child for such changes and encourage their independence.  This term is all about settling your child into the routine, expectations of year 6 and the chance for them to take on wider responsibilities in school. We are encouraging as many children as possible to get involved.  If you have any questions with regard to planning for secondary school then do not hesitate to get in touch.  There are still various opening mornings to look around secondary schools so if you are planning to take your child out for one of these visits then please contact the office for the relevant absence form.  The closing date for secondary school applications is 31st October 2019 for September 2020 intake.


As always, if you have any concerns or queries please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office, in the playground or a note in your child’s learning planner.  If you wish to speak to either us in detail then please make an appointment for after school.


Autumn Term 1


Take a look below to see what we are covering this half term:







Key writing and presentation skills

Arithmetic and Reasoning practice

Our Voice - introduction to topic 

Electricity - What is electricity


Talk for Writing topic: Stories for autobiographies based on Roald Dahl 'Boy'


Place Value

Reading, writing and ordering 6 digit numbers.

Our Voice - Magna Carta

Electricity - Circuits. Building and understanding circuits, including the symbols used in diagrams


Place Value

Rounding and comparing 5 digit numbers.

London Trip

Guide to the houses of parliament


Four operations

Formal methods of addition, subtraction and multiplication

The Gunpowder plot

Electricity - Voltage and resistance


Biography about Suffragette, Emily Davison


Introduction to new text work based on Hatchet.


Multiplication facts

Factors, multiples, prime and square numbers.

The Suffragettes and House Captain elections (democracy)

Electricity - Switches


Reading activities and writing explanation texts and short narratives based on the short novel, hatchet.



Short division, division using factors and long division

DT project- Designing and building the speakers chair


Electricity - Sources of electricity (renewable and non-renewable sources)


BODMAS, mental calculations and reasoning from known facts

Electricity - Assessment and review



Assessment and review of units taught

Peer representatives in the House of Lords

