Dear Goldfinches and Puffins,
We hope that you have had a good week home learning. Hopefully you have managed to get outside for some exercise and enjoy the sunshine in between the unpredictable rain showers and storms this week. It has been lovely to hear that you have enjoyed the English work this week based on the video 'The Present'. Thank you to those who have sent us work already. We love receiving your work and we are looking forward to reading your information text about owning a dog over the next few days.
All the resources and plan for next week are below. As usual, you should have also received them via email. In Maths, we will be finishing off our work on multiplication and division, also revisiting written addition before we start learning about angles, shape and time in the following weeks. This week in English, we have got a mix of individual grammar lessons, an India based writing lesson and a reading comprehension about Ruby Bridges. We want to make our teaching more diverse and educate you more on Black history. If you haven't watched it already, please check out Mrs Tailby's assembly from last week (15th June) to find out more about the Black Lives Matter Movement and our value for this half term- safety and security.
Our topic lesson this week, is very exciting... We have our first dance tutorial from Danielle Pemberton from Stratford Girls Grammar School, who has kindly put together a series of 3 videos to teach you all some Bhangra moves. Danielle starts off by telling you all about what Bhangra dancing is and where it comes from and then teaches you 3 moves. This is great fun and a good work out too! You can do it on your own, or why not get your family to join? (Link also on website and plan)
We are very much looking forward to seeing you all on our zoom meetings next week. You will be in a group of about 10 children from your class and our first zoom meeting will last about 15 minutes. You will receive a separate email with all the details.
We hope you have a well earned rest this weekend, enjoy some relaxation time and re-charge your batteries.
Best wishes
Miss Vernon and Miss Thijssen
Home Learning Plan Summer 2 Week 4 w/c 22nd June
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