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Project 1 - Christmas School Box Appeal
We are excited to announce that the School Council is leading a special project this Christmas in support of the Amen Trust Shoebox Appeal, and we would love for everyone in our school community to get involved. This appeal collects shoeboxes filled with essential items and small gifts for families in Romania, many of whom live in very basic conditions. For these families, the items we might take for granted—like toiletries, school supplies, and warm clothing—will be the only presents they receive this Christmas.
Shoeboxes need to be filled and returned to school by Friday 25th October.
This is a wonderful opportunity to make a meaningful difference to families in need this Christmas.
Here are the School Council leading an assembly all about the Shoebox Appeal.
Here are the School Council wrapping and filling the Christmas shoe boxes with lots of gifts, some which have been donated by children and school staff. Our School Council were very excited to be doing this!
Here are the School Council with all of the shoe boxes which have been gifted by our school community. What a difference these will make to families in Romania this Christmas!