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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Outstanding Facilities

We are very proud of our excellent facilities and our spacious grounds at Bridgetown. Outdoor play has proven to help pupil's health, behaviour and concentration and at Bridgetown we use our school grounds to pursue  many outdoor learning opportunities. We have fantastic infant and junior playgrounds each with age-specific climbing areas,  an all weather sports pitch, an amazing Forest School site and  a beautiful award winning garden.  We are also very lucky to have been able to install our latest feature this year, outdoor exercise equipment! Come and visit to see for yourselves!

Our wonderful library...

Library News 2022-23


We have moved!


Due to exciting developments with our nurture provision, the library has found a new home at the very heart of the school.  We can now be found right next to the hall in what used to be the music room.


At the start of the year, the new library was nothing more than stacks of books piled up on shelves that had been moved after the introduction of the Aviary on the old library site.  We invited our local library service in to offer advice as to how to make the best use of our new space and encourage children to want to borrow our wonderful books.  We have now carefully rearranged the shelves to create cosy sections for picture books, chapter books and our factual books.




We also went through every book looking at its appeal to children and weeded out any that we felt were not suited to our school or were beyond repair.  Any books that were in good condition were first offered for free to children in the school (this proved to be very popular) and then the rest were given to local charity Own Books which provides free books to children and schools who could not otherwise afford them.


We are now left with a superb, carefully selected array of books ready to entice children to become life long readers.


Our weekly library club offers a space for children to use the library either to enjoy the books on offer or to learn how to operate the library system and support in returning books and keeping the library tidy.



There are still many more developments to come, including the acquisition of soft furnishings, display materials and of course diversifying our book selection.


We hope to be fully operational ready for Summer term.  Watch this space for our library launch in May where we will be joined by some highly acclaimed authors.

Warwickshire Junior Book Awards


We are excited to take part in our tenth WJBA, one of the highlights of the school year for our Year 5 and 6 pupils. 

The children have already started reading the books and will be casting their votes in June. This year we are delighted to be able to once again attend the awards ceremony in July where the children will have the chance to meet some of the authors. 




At Bridgetown we have our own Forest School!


In Forest School we focus on having fun! The children are allowed to explore for themselves the natural environment, learning to appreciate and gain a respect for nature. They learn to communicate and co-operate with one another, through undertaking 'tasks' presented to them. The tasks are generated through a variety of means, where the children's attention or imagination is gained and stimulated, and they can then follow through a task, following their own leads. The children show improved concentration outside, which leads into the classroom and their imagination is also developed and encouraged, which again leads into the classroom.


The children in Reception and Year 1 have weekly forest school sessions, and all other year groups are able to access the forest school area for specific aspects of their topic work. We also link Forest School into the new curriculum for Science and Geography in Years 1 and 2, where we study the changing seasons, plants and look at tree identification. Forest School is also hugely beneficial to children on the SEN register and also to those who may lack some confidence. There are no 'right or wrong' rules and children learn to work things out for themselves, giving their self esteem a boost in the process. WE LOVE FOREST SCHOOL!


For more photographs, please see the Forest School section in the children's page.

Please read the following leaflet for more information about Forest School at Bridgetown.
