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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Year 6

Year 6 Christmas Song

Year 6 Owls & Eagles 2024-2025


Welcome to Year 6 Owls & Eagles 2024-2025.


It is fantastic to welcome you to Year 6.  We know that it is going to be a fantastic year that awaits us.  So many exciting activities and experiences ahead to think about as your child begins there final year at Bridgetown Primary School. 


Our Team:


Owls:  Class teacher - Mrs Swanwick and Teaching Assistant - Miss Crow. Mrs Prada and Miss Stenning will also work in Owls throughout the day.


Eagles: Class teachers - Mrs Puar (Monday and Tuesday) & Mr Lether (Wednesday-Friday) and Teaching Assistant - Ms Chalk.  Mrs Smith and Mrs Prada will also work in Eagles throughout the day.


In the afternoons, Miss Crow works across both classes either working with small intervention groups or within the class.  On a Tuesday afternoon, Mrs Holt teaches RE and Ms Chalk teaches French across both classes.


We are on the playground at the end of the day if you need a quick word but if you need to speak to either teacher for something specific then please contact us via the school office

Year 6 update 14.02.25 heart


We have had an incredibly  busy couple of weeks with amazing hard work from year 6.  We have enjoyed exploring new geography skills studying climate zones and how these are affected by weather.  Below are some of the amazing posters created by Eagles, focusing on the temperate climates of different countries across the world.

Art - Make my voice heard

We have explored different styles of art that have allowed us to express our thoughts and ideas through symbolic and expressive pieces of work.  Our recent Street Art allowed us to use this style to express and convey some or our 'life' messages that we think are important to us.  Pictures coming shortly once they are all finished.

Snooker and Squash at Stratford Sports Club

Year 6 are learning about some new sports - Snooker and Squash.  We look very professional with both cues and racquets and really enjoyed a great afternoon.   Pippa and Arthur were commended for their achievements on the squash courts and we all felt a sense of achievement and success as we potted reds a plenty in the snooker hall.  The bonus for us all was to be given vouchers for a free squash and snooker session which we hope everyone will use.  Thank you Stratford Sports Club for inviting us and we know that Eagles will enjoy their visit in a couple of weeks.

Year 6 update 30.01.25

Arete Parent and Pupil Information evening

Thank you everyone for attending the parent and pupil information evening.   It was great to see you all and there was so much enthusiasm.  Below is the full presentation which includes the following information:

  • Arete Outdoor Education Centre
  • aims of our visit
  • the journey - outbound and return
  • equipment and kit list of everything you need to bring and what is Arete
  • accommodation and mealtimes
  • outline of timetable
  • range of activities
  • Medical information and requirements 


Please take time to go through the slides again.  For those who were unable to attend the meeting, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the school office if you have any further questions.  Please note that the medical and personal details form must be completed by FRIDAY 14th FEBRUARY - thank you 




Arete Pupil and Parent Information Evening Presentation

RSC art project

In preparation for Shakespeare's Birthday Parade on Saturday 26th April, 12 Year 6 pupils have been working with an RSC commissioned artist towards producing a banner that introduces the play, 'As you like it'.  The children have thoroughly enjoyed working with Jessica and we look forward to seeing the final result that will be digitally printed onto fabric and paraded at the event.  


Here are some photos of our own artists in action.  Thank you to you all for being so brilliant, creative, respectful and enthusiastic.

Spring Term 1

Happy New Year to everyone.  This is an exciting term for Year 6 and so much happening in both half terms.  The focus for our topic work and science is 'Our Changing Planet'.  This spreads over both half terms and covers a breadth of learn across science and geography.  Our English work links with some elements of our class topic  but also studies a twist on a traditional tale as we study ,'The Sleeper and the Spindle ' by Neil Gaiman.


We also start to make preparations for our Year 6 residential visit to Arete in North Wales.  Here is a reminder of our Parent Information evening for pupils, parents and carers.




Non-fiction text writing

Our focus non-fiction text for this half term is looking at various journalistic pieces of writing.  These will be linked with current affairs and news articles as well as linking with the geography-based work and science work on classification of species.  We will look in detail at traditional news reports, blogs and specific styles of journalistic writing linked to more scientific reports and accounts.  Please use this opportunity to look at current news articles with your children, taking into account of the age appropriateness of these artices and programmes.  Newsround on BBC is always a good starting point.  We will be using articles form The Week Junior Magazine and both national and local press articles.


Fiction Text - The Sleeper and the Spindle by Neil Gaiman



This modern fiction text is based on a traditional tale and will give the children the opportunity to write using their understanding of settings, atmosphere and developing and entwining characters within the storyline.  It is a twist on a variety of traditional tales and fairy tales and will give the children to revise descriptive writing and the use of  purposeful dialogue within both short and extended narratives.


In Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling we will focus on Active and Passive Voice, synonyms and antonyms, direct and indirect speech and continue with looking at spelling patters and word association within Spelling using The Spelling Book programme by Jane Considine.



The focus for this half term:

Ratio and Proportion

  • Scale factors and scale drawings
  • Using ratio
  • Problem-solving with ratio and Proportion



  • Finding rules
  • Forming expressions
  • Substitutions
  • Formulae
  • Forming and solving equations
  • Finding missing values



  • Place value
  • Rounding
  • Adding and Subtracting
  • Multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1000 and integers
  • Fractions to decimals
  • Fractions as division


SATS - we will also continue with revision and preparation for SATs with Arithmetic and Reasoning questions





This topic spreads over the whole of the Spring Term but this half term the focus is specifically on:

  • Fossils and how they help to support our understanding of evolution in living organisms
  • Features and characteristics of a Living Organism 
  • Classification of living organisms and Carl Linneaus
  • Adaptation of vertebrates



This half term we explore the different biomes and climate zones across our globe and the changes of these zones within and between the 5 continents.  Children will develop their understanding using atlases, Google Earth and other research opportunities.


PE - Gym

PE for Owls is Monday and PE for Eagles is Thursday.  As Gym requires work on mats and apparatus, the children will be required to work in bare feet for safety purposes.






Autumn 2 update 13.12.24

Year 6 Christmas Fair games

Friday evening at the Christmas Fair was a huge success for Year 6 and their games.  They designed and created amazing games that all had a festive touch and suitable for ages 4 - 99!  More importantly they raised over £630 and had lots and lots of fun whilst doing it.  It was a really fun evening, lots of sugary prizes and great tidying up.




Autumn 2 update: 05.12.24


Our fractions topic is coming to an end after the past few weeks of calculating with fractions and using all the different operations.  We have become really confident as a Year group at both the fluency using fractions and answering problems solving and reasoning questions, especially when finding the fraction of an amount and finding the whole when we know what the fraction of an amount is.  



We have been immersing ourselves in War Horse, writing the follow-on chapter to Chapter 7 as well as using our knowledge from our history topic sessions to write our World War 1 diaries as a young soldier in the trenches.  Our morning and afternoon in Forest School was a great writing stimulus to imagine what it was like to make the journey to Northern France and the Frontline as well as living life as a soldier in the trenches.



Design Technology Project 

The design brief was to design and make a nightlight for a child.  It needed a switch so we experimented with different switch mechanism in Science.  After lots of work on the product design, here are some examples of the final project and our design process from start to finish.  We evaluated that the 1.5v bulbs were not effective (as anticipated) but tried out with a torch to really showed how effective they would be.

Autumn Term 2

This half term is as busy as last half term.  The focus for our topic work and English work is all based on War Horse by Michael Morpurgo.  The story is about the bond between a young boy named Albert and his horse, Joey, who is sold to the cavalry during

World War I.




Our focus fiction text for this half term is ' War Horse' by Michael Morpurgo.  This modern fiction text is a great starting point for Year 6 to explore World War I through the eyes of the main character, a horse called Joey.   The main focus of writing will be looking at how we can effectively use flashbacks into a narrative, comparing the differences in settings, characters and and their actions and emotions in different scenarios.  We will also use the animation, 'The Piano' by  Aidan Gibbons to support this.  We will also write a World War I diary linked to War Horse and life as a soldier in the trenches as well as looking at some World War I Poetry.  In Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling we will focus on verb forms, synonyms and antonyms and the active and passive voice.  



The focus for this half term:


  • Adding and subtracting fractions
  • Multiplying fractions
  • Dividing fractions by an integer
  • Finding fractions of an amount and finding a whole
  • Problem solving with all operations in fractions
  • Multi-step problems



  • Metric measures
  • Calculating and converting with metric measures
  • Miles and kilometres
  • Imperial measures


Introduction to Ratio and Proportion



Science and Design Technology

In addition to this, we are learning all about Electricity in our Science topic and linking this into our DT project - Creating a nightlight for a child's bedroom which will combine our design and making skills to the knowledge we have on circuits and switches. 





Autumn Term 1


Dates to look out for

Please keep an eye on the school newsletter to keep up to date with Bridgetown's full schedule of key dates. Below are the dates specific to Year 6:

  • Monday 23rd September - PLT Application deadline
  • Monday 30th September - Trip to Houses of Parliament
  • Monday 7th October - PLT Assemblies and selection
  • Thursday 31st October - Closing date for Secondary School Application


Please do not hesitate to speak to Mrs Swanwick, Mrs Puar or Mr Lether should you have any queries or concerns around secondary school application.

Autumn Term 1 Knowledge Organisers


Topic - Our Voice


Science - Light



Visit to London

A River Thames cruise and visit to the Houses of Parliament

On Monday 30th September, Year 6 visited London for the day.  The morning was spent on the River Thames, taking a river cruise form Westminster Pier to Butler’s Wharf and Tower Bridge and back.  This was a great opportunity to see the many iconic sights and landmarks including the London Eye, The Globe Theatre, St Paul’s Cathedral, The Tower of London and the spectacular Tower bridge which the children saw open allowing a German Navy warship to pass through. 


After a slightly damp picnic in Victoria Tower Gardens the  afternoon was spent in the Houses of Parliament.  Both classes were given a superb tour, seeing and entering both the House of Commons and the House of Lords as well as walking into the Robing Room, just as King Charles himself did at the State Opening of Parliament.  Finally,  through the central lobby and into Westminster Hall, the home of many well-known events including the lying-in-state of Queen Elizabeth II, the trial of Guy Fawkes and speeches made by Barack Obama and Nelson Mandela. 


The end of the afternoon was spent at the Education Centre where the children learnt about how laws are made and passed through parliament and then their impact our society.  This was an amazing trip which all of Year 6 clearly enjoyed.

River Thames Cruise

The Wilderness War 

(fortnightly update: 20th September 2024)


We have been enjoying our first Literacy unit of work which has all been based around the story, The Wilderness War. In this story, our protagonist, Noah, and his friends enjoy to play in a woodland area across the road from their houses. They build dens, play games and enjoy the wildlife in this wilderness. One day, Noah comes across a sign which has potential to change everything, "Land For Sale." The children must be creative in thinking of ways to stop the land being sold for development and to save their wilderness. This story has inspired many writing opportunities for us:


  • Descriptive Writing
  • Non-chronological reports
  • Poetry


We have enjoyed explaining our opinion on what the wilderness means to us and drawing our own maps of an important wilderness space to us, inspired by the map in the book. In the coming weeks, we will link this unit of work with our Topic unit, Our Voice, as the characters begin a protest opening up opportunities for us to practise our persuasive writing and express our points of view, just like they would in parliament.


Please have a closer look at some of our fantastic non-chronological reports about woodland animals below:

Our Wonderful non-chronological reports on woodland animals, inspired by The Wilderness War


















































































Summer Term 2023-24

KS2 Assessment Tests - SATs

13th - 16th May

Please find below the parent Information Briefing on SATs that you child will be taking part in between 13th - 16th May.  There will be a reminder letter coming to you shortly that gives a few reminders and a timetable of which tests take place on which days.  These details can also be found in the Powerpoint

Any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch via the school office

Mrs Swanwick and Mrs Milward

SATs 2024 Parent Information Briefing

Year 6 Residential to Arete Outdoor Education Centre

18th March to 22nd March

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our information evening on Wednesday 24th January.  If you were unable to attend or wish to check in again, please use the Powerpoint below. The Pupil form needs to be completed by Friday 9th February so please use the QR code to access the link to complete the form.


Many thanks,

Mrs Swanwick and Mrs Milward





Arete information and parent briefing powerpoint presentation

Autumn Term 2

This half term is as busy as last half term.  The focus for our topic and English is all based on War Horse by Michael Morpurgo.  The story is about the bond between a young boy named Albert and his horse, Joey, who is sold to the cavalry during World War I. In addition to this we are learning all about Electricity in our Science topic and linking this into our DT project - Creating a nightlight for a child's bedroom which will combine our design and making skills to the knowledge we have on circuits and switches. 



Our focus fiction text for this half term is ' War Horse' by Michael Morpurgo.  This modern fiction text is a great starting point for Year 6 to explore World War I through the eyes of the main character, a horse called Joey.   The main focus of writing will be looking at how we can effectively use flashbacks into a narrative, comparing the differences in settings, characters and and their actions and emotions in different scenarios.  We will also use the animation, 'The Piano' by  Aidan Gibbons to support this.  We will also write a World War I diary from the perspective of a soldier in the trenches as well as looking at some World War I Poetry.  In Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling we will focus on verb forms, synonyms and antonyms and the active and passive voice.  

Non-fiction writing will be linked to the propaganda posters of WWI, encouraging men around the country to sign up and fight for the good of their country. 

A day out in London

On Monday 9th October, we had an amazing day in London.  The weather shone down on us and we started the day with a beautiful boat trip on the River Thames from Westminster Pier to Tower Pier and back.  We say lots of sights and enjoyed seeing them all in the glorious sunshine.  In the afternoon, we had a tour of the Houses of Parliament.  As it was the conference season, the MPs were all at their party conference of working in their constituencies which meant that we able to go inside both chambers for the House of Commons and House of Lords.  Unfortunately we weren't able to take photos there but we could when we visited Westminster Hall. This is where many world political leaders have spoken including Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama.  In September 2022, this is where Queen Elizabeth II lay in state following her death and before her funeral.  We also did an afternoon workshop.  We all had an amazing day.

Memories of our day in London

Welcome to Year 6

It is fantastic to welcome you to Year 6.  We know that it is going to be a fantastic year that awaits us.  So many exciting activities and experiences ahead to think about as your child begins there final year at Bridgetown Primary School.  As we start our first value of 'TEAMWORK' it's an opportune moment to introduce you to the team who will be working with your child throughout the year.  

Owls:  Class teacher - Mrs Swanwick and Teaching Assistant - Miss Crow


Eagles: Class teacher - Mrs Milward and Teaching Assistant - Ms Chalk.  Mrs Wheeler and Mrs Leach also work in Eagles throughout the day.


In the afternoons, Miss Crow works across both classes either working with small intervention groups or within the class.  On a Thursday afternoon, Mrs Holt teaches RE and Ms Chalk teaches French across both classes.


We are on the playground at the end of the day if you need a quick word but if you need to speak to either teacher for something specific then please contact us via the school office


Curriculum plan - Autumn 1


Our focus fiction text for this half term is 'Holes' by Louis Sachar.  This modern fiction text is a great starting point for Year 6 to explore descriptions of setting and the different plots and aspects of the story. The main focus of writing will be looking at how effective our writing can be through making precise choices using figurative language and vocabulary.  In Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling we will revisit the use of different clauses within sentences and the different word classes.

Non-fiction writing will be linked to our visit to the Houses of Parliament including a non-chronological report and debating different topics relevant to our different interests, hobbies and life in school.  Within this we will look at formal language structures and using standard English correctly including verb and subject agreements.


The units of work this we will be studying:

Place Value within 10,000,000 that includes ordering, comparing, rounding and negative numbers.

Four Operations (1) that includes formal methods of addition and subtraction, related problem solving, common factors, common multiples, rules of divisibility, primes to 100 and squares and cubes.

Four Operations (2) that includes formal methods of multiplication, short and long methods of division including remainders and division using factors, order of operations (BIDMAS), mental calculation methods and reason from known facts.


Fluent in 5

Each morning we practise 5 arithmetic questions that cover a breadth of questions relating to the topics we are working on this half term.

KIRFS (Key Instant Recall Facts)

