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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Year 4


This term we're diving into our 'Splash!' topic, learning all about rivers and the water cycle.

We are moving on to learn about our exciting 'Splash!' topic as our final half term of this year begins! PE kits on Thursdays only this half term.

Sports Day 2021

What a fantastic morning Year 4 had taking part in Bridgetown Sports Day 2021!

The children showed real sportsmanship, teamwork and resilience and we are so proud of them all!

Summer Term 2021

Summer Term 2021

We are excited to begin our 'Roots and Shoots' topic about plants this term. We will learn about part of a flower, the life cycle of a flowering plants as well as observing and caring for plants and flowers in our own school garden. We will also be looking at how different artists use plants as inspiration. 


PE will be on Thursdays.

We will also be taking part in the 'Chance to Shine' cricket coaching, which will be every Tuesday during the first half term. 

Please can children come to school wearing their PE kits.

It has been lovely to welcome all the children back into school over the last couple of weeks! smiley


We have had an exciting time since arriving back to school, reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane as a class book and making our rag toys which we will bring to life in stories just like Edward the china rabbit next week!


The Donkey Song

The Donkey song (backing track)

The Bluebirds and Woodpeckers have an exciting, fun-packed half term ahead! Our topic is Mighty Mountains and there is lots to discover. We'll start by finding out about mountain ranges around the world as well as the mountains in the UK. If you have any family experiences of climbing mountains (and photos to prove it!) we'd love to know! We will be learning to read contour lines and creating our own contour mountain. Climate of mountains will be a focus, as will discovering how tourism impact on mountain environments.

Our English links to our topic as we learn how to write a non-chronological report; practising together a report about the Yeti and then inventing our own about our chosen mountain range. In art we will be focussing on Japanese printmake Hokusai and producing our own block print mountain pictures. We have been impressed with our new maths scheme Power Maths and will be continuing this term (see table below). Science this term is about digestion, following the journey of food as it travels through the body. Arrangements for PE, reading dairies, learning conversations, Mathletics, spellings and Rockstars remains the same as last term!  




Knowledge and understanding of the world




Week 1




The Diversity Bird

Newspaper report



Mountain ranges of the world


Light – shape and size of shadows

Week 2


The Tree Giant non-chronological report – learning a text




Mountain ranges in the UK

Contour maps


Digestion – knowing the food journey through our bodies 1

Week 3


Features and grammar for non-chronological reports

Addition and subtraction –estimating, checking


Features of a mountain

Digestion – knowing the food journey through our bodies 2

Week 4


Non-chronological reports:

Innovation stage based on Yeti

Addition and subtraction – problem solving


How mountains are formed

Digestion - how our food is broken down

Week 5


Non-chronological reports:

Invention stage

Report on mountain range

Measure - perimeter


Mountain climates


Digestion - teeth

Week 6

Poetry: Cinquain

Multiplication and division: 10, 100, 1

Tourism in mountain areas

Digestion – teeth of animals

Week 7

Poetry: Cinquain

Multiplication and division: 6 and 9 times tables

Christmas activities


Year 4 Roman Assembly

After a couple of weeks of hard work, we are ready to share our class assembly with you. We are so excited for you all to watch it; the class have worked so hard and they really have created an absolute treat for you! We hope you and your families enjoy the show! 

Please click one of the images below to access either class assembly!

We hope you enjoy a lovely half term break with your families.




                      Bluebirds Roman Assembly


Our exciting class assembly on The Romans is in rehearsal! Please listen to the sound track and learn the words of this fun Roman song. Beware, it's catchy!!

Live like a Roman sound track

Welcome to the Autumn term in Year 4! We've got lots of exciting activities based around our topic of Roman Life  in Britain. We'll be finding out what the Romans did for Britain and how they changed life here forever!  We'll also be writing stories set in this historical time period and a persuasion text based on Boudicca.

In science we are exploring Light through a variety of hands-on investigations. 

We are lucky to be having fortnightly cricket sessions this half term on Mondays, for the Bluebirds in weeks 3, 5 and 7 and the Woodpeckers in weeks 4, 6 and 8. Please could children wear PE kits to school for this.

Normal PE lessons will be on Wednesdays, again please wear PE kits on these days.

Book changing will happen on Mondays and Thursdays. A sticker will be put on the front of your child's reading diary so you know which day you are allocated. Please try hard to stick to these days only for bringing diaries into school.  

Spelling lists will be given out on a Friday and tested on the following Thursday. The words will be sent out with the Learning Conversations on Fridays.





Knowledge and understanding of the world


Week 1


Well being focus and transition activities



Week 2




Class novel: Here we are Oliver Jeffers

Growth mindset

Maths challenges and problem solving


Introduction to The Romans




Week 3




Maths challenges and problem solving


Immersion day

‘Life as a Roman.’



Week 4



Stories with historical settings:

Imitation stage 1

Week of Inspirational maths


Roman roads

How do we see?

Light boxes

Week 5


Stories with historical settings:

Innovation stage

Power maths

Number and place value

Numbers to 1000, rounding to 10 and 100

Counting in 1000s

Representing 4-digit numbers

Boudicca’s rebellion

Which objects reflect light?

Week 6


Stories with historical settings:

Invention stage



Recognising place value

 Using a number line to 10,000

Roman numerals


Hadrian’s wall




Week 7

Persuasion text

Imitation and Innovation

Finding 1000 more or less

Roman Gods and Goddesses


Week 8

Persuasion text


Comparing 4-digit numbers

The Roman Baths

Safety in the sun


