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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Home Learning Summer Term 2 Week 1

Dear Puffins and Goldfinches, 


We hope you have all had a fantastic half term, and enjoyed the glorious sunshine. Hopefully you had good rest, a break from home learning and you are all ready to go on Monday, to start the last half term of the year.  It has been an exciting week for Bridgetown, and ITV This Morning have been in to film how the school is preparing for opening on Monday, for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. Did anyone see this?  If not, you might be able to see it on Catch up.  They are coming in again on Monday morning, so watch this space, you might see some familiar faces on TV!  


Our Topic this half term is India and our English lessons are based on a lovely, traditional Hindu story called Lakshmi and the clever Washerwoman.  There are links to two clips of the story on the plan, and we hope you enjoy watching / reading the book.  There are some fun activities linked to this, like making a reward poster, a word search and turning into a journalist to write a newspaper report about the strange events in the palace.  


This is the final week that we are looking at fractions in maths.  It is a well-known fact that children learn better when they are having fun so why not make your own board game or card game about fractions to play with members of your household. There are many different resources attached for you, we hope you enjoy making and playing these games.  This week all the resources for maths, including the White Rose worksheets are in a separate email which you will receive, they are also all available on our website.  


We would also like you to start finding out where India is and research the physical geography (the natural environment and features) like mountain ranges, bordering countries, seas etc. Google Earth is a great website to get started with.  


Other additional activities this week include looking at time (there is a template of a clock face attached to make your own), a PE lesson based on circuit training and of course the online reading scheme and Rockstars. On top of this, Laurie has created another fantastic quiz for you all, which you can find on the website (thank you, Laurie!). A full week with lots of fun learning activities, but as always, do what you can in your family circumstances and stay well and healthy! 


Finally, don't forget the Bridgetown Stay at Home Climbing Challenge. As a school we are now climbing Mont Blanc, after conquering Ben Nevis!  Add your combined kilometres of your walk, scoot, cycle or run to the link and send your photos so that we can add them to the slide show.  We will add the kilometres and give you an update on Monday to see how far we are up the mountain. 


Have a great week, and please remember to send the report comments if you haven't already done so, there are still a few missing. 


Best wishes, 

Miss Thijssen and Miss Vernon

Home Learning Plan Summer 2 Week 1 w/c 1st June  

Click on image to enlarge and open the document

Optional: additional Twinkl home learning activities if required

Laurie's quiz!
