Hello Year 3,
I am really looking forward to meeting you all and welcoming you into Woodpecker's class. It will be really exciting getting to know you all and I cannot wait to meet you all in person! 🙂
In the meantime, it would be lovely to get to know a little bit more about yourselves. So I have attached an 'All About Me Fact File' for you to fill in. You can either fill it in on a computer and email it back to myself at Year4bps@welearn365.com with the email subject as 'Woodpeckers Transition' or you may choose to print it off, write it by hand and bring it with you in September. Either option is fine!
I have attached the file to this email, as well as one I have filled in about myself for you to read as an example.
I wish you all a wonderful summer break and look forward to meeting you in September.
Best wishes,
Mrs Coache
Hello Year 3,
I am really excited to meet you all in September and welcoming you into the Woodpeckers class alongside Mrs Coaché and Mrs Warren. I am looking forward to getting to know you all in person, and by reading your ‘All About Me Fact Files’.
I have attached my own ‘All About Me Fact File’ so you can get to know a bit about me too, as I have been working downstairs in Year 1, so many of you may not have seen me before.
September is going to be an exciting time for me too as I will be training to become a teacher, so I will be learning lots of new things alongside you all!
I hope you all have a fantastic summer break and look forward to meeting you all.
Best wishes,
Miss Pugh.