Home Learning Week Beginning 13th July
We can't quite believe that this is the final week of this academic year and that we are saying our goodbyes to you all this week! Where has the time gone to?!
Our story focus for this week is Dirty Bertie by David Roberts, and we thought this would be a funny (if a bit disgusting!) book to finish the year with. WARNING! Bertie is VERY dirty! Resources for this and the additional activities can be found below.
Maths this week is on 'time'. The White Rose resources can be downloaded below. The Mathletics challenges have been set for Tuesday and Thursday as usual too.
As part of our transition activities, can we please ask all children to complete a 'All About Me' sheet (found below), which needs to be returned either by email to us (the Year 2 Team), or if you'd rather print out and fill in, then to be returned to a box in the school front entrance by the office, by the end of the summer holidays please. This is so your child's next class teacher can get to know a little bit more about your child. Many thanks.
We wish you all a very happy summer holiday! We have really enjoyed looking at your photos, pictures, writing and all your work you have completed over the past few months, so a BIG THANK YOU to you all!
If you haven't been into school during the past couple of weeks to collect your books and belongings from your trays, then we have put these in a named bag and they are available to collect from the school entrance by the office.
We wish the children all the very best for Year 3 and we look forward to seeing them around school in September.
Happy holidays!
The Year 2 Team