What an awesome effort by everyone in the Rockstar Battle this week. We were checking throughout the day, every day to see how you were getting on. The healthy competition in the class and between the classes was fantastic and most importantly you were all practising your times tables too! We are super proud of all of you!
A big Congratulations to Goldfinches who won!
Welcome to the Year 3 Page
Here you will find out what The Goldfinches (Miss Vernon’s Class) and The Puffins (Miss Thijssen’s Class) have been learning all about.
Spring Term 2
Spring 2 continues with our exciting topic of Ancient Egypt. We are really looking forward to sharing what we have been learning in our sharing assembly and our topic day with Professor McGinty.
Week |
Maths |
English |
Science |
Topic |
1 |
Length |
Newspaper Report
My Body
Science Investigation |
Ancient Egyptians |
2 |
Length |
3 |
8 times table |
4 |
Fractions |
5 |
Fractions |
Limerick/ Performing Poetry |
6 |
Fractions |
Here are the songs for our Egyptian sharing assembly for your children to practise.
Spring Term
This term we started with an exciting topic day to kick off our new topic 'Ancient Egyptians'. Below is a weekly break down of the main subjects we will be covering. We appreciate your continued support with reading, spellings and home learning as this is really beneficial to your child's progress. Watch this space for updates and photos as we travel back to the Ancient Egyptians.
Week |
Maths |
English |
Science |
Topic |
1 |
Multiplication and Division |
Diary Writing
My Body |
Ancient Egyptians |
2 |
Multiplication and Division |
3 |
Multiplication and Division |
4 |
Adventure Story |
5 |
Statistics |
6 |
Statistics |
Autumn 2
This half term we are continuing to learn about the Rainforests. Here is a brief overview of what we will be covering throughout the first half term. We have lots of exciting projects planned including raising money for the WWF by holding a biscuit sale and creating their own pneumatic animals. In PSHE, we will cover the Taking Care Project.
Week |
Maths |
English |
Science |
Topic |
1 |
Addition – written method |
Persuasive letter writing |
Electricity |
Rainforests |
2 |
Subtraction – written method |
Persuasive letter writing |
3 |
Multiplication &Division – 3 Times table |
Persuasive letter writing |
4 |
Multiplication &Division – Dividing and 4 times table |
Persuasive letter writing |
5 |
Multiplication &Division - 4 Times table |
Kennings Poem |
6 |
Multiplication – 8 Times tables |
Kennings Poem |
7 |
Multiplication – consolidation |
Grammar and Christmas activities |
Our topic for Autumn term is
Autumn 1
Here is a brief overview of what we will be covering throughout the first half term.
Week |
Maths |
English |
Science |
Topic |
1 |
Place Value |
Recount |
Habitats |
Rainforests |
2 |
Non-Chronological Report
3 |
4 |
Addition and Subtraction |
5 |
Story from a familiar setting
6 |
7 |
8 |
Dates for the diary:
This half term we are really looking forward to our school trip to Brandon Marsh on Monday 23rd September and sharing our Harvest Assembly on Friday 18th October.
Harvest Assembly Songs
Please practise the following three songs for our Harvest Assembly: Conkers, Harvest samba and Thank your lucky stars. We would like all children to be able to sing them off by heart.
Brandon Marsh
We had lots of fun last week exploring all around the habitats at Brandon Marsh. We enjoyed Pond dipping, bird watching, mini beast hunting and we learnt all about food chains.
Rainforest Topic Day -
I'm an Explorer get me out of here!
We started off the Autumn term with a fun filled topic day, The children had lots of fun taking part in a challenge to see who could find the most stars which were hiding amongst creepy crawlies and creatures. They created rainforest animals for our class rainforest areas and took part in rainforest themed dance, yoga and music.
Talk For Writing ‘Hook’
When we came into our classroom on Tuesday 10th September, something mysterious was waiting for us; an egg! But who did it belong to? Attached to the egg was a message from the owner, it had left us clues around the school to follow. We had to read each riddle carefully and think about the location it described. We followed the clues and found a dragon! The Dragon is now watching over our classrooms. We are reading a dragon non-chronological report as a model for our own report writing.