Here is our recipe for Baked Churros!
Baked Churros
2 tablespoons light brown sugar, packed
1/2 teaspoon table salt
1/3 cup margarine or unsalted
1 cup plain flour
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon (or to taste)
This half term we are dusting off our suitcases and going on holiday! We are enjoying finding out about other countries and soon will be studying our 'Eurokitchen' country, Spain. If you have been to Spain on holiday, please let us know, and perhaps we can share some of your memories and experiences.
Phonics |
Reading and Writing |
Maths: |
Topic related activities |
Destinations: Hot countries Weeks beg June 1/8 |
Revise all phonics learned so far
Revisit phase 3 tricky words for spelling |
Make posters for the Travel Agents Capital letters Writing captions for drawings of ‘Animal Antics’ creatures |
2D/3D shape review: Lego Technology Counting in 5’sand 10’s Directional language and estimation: Beebot |
Destination: Spain Weeks beg June 15/22/29 |
Phase 3 and 4 revision: oa/ow combined with consonant clusters |
plus revisit tricky words all / are
Make passports Make posters about Spain |
Doing practical subtraction problems to 20 Learning to count in Spanish Problem solving with graphs Weight and measure in relation to cooking |
phase 3 and 4 revision: ar/er combined with consonant clusters |
revisit tricky words said / so / have |
phase 3 and 4 revision |
tricky word focus: like, little, some. come. |
Preschool visits/ Shakespeare: Macbeth Week beg July 6 |
Read and write CCVC and CVCC words
Revise Phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs |
Tricky word focus: were there |
Cards for our special friends Macbeth activities |
Dividing / sharing |
Tricky word focus: what when |
Transition Week beg July 13 |
Revise all phonics learned so far
Review the year; write about our favourite times |
Problem solving |
Phonics: |
Reading and Writing |
Maths: |
Topic related activities |
Space Weeks 1 and 2:
Learn trigraphs ear/ure/air |
Revise reading: all Phase 3 tricky words |
Fiction Whatever next !/ Roaring rockets Read non-fiction books about space Find websites about space |
Counting backwards from 20; saying one more or one less to 20; doing practical subtraction problems to 20 |
Phase 3 phonics assessments |
Revise spelling: I, go, no, to, the |
Write Space Facts on computer to make a non-fiction fact wall for our shared area |
Aliens Weeks 3 and 4 |
Read and write CVCC words like tent/camp/chest
read said and so; spell he, she, we, me, be |
Story: Aliens love underpants Paint an alien and create a rhyming story about it Write a letter from your alien describing their home planet |
Measuring our alien using standard and non-standard units |
Read and write CCVC words like stop/crab/sweet
read have, like, some, come; spell was, you |
Our blue planet: the Sea Weeks 5 and 6 |
Read and write CCVC and CVCC words
Revise Phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs |
Read were, there, little, one; spell they, all, are |
Reading and writing non-fiction books about sea creatures; reading stories about the sea like ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and ‘Swimmy’ |
Doubling (reflections in the water)
Read do, when, out, what; spell my, her |