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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe


Battle of the Bands

November 2020

Congratulations to Woodpeckers, Herons, Kingfishers & Eagles!

Battle of the Bands

September 2020

Congratulations to RUBY for winning the house battle this month.



Hall of Fame


In September we inducted pupils from Years 2 -6 into the first Bridgetown Rock Star Hall of Fame based on studio speed and coins earned. A huge well done to the following pupils:

Year 3: Piers, Nayan, Jacob

Year 4: Lucy & Rayan,

Year 5: Rowan, Toby, Harry, Noah W, Jovun

Year 6: Will & Elizabeth




10th July 2020 Rockstars of the Week


 A big well done to our 1st place Rockstars this week! 


The leaderboards now show the whole school,

so check out where you are!

Keep rocking at home everyone!

Remember to keep playing little and often as it really helps

you to recall the facts quickly.


1st Fastest Studio Speed - Ric Riddle (Herons)

1st Improved accuracy - Rob 'Boss' Mandalay (Puffins)

1st Improved Studio Speed – Lilymay Who (Bluebirds)

1st Highest earner – Ral Mas (Puffins) (Wow, second week in a row!)

3rd July 2020 Rockstars of the Week


 A big well done to our 1st place Rockstars this week. 

Even as we get towards the end of term, I can see that you are all still playing lots, well done everyone! The leaderboards now show the whole school,

so check out where you are!

Keep rocking at home everyone!


1st Fastest Studio Speed - Ric Riddle (Herons)

1st Improved accuracy - Jade Phoenix (Woodpeckers)

1st Improved Studio Speed – Sandy Zappa (Woodpeckers)

1st Highest earner – Ral Mas (Puffins)

26th June 2020 Rockstars of the Week


 A big well done to our 1st place Rockstars this week. 

Amazing effort by everyone again, the leaderboards now so the whole school,

so check out where you are!

Keep rocking at home everyone!


1st Fastest Studio Speed - Ric Riddle (Herons) Second week in a row!

1st Improved accuracy - J. O'Connor (Bluebirds)

1st Improved Studio Speed - 1 Skeeter Old Gal O'Rock (Goldfinches)

1st Highest earner - Ric Riddle (Herons) Second week in a row, awesome effort!

19th June 2020 Rockstars of the Week


Well done to everyone who has been playing TTRockstars this week. 

Super impressed with you all, especially our 1st Place Rockstars this week.

After a very long time, we have a new rockstar at the top of our school leaderboard!  


Keep rocking at home everyone!


1st Fastest Studio Speed - Ric Riddle (Herons) Absolutely amazing effort this week!

1st Improved accuracy - Ted Floyd (Kingfishers)

1st Improved Studio Speed - Smokey Drumsitx (Kingfishers)

1st Highest earner - Ric Riddle (Herons)

June Class Battle of the Band results are in...

What an awesome effort by everyone in the Rockstar Battle this week.  All the teachers were checking throughout the day, every day to see how you were getting on.  Some of the classes were so close and the healthy competition between the classes was fantastic and most importantly you were all practising your times tables too! 

We are super proud of all of you!

Here are the final scores and the winning bands:

A big congratulations to the Herons, highest score overall!

12th June 2020 Rockstars of the Week 


A big congratulations to everyone for playing in the Class v Class Battles this week, some very close scores!  Keep playing it ends at 3:15pm today.

  A big well done to our 1st place Rockstars this week. Keep Rocking at home!  Well done to everyone who has played, it is great to see  more new names creeping up the leaderboards. 


1st Highest Studio Speed - Nate Starlight (Eagles) Remaining in the lead! 

1st Improved Accuracy – Amazon Walsh (Puffins)

1st Improved Studio Speed – Skeeter Old Gal O'Rock (Goldfinches)

1st Highest Earner – Scarlet Bazilian (Herons)

5th June 2020 Rockstars of the Week 


A big congratulations to our 1st place Rockstars this week. Keep Rocking at home!  Well done to everyone who has played, it is great to see new names creeping up the leaderboards.  Monday is the start of our next Class Battle of the Bands so get ready to play lots!


1st Highest Studio Speed - Nate Starlight (Eagles) Remaining in the lead! smiley

1st Improved Accuracy – Eileen Mars (Bluebirds)

1st Improved Studio Speed – Suzi Rolie (Puffins) Well done, 1st again!

1st Highest Earner – Irox Slim (Goldfinches)

22nd May 2020 Rockstars of the Week 


A big congratulations to our 1st place Rockstars this week. Keep Rocking at home!  Well done to everyone who has played, it is great to see new names creeping up the leaderboards.


1st Highest Studio Speed - Nate Starlight (Eagles)

1st Improved Accuracy – Dan Culture (Woodpeckers)

1st Improved Studio Speed – Suzi Rolie (Puffins)

1st Highest Earner – Cub Rockaroundtheclock (Woodpeckers)


15th May 2020 Rockstars of the Week 


A big congratulations to our 1st place Rockstars this week. Keep Rocking at home!  Well done to everyone who has played, it is great to see new names creeping up the leaderboards.


1st Highest Studio Speed - Nate Starlight (Eagles) Awesome, the whole term so far!

1st Improved Accuracy – J. O’Connor (Bluebirds)

1st Improved Studio Speed – Win Self (Woodpeckers)

1st Highest Earner – Suzie Rollie (Puffins)

May Battle of the Bands 

Well done to all the winning classes and everyone who took part!

Shout out to Year 4,

highest scores across the whole school, awesome effort! 

The Most Valuable Players certificates will be emailed out to you shortly.




Drum roll please....

On Monday 27th April at 9am the Battle of the Band begins. 

Swallows v Kingfishers

Goldfinches v Puffins

Woodpeckers v Bluebirds

Herons v Swans 

Owls v Eagles


The battle will end at 3:15pm on Friday 1st May. 

Remember this is a team battle and everyone playing a little each day is what will win!  Remember to play in garage to earn the most coins. 


1st May 2020 Rockstars


A big congratulations to our 1st place Rockstars this week. Keep Rocking at home! 


1st Highest Studio Speed - Nate Starlight (Eagles) Well done, for staying at the top yet again!

1st Improved Accuracy – Iggy Stone (Puffins)

1st Improved Studio Speed – Rome Hatrix (Woodpeckers)

1st Highest Earner – Stevie Twizzlesticks (Bluebirds) Well done, you have done it again!


See leaderboards below for top 37 in each category. 

24th April 2020 Rockstars


A big congratulations to our 1st place Rockstars this week. Keep Rocking at home! 


1st Highest Studio Speed - Nate Starlight (Eagles) Well done, for staying at the top!

1st Improved Accuracy – Taylor Fenholt (Woodpeckers)

1st Improved Studio Speed - Jordyn Squeakdiggler (Kingfishers)

1st Highest Earner – Stevie Twizzlesticks (Bluebirds)


See leaderboards below for top 37 in each category. 




4th April 2020 Rockstars


A big congratulations to our 1st place Rockstars. Keep Rocking at home! 


1st Highest Studio Speed - Nate Starlight (Eagles) Well done, for staying at the top!

1st Improved Accuracy - Ike Bloom (Woodpeckers)

1st Improved Studio Speed - Christine Diamond (Woodpeckers) 2 weeks in a row, Well done!

1st Highest Earner - J.J Steel (Kingfishers)


Well done to absolutely everyone who is playing Rockstars at home, we are maintaining our position in the nearby schools leaderboard and are still 11th.  Keep playing in Studio!

27th March 2020 Rockstars


A big congratulations to our 1st place Rockstars. Keep Rocking at home!


1st Highest Studio Speed - Nate Starlight (Eagles)

1st Improved Accuracy - Zola Bell (Owls)

1st Improved Studio Speed - Christine Diamond (Woodpeckers)

1st Highest Earner - Strike Clinton (Swans)


Well done to absolutely everyone who is playing Rockstars at home, we are zooming up the nearby schools leaderboard and are currently 11th.  Keep playing in Studio!

The next Battle of the Bands will be...


Monday 27th January at 4pm until Sunday 2nd February at 7pm. 



Times tables Scatter tables

Times Tables Rockstars 


Battle of the Bands 


Thank you to everyone for supporting and encouraging the children to take part in our first Battle of the Bands.  We have loved seeing the children this week even more enthused by Times Tables Rockstars. 


Well done to all classes for taking part and congratulations to Year 2 Swallows, Year 3 Puffins, Year 4 Woodpeckers, Year 5 Herons and Year 6 Eagles for winning the September Battle of the Bands.  A special shout out goes to Woodpeckers who got the highest total of all!


The next battle will take place week commencing 21st October! 
