Welcome back!
Welcome 'back' after the Easter holidays. We hope that you managed to have some time to rest and enjoyed a few of the Easter activities and challenges we recommended for you. Though it's 'back to school' of sorts, these are unprecedented times and we recommend that you plan the day to suit you and schedule in daily exercise and rest breaks (Joe Wicks will still be running daily!) and also work together on daily routines such as cooking, cleaning and doing the washing. These are all life skills and important learning opportunities too!
This page is where you will find a copy of the planning and resources we emailed out to you on Friday 17th April for the week beginning Monday 20th April. There are also supporting resources here such as videos and weblinks plus additional activity ideas should you need them. Please continue spellings practice (see the phonics section of the weekly plan) and regular reading. You should have received an email on Monday 20th with your login and password for Pearson's where we have allocated reading books personalised to your child's reading level (these will be changed on the usual book change days each week). To access Pearson's use the link here.
Enjoy, take care and stay safe. Remember, you can contact us any time via the year group email address: year1bps@welearn365.com
Best wishes, Mrs Bes-Jeary, Mrs Pinkerton and Miss Smith.
Phonics Videos...
We've been putting together some helpful videos to support you with your learning. More to follow so watch this space....