Summer 2
Starlings Forest School Monday PM
Starlings PE Wednesday AM
Starlings Book Change Thursday
Blackbirds PE Monday PM
Blackbirds Forest School Wednesday PM
Blackbirds Book Change Monday
Summer 1
Starlings Forest School Monday PM
Starlings PE Wednesday AM
Starlings Book Change Thursday
Blackbirds PE Monday PM
Blackbirds Forest School Wednesday PM
Blackbirds Book Change Monday
Knights and Maidens topic planner
Spring 2
The children have settled back really well and are enjoying reconnecting with friends and adults in their bubbles. After a week of school it's almost as if we haven't been at home all those weeks!
It is so lovely to hear chatter, giggles, questions and discussions!
They are all working hard and embracing new challenges and learning. A super start back!
Starlings Forest School Monday PM
Starlings PE Wednesday AM
Starlings Book Change Thursday
Blackbirds PE Monday PM
Blackbirds Forest School Wednesday PM
Blackbirds Book Change Monday
This half term we will be focused on Instruction writing: using time conjunctions, imperative verbs, adverbs and adjectives to 'up level' our sentence work. We will also focus on short burst writing as the children gradually increase their stamina for longer pieces following Lockdown Learning. Please continue to read with your child at home as this supports their phonic knowledge.
We will begin with Rainbow poetry linked to a range of art based activities.
Pease find below a brief overview of the learning for this half term:
Autumn 2 Winter Wonderland
Welcome back!
We hope you had an enjoyable half term break...
This half term will be busy as we become Arctic explorers exploring the winter wonderland and writing fact files.
We will also be working on a Christmas production, though it might be a film production as opposed to a live theatrical one this year.
Parents evenings this term will be arranged through Microsoft Teams.
Please find attached a brief overview of the topics for this half term. PE, Forest School and Book change days will remain the same.
Year 1 Phonics Screening Information Evening
Thank you to everyone that was able to join us (virtually) for our phonics screen information evening on Wednesday 4th November. We hope you found it to be a useful and informative session. If you were unable to attend or would like to listen to any of the information again, a recording can be found below plus links to the videos included in the presentation.
We have also provided some links to the recommended websites, an articulation of phonemes video and an example of a phonics screen for you to take a look at.
Many thanks for your support.
Phonics screen information evening recording
Welcome back everyone!
We have had a busy start to the year but we are delighted that the children have settled in and have hit the ground running. Things may be a bit different for them at the moment but they are coping really well and taking everything in their stride...
eating lunch in the class, assemblies through teams, floating in their own bubble, hand washing and hand cleansing before and after activities.
We have a busy half term ahead so here is an overview of the things your child will be learning about until the half term holiday.
Thank you for supporting your child at home and making sure they are Freddy Ready for school.
Book Change and Spellings Blackbirds |
Forest School Starlings |
PE Starlings and Blackbirds |
Book Change and Spellings Starlings Forest School Blackbirds |
Learning Conversations and Mathletics homework set through Teams |