We have a very exciting summer term ahead of us in year 6. Having completed our SATs, we are now embarking upon a creative and more free-flow curriculum.
In maths, we will be taking part in projects which are designed to draw upon a combination of the skills from across the year 6 curriculum. The first project is named Theme Park maths: children use their skills of money, percentages, area, statistics and much more to help them plan and budget a Theme Park and aim to gain as much profit as they can. We will later be conducting a survey about pocket money, collecting data and creating graphs and results from this.
In English, we are revisiting writing narrative forms in story writing. Our writing is based on the video, 'The Lost Thing.' Children will invent their own story, considering their own 'lost thing' and how their protagonist goes about in helping this 'thing' along its adventure. Characterisation and figurative language will be key focuses for us in these stories, where we can practise our skills with similes, metaphors and varying sentence structure to reflect certain moods and atmospheres. You can watch the video of the lost thing by following the two links below:
Our Science continues to look at our body and how to live a healthy lifestyle. This builds on our work last half term when we focused on the heart and blood and the rest of the circulatory system. The digestive system is our next stop! What happens to food after we eat it? Where does it all go and what does the body do with it? What type of food should we be eating in order to maintain a healthy diet and why? The children will log their diets throughout a week and consider how their diet would compare against these questions we have asked.
We are venturing across to the central Americas for our topic! It was here where the Maya civilization once ruled. We will be exploring the fascinating history of the Maya civilization, from the gruesome sacrifices they made to their gods, to the magnificent architecture which they produced. There will also be opportunities for cross-curricular maths opportunities, where we can look at the the Maya number system and attempt to use it in some simple calculations. There may also be a warm, sweet, liquid treat at the end of this Topic as we explore one of the Maya’s most famous inventions…
PE in the Summer Term allows us to begin our Summer sports. Cricket, rounders and athletics will dominate this half term, including opportunities for competitions and tournaments. Of course, sports day is coming up, both for KS2 and there will be an opportunity for 20 year 6 children to help out with the KS1 Sports day too. Hope to see you there.
We are very lucky that Miss Griffiths is an excellent artist and will be working with both classes to share her expertise. Our focus this half term will be on perspective and watercolour painting. The children are building up to producing their own landscape paining of a city scene. Keep your eyes on this page to see some of our finished products when they are ready.
PSHE is all about growing up and getting ready for the big step up to high school. We will be discussing emotions based around this - some of our worries and excitements about moving up. We will also discuss related themes such as risk, peer pressure and bullying and how best to manage these. Finally, with some cross-curricular links to science and our work on the body, we will introduce the topic of the effects of smoking, alcohol and drugs (medical and illegal) on the body, including discussions about the laws in place.
Key Stage 2 Year 6 SATs briefing - Wednesday 6th March
Thank you for all parents who were able to attend our meeting. If you were not able to attend here is the powerpoint that we used and a general information booklet provided by the Department for Education. If you have any questions then do not hesitate to ask either Mr Lether or Mrs Swanwick.
The Topic for the whole of the Spring Term is The Game of Survival. This cross-curricular topic explores human, animal and plant life survival as well as looking at environmental matters. There are cross-curricular links across Maths and English, but the majority of learning will be through discrete teaching in Geography, Science and PSHE.
Year 6 have also been busy forming the Pupil Leadership team with the help of Mrs Tailby and the School Governors. The successful team can be seen in the photograph to the right. Find out more and keep up to date with their work by following the link below to view the Pupil Leadership Team's own page on this website:
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This year we have had an amazing amount of candidates volunteering to be our house Captains for Chichester, Drake, Raleigh and Nelson. Eight lucky children have been voted to be our house captains for 2018-19. Throughout the week in preparation for the elections, Mr Lether’s and Mrs Swanwick’s classes had both been preparing videos which they showed to their house they were running for. The busy Year 6 classes also drew and designed very colourful posters. On the 3rd of October (Wednesday) all the candidates performed or showed their speech in front of their houses. After they performed each of the children in each house voted for who they would like to be their leader this year. Have a look above at who were chosen by the voters in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 – these are our new House Captains! The house captains will help their houses to success on sports day and more completions that the houses together will be part off.
Written by Alicia & Evie - 6TL
A Trip to London
Our trip to London was amazing and exiting to experience. As you can see by this picture we went on a boat on the river Thames and under loads of interesting bridges, even the tower bridge! We visited the Houses of Parliament and we unfortunately couldn't go into the House of Lords, but we did talk about who would go in there (people like Lord Alan Sugar). We did watch the debate from the viewing gallery in the House of Commons, which was good. Later after the tour we first of all separated into groups (groups like the North and South and West and East) then we had to make some promises and the other groups voted for who would be the best party to win the election. The winning party was the Cheesy Kids and Miguel was elected for Prime Minister!
Written by Matilda and Pandora 6TL.
The Daily Mile
The Daily Mile is great fun and is great for getting exercise after a bunch of lessons. The whole of Bridgetown except Reception has been doing this for about 15 minutes every day for the last two weeks.On the whole it's great fun and is great for keeping fit every day.
Written by Tom 6ES.
Design and Technology in Year 6
Over the lasts few weeks we have been designing and building our own chairs.
We began by building a prototype ( see Miguel and Alicia ) and have now improved our designs and we are now making them. Look out for our finished chairs coming up in the following weeks.
Written by James 6 ES.
In Science this week we have been revising what we already know about what we already know about circuits and electricity. We worked in our table groups and made simple circuits; added extra bulbs to each circuit; found out what happened if we overloaded a circuit and tried to connect two circuits together. We took photographs of our work as well as writing evaluations of what we had done.
Written by Jacob 6 ES
As can be seen from the photograph, it has been a great start to Year 6. All the pupils have settled in to their final Year at Bridgetown. Below is the Autumn 1 Newsletter from Year 6. Within this there are details about routines, teaching arrangements and homework as well as a detail of curriculum coverage. Please look out for our weekly blog which we will start w/c 24th September. Each week, we will select different children to update what has been happening in year 6 with writing, extracts from work and photographs.
Many thanks,
The Year 6 team - Mrs Swanwick, Mr Lether, Mrs Nicholls and Mrs Grellier