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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Year 2 Remote Learning

During Week 3, on Wednesday we will be starting a new story. You can download story from the link above in case you would like to print it in preparation.

English - 12.01.21: Aliens in Underpants Save the World

BBC Home Learning TV & iPlayer Schedule

Twinkl Blogs to support BBC teaching:


Monday 11th January:

Tuesday 12th January:

More Twinkl BBC supporting resources: 

The Water. Looking after our Planet | Educational Video for Kids.

Looking after our water, rivers and seas.Hello friends, I am the Earth, yes that's right, the very planet you live on and today I woke up a bit sad. Do you k...

Hello Swallows and Kingfishers!


Here you will find our plan for each week of Home Learning this half term. You can find links to the resources on our class page on Microsoft Teams. If you have any problems logging in, please email us at or through the posts on Microsoft Teams. We know that learning at home is difficult, and we want to support as much as possible. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns. 


Best wishes, The Year 2 Team

English Wednesday 6th January - The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson.

The sea snail slithered all over the rock and gazed at the sea and the ships in the Dock. And as she gazed and sniffed and sighed. "The sea is deep and the world is wide! How I long to sail!" Said the tiny snail.....

Another version of the story is available to watch on BBC iplayer: 