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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe



Summer Term 2 in Reception


Here is a taster of our plans for the rest of the term.  Please support your child with their learning by practising spellings and reading every day to spot tricky words and apply diagraphs in words.



Reading and Writing


Topic related activities

The supermarket on Mars


Alien stories

(passed over from last term)


Weeks 1,


Recapping on all phases 2-4


Naming letters of the alphabet

Recognising and using capitals



Rhyming strings


Tricky words reading and spelling


Introducing spellings


Talk 4 Writing


Writing alien stories based on Beegu


Supermarket on Mars

Counting in 10s



Problem solving



  • Sports Day
  • Exploring materials and testing outcomes
  • Floating and sinking
  • Bending and stretching
  • Writing longer pieces – alien stories
  • Spellings and weekly test
  • Learning Shakespeare plays and retelling stories
  • Looking at maps, making maps and using Beebots
  • Treasure hunts and trails around the school
  • Walk into town and chain ferry looking at Stratford landmarks.
  • Transition into year 1 and meeting new teachers
  • New reception children stay and play session (current children as helpers)
  • Food tasting Spain
  • Flamenco dancing



Stratford upon Avon






Hearing and applying cluster sounds


Exploring alternate diagraphs


Rhyming strings


Assessments and checking tricky words to read and spell

Stratford fact file – visitor information

Labelling maps

My favourite place


Orally retelling a Shakespeare play and performing on the stage with friends

Positional language and instruction


Making a grid map


Coordinates and plotting





 Week 6,7

Planning based on assessment and children’s needs.

Reading and writing Spanish words and phrases


Counting in Spanish

Maths games and activities



Summer Term 1 in Reception.


Here is a taster of our plans for the rest of the half term.  Please support your child with by reading books they bring home, sharing stories and going through the Jolly Phonics flipbook to consolidate the phonemes and tricky words we are learning. Encourage having a go writing at any opportunity; and doing lots of counting and practical subtraction.  Keep checking the website for maths and phonics activities and don’t forget to look at your child’s on-line Learning Journey with them, to encourage them to recall and explain what we are doing at school together.



Reading and Writing


Topic related activities


Weeks 1

and 2

Tricky words: reading - said little like so do what who when

Spelling tricky words no, go, to, the, he she, me we, be


revising all graphemes and phonemes including digraphs

reading CCVC and CVCC words

revising y as ‘ee’

revising all trigraphs – ear ure igh

  • Writing what we know about space already
  • Story map of 8 things we would take to space
  • Reading Whatever Next!



  • Counting forwards and backwards 0-20 find 1/2/3 more and less on a number line
  • Find one more and one less and 2 more and 2 less and writing the numeral to 20
  • Measuring plant growth


  • Colour mixing and printing
  • Using tools to secure joins and make puppets
  • Revising the characteristics of learning…Meet the puppets:

Handy: Playing and exploring (engagement)

Hearty: Active learning (motivation)

Howie: Creating and thinking critically (problem solving)

  • LEGO challenge: Independently following instructions, working together and making models with moving parts
  • Mystery Bag
  • Show and Tell
  • Making Paper Mache planets.

Weeks 3 and 4

Tricky words: reading -some come were there

Spelling was my you they all are her


revising all graphemes and phonemes including digraphs

reading and spelling CCVC and CVCC words


revising ow/ou

revising long vowels – split digraphs- silent e


  • Reading Alien’s love underpants
  • Reading non fiction space books
  • Learning space songs to help with knowledge about planets.
  • Making fact books about planets.
  • Describing Aliens
  • Revisit addition and subtraction
  • Number sentences and number stories
  • One more and one less
  • Teen numbers – correct formation
  • Sharing
  • Counting in 2’s 5’s and 10’s


5,6 and 7


Tricky words: reading - one when out what


Assess where children are secure phase and next steps.

  • Read Supermarket on Mars
  • Create shopping lists
  • Make menus for space café


  • Doubling
  • Halving and sharing
  • Money
  • Learning about spending/saving money

Spring Term 2 in the Foundation Stage

Take a look at some of the exciting learning opportunities coming up during the second part of the spring term!



Reading and Writing


Topic related activities

Traditional Tales

The 3 little pigs

Weeks 1

and 2

Tricky words: reading - said little like so do

Spelling tricky words no, go, to, the, he she, me we, be


revising all graphemes and phonemes including digraphs

reading CCVC and CVCC words

revising y as ‘ee’

double letters – ff, ll, (huff, puff, will, I’ll)

  • Writing speech bubbles – what the characters might say
  • Story map to orally retell
  • Innovate story with different characters
  • Writing a character description for a wanted poster



  • Counting forwards and backwards 0-20 find 1/2/3 more and less on a number line
  • Find missing numbers and order numbers in a sequence
  • Saying one more and one less than any number to 20
  • Describing 2D and 3D shapes using mathematical language
  • Capacity
  • Understanding place value
  • World Book Day and book mark competition
  • Colour mixing and printing
  • Using tools to secure joins and make puppets
  • Introducing the characteristics of learning…Meet the puppets:

Handy: Playing and exploring (engagement)

Hearty: Active learning (motivation)

Howie: Creating and thinking critically (problem solving)

  • LEGO challenge: Independently following instructions, working together and making models with moving parts
  • The Easter story
  • Baking Easter cakes

Weeks 3 and 4

Tricky words: reading -some come were there

Spelling was my you they all are her


revising all graphemes and phonemes including digraphs

reading and spelling CCVC and CVCC words


revising ow/ou

introducing long vowels – split digraphs- silent e


  • Innovating the 3 pigs story- substituting characters, describing characters
  • Changing what the characters built
  • Changing how the (houses) are blown down
  • Revisit addition and subtraction
  • Number sentences and number stories
  • Time – sequencing events
  • Teen numbers – correct formation





Tricky words: reading - one when out what


Assess where children are secure phase and next steps.

  • Read the Easter story, and sequence the events
  • Writing simple instructions
  • Doubling
  • Halving and sharing
  • Symmetry
  • Beginning to chant in 2s


Listen to a podcast story of the three little pigs at:



Learn about the Three Little Pigs characters here: 



Read-along with this interactive story of The Three Little Pigs.... 



Spring Term in the Foundation Stage


Here is a taster of some of the activities and events that will be happening during the first part of the spring term... more to follow.




Reading and Writing


Topic related activities

Holiday news

Week 1


Revisit phonemes and graphemes


Using phonics to sound out words


Tricky words: phase 2

 I the to no go


Discuss Christmas holidays – my family and community

Write a thank you letter to Santa

2D shape – describing properties of flat shapes

Making a shape picture

  • Make a 2d shape picture
  • Draw a picture of a family event during the Christmas holidays. (Teacher  to annotate)
  • Practise handwriting and numeral formation: large sheets of paper and marker pens inside and outside
  • Formation in messy areas outside: flour, foam
  • Retelling the story of Hansel and Gretel – role play area
  • Make a healthy plate and discuss food groups
  • Make a ‘What keeps me healthy?’ diary – link to sequencing and time words.
  • Smoothie making and writing a recipe

Hansel and Gretel:

2 and 3









Recap and revise digraphs

(best friend sounds)


Tricky words phase 3 :

he, she, me, we, be,

was,  my you

they, all, are


reading and writing single words


reading and writing sentences



Start reading records

Talk 4 Writing: retell Hansel and  Gretal story

Innovate – describe the gingerbread house – making it a healthy house.

Can we use adjectives to describe the fruit and vegetables?


To write a recipe: How to make a smoothie.

Thinking about bossy verbs – action verbs: mix, stir, pour, chop etc

Measuring, comparing and ordering  vegetables


Length and weight


Numeral writing



China and Chinese New Year


Learning phonemes:

oi, ow, ue , er, ar

Reading tricky words: she me we be

Spelling CVC words with magnetic letters

Reading diagraphs (best friend sounds) in words

Chinese New year story-

Picture list of animals in the story – sound out and write.

Talk 4 writing information book about about Chinese New Year – fact file

Books: Lanterns and Fire Crackers

Clever Sticks

Ordinal numbers

Days, months, dates

Ordering numbers in a sequence

missing numbers


writing numbers in Chinese

Create Chinese restaurant role play

Chinese Dancing

Junk model dragons and lions

Questions to children in our link school in China

Listen to Chinese music and learn Chinese songs

Make a Chinese lantern

Pancake Day – making and tasting and racing


  • Shape PatternsTry making some shape / colour patterns using this website....

Autumn Term 2 in the EYFS

Here is a taster of some of the activities and events that will be happening during the rest of the term.  Please support your child with their learning by going through the Jolly Phonics flipbook to consolidate the phonemes and tricky words we are learning. Practise segmenting and blending to read simple words in their reading books. Continue counting forwards and back to 20. Have a go at adding or subtracting with groups of objects and try writing simple number sentences using the plus, minus and equals signs.




Reading and Writing


Topic related activities

Diwali – linked to our fire and festivals topic


3 and 4

Learning phonemes: ng, v, oo, y


tricky words:

spelling CVC words with magnetic letters

spelling tricky words I/ the/ to/ no/ go with magnetic letters

guided reading

groups and 1:1

Create individual story map to retell the story of  Rama and Sita – defeating a monster genre

subtraction: practical taking away of amounts and jumping back using a number line

writing number sentences  with

 -         =   symbols

  • Firework pictures using splosh ICT
  • Make Diva lamps out of quick dry clay
  • Create a Diwali dance to retell the Rama and Sita story
  • Listen to visitors explain how Diwali is celebrated and share experiences
  • Create Mehndi hand patterns using fine brush and black paint
  • Create Rangoli patterns
  • Attend dress rehearsal of Advent Service performed by Year 2 and Carol service performed by Junior children
  • Rehearse and perform Christmas production
  • Think about how Christmas is celebrated by others and share our experiences
  • Role play Christmas shop and post office, wrapping and weighing parcels
  • Comparing  the seasons, months of the year, days of the week, and hours of the day
  • Stratford upon Avon picture house – Reception and KS1



5 and 6

Learning phonemes: qu, ou/ow, oi

Ue, er/ir/ur, ar

revise tricky words and begin to spell them

continue to spell CVC words with magnetic letters

handwriting: letter families cursive script

Create class advent calendar

The Nativity story



2D and 3D shape

Comparing weight

and length

Measuring time



