Welcome to the 'Science' page !
Mrs Dhami hopes that it will help to keep you informed about what we are getting up to in Science at Bridgetown .
At Bridgetown we aim to provide opportunities for the children to develop their understanding of the world around them and an awareness of how science directly relates to their everyday life. We encourage the children to adopt a spirit of enquiry through a variety of carefully planned activities ,including investigations, in order to promote their ability to think scientifically and to extend their use of scientific vocabulary.
On the 'Curriculum' page you can find the National curriculum which gives further information about the curriculum for Science in KS1 and 2. We cover National curriculum objectives including Scientific enquiry, Life processes and living things , Materials and their properties and Physical processes e.g electricity ,forces, light and sound and the earth and beyond.
In Foundation stage Science is taught as part of Knowledge and understanding of the world.
As far as we possibly can learning links are made with other subjects in our year group topics but some units of work will be taught discretely.
We have a new display up on our bigger board now located opposite the library. It showcases experiments and practical experiments from across the school. During a recent pupil voice, it was found that what children love most about science is the practical elements so I wanted to show what brilliant lessons have been going with practical elements. Make sure you take a look when you next go past the library!
Pupil voice:
Two children from each class were interviewed by Mrs Dhami about science. They were asked what they think science is, what they liked, what they'd learnt, what they wish they could do more of and other questions which revealed that most children have a love of science across the school, particularly for experiments and practical lessons! Here's what some children said:
Hattie, Year 5: "I liked drawing the human life cycle. It is interesting."
Fabiola, Year 3: "I liked the lesson where we did about healthy diets and how to keep for fit."
Rebecca, Year 3: "I liked when we did an investigation to see if people with small feet can balance better".
Gracie, Roman, Clemmie and Oli, Year 2 all agreed that the lesson where they melted chocolate to see how a solid changes to liquid with Mrs Pinkerton was their favourite!
Lam, Year 1 enjoyed the lesson where they experimented with paper and is looking forward to learning more about healthy bodies.
Reception: What is science?
Rae: "Learn about space"
Rex: "Making things super big!"
Our summer term display is up in school which showcases a piece of work from every year group in the school. It's great to see the progression and diversity in the work and is a great reflection of the science topics being taught. Well done Bridgetown scientists!
We've got a new display in school and have showcased some work from Reception and Years 1, 3, 4 and 5 where they're working scientifically either through investigations, observations or experiments. Make sure you check out the display and read up on what has been happening in science lessons.
Have you seen our new display around the school? It's focusing on seasonal changes and why the seasons change. Something that we've certainly noticed in recent weeks! Make sure you look out for it on your next walk around the school.
Keep checking in as new information will be added regularly to let you know about events and activities .
Useful links to websites
BBC Bitesize games and videos for topics taught in school
KS1: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z6svr82
KS2: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z2pfb9q
National Geographic website where you can find quizzes and information about a range of scientific topics
Wow Science website that has videos to show science experiments and scientific games