All of the information below was sent out via email on 24.4.20. If you did not receive an email please contact us at
Year 5 Home Learning overview Week 2 WB 27.04.20 (click the image to enlarge and open document)
Here is the Maths Powerpoint you will need for all activities this week. It includes links to the White Rose website where you can watch teaching clips. We will be working through content based on Week 1 lesson 4 and Week 2 lessons 1 & 2.
Please note: Week 1, Lesson 5 (on the White Rose Home Learning page) is not included on the timetable for this weeks Maths activities. However, if you want to extend your understanding of 'thousandths as decimals' then you could watch the teaching clip and complete the worksheet.
Here is the second part of your Borrowers journal to complete every day. If you do not have a book of your own, you can access a copy online by clicking on this link.
Answers to questions in the journal can be written in a notebook if you do not have access to a printer.
This week's spellings:
Science (Lesson 1)
This week we would like you to complete some activities based on the topic of 'Materials & their Properties'. You may remember in school that we tested lots of materials to find out if they were permeable, conductors, insulators, translucent, transparent, flexible or magnetic. We also planned (but did not carry out) an investigation into which material would be best for insulating hot drinks. Hopefully we will be able to conduct the investigation when we return to school.
For your home learning we would like you to investigate dissolving. All of the information, including helpful links to video clips is on the Powerpoint.
We would love to see photos of any scientific work you are carrying out so please email us.
Science (Lesson 2)
Spelling activities
Click on the image below to open a short video which will help with your dissolving investigation.
Don't forget to send in any pictures or videos of your investigation.
Have Fun Scientists!
Here is the Powerpoint you will need for English.