Our Vision:
In providing quality teaching and a values-based environment, our children will grow to become independent, resilient, and imaginative learners. They will have gained knowledge and experiences which will enable them to live fulfilled lives and contribute positively to the world.
To find out more about how we are working towards our long term vision through a robust school improvement process (see link below).
Bridgetown Values and Behaviours Parent Forum
Thank you to all that attended the values and behaviours forum on Wednesday 11th January. It was a really informative session detailing our behaviour and values work with lots of practical activities demonstrating the great work the school has done so far. For more information, see the presentation below...
Our values tell people who we are and what we believe in. They determine the culture and ethos of our school.
Ready, Respectful and Safe are our three key themes and all our values link to this.
Values Assemblies 2023-2024
As the outgoing Head Teacher and a key driving force in making Bridgetown a values based school, Mrs Tailby was given the opportunity to choose the first 'READY' value of 2023-4. The, very apt, value she chose for the first part of the autumn term was 'TEAMWORK'.
Term 1 2023-4: Teamwork
Week beginning 4.9.23:
In our values assemblies this week, we introduced the term 'teamwork' and reflected on the different teams within our school. We also looked at examples of teamwork in the natural world.
The children particularly enjoyed these amusing videos depicting teamwork!
Week beginning: 18th September 2023
In our values assemblies this week we shared the story of 'Stone Soup'. This is a traditional tale (set, in this case, in Ancient China) where previously mistrusting villagers learn the power of working together. The key message was the positive impact of working as part of a team on our mental and physical health.
The moral about the advantages of team work was summed up in this quote from Chief Seattle, a Suquamish and Duwamish Chief who pursued a path of accommodation to white settlers rather than war.
Week beginning 25th September 2023
In assembly this week, we talked about what can happen when teams aren't pulling in the same direction. We also discussed the importance of teams in schools, introducing our new team: Bridgetown Bistro Buddies. We talked about their roles and how they will help us to all work together as a team at lunchtime.
Week beginning 2nd October 2023
Phil Harper from Holy Trinity joined us to share Bible stories demonstrating the values of teamwork.
Week beginning 9th October 2023
The power of teamwork in action. Following shortlisting, the pupil leadership team were invited to share their presentations about why they would be valuable members of the pupil leadership team.
Week beginning 16th October 2023
There was no assembly this week. Instead we worked as a whole school team to create a fabulous aerial photograph in preparation for our 60th birthday celebrations next year. This took a lot of cooperation and teamwork skills!
Term 2 2023-24: Diversity
13.11.23: Phil Harper, the children's minister from Holy Trinty, joined us today to share the story of Zacheus and how this links to our theme of diversity. We looked at our unique fingerprints and challenged the idea of being fearful of difference and, instead, embracing it.
20.11.23 Renewal Christian Centre worked with us and talked about their church and practices.
27.11.23: We explored the theme of diversity together, using sweets as a starting point! We talked about the different ways we are a diverse community, for example, race, gender, skills, culture, beliefs, age... and how this is something to celebrate!
4.12.23: We welcomed Myjinder from the Gurdwara in Leamington today and he talked to us about Sikhism.
11.12.23: We talked about Christmas and the diverse ways we celebrate it within our school community and around the world by Chistians and non-Christians.
Values Assemblies 2022-23
Term 1 2022-23: Confidence
Week beginning 12.9.22: Watch video of 'I feel confident' - what do we each feel CONFIDENT about?
Week beginning 19.9.22: Sharing the values demonstrated during the Queen's funeral and how our Bridgetown community mirrors our wider community. Read a story about CONFIDENCE and link to starting new clubs.
Week beginning 26.9.22: Looking at leaders who are CONFIDENT - case study on Nelson Mandela
Week beginning 7.10.22: Visit from Phil Harper and Bible story of David and Goliath
Week beginning 14.10.22: Pupil Leadership Team elections!
Term 2 2022-23: Forgiveness
Week beginning 31.10.22: The power of forgiveness - why FORGIVENESS is important for the person who has been wronged using real life examples.
Week beginning 7.11.22: Tailby tale about FORGIVENESS
Week beginning 14.11.22: Remembrance assembly to mark Remembrance Sunday
Week beginning 21.11.22: Discussion around FORGIVENESS from premises team when we need their support to look after our school property - interview with Mr Ghezzi
Week beginning 28.11.22: Bible story of monks and FORGIVENESS
Week beginning 5.12.22: Matthew West song about FORGIVENESS
Week beginning 12.12.22: Sharing each year group's work covered on FORGIVENESS this half-term; Generating new value for next half-term
Term 3 2022-23: Hope
Week beginning 2.1.23: Sharing our HOPES and dreams for the New Year
Week beginning 9.1.23: Watching the TED talk on Optimism - can we make a conscious choice to be full of HOPE?
Week beginning 16.1.23: World leaders who have needed HOPE - hearing their speeches. Why is it so important for leaders to have HOPE?
Week beginning 23.1.23: Martin Luther King's speech of HOPE.
Week beginning 30.1.23: Singing assembly
Week beginning 6.2.23: Mental health assembly for Children's Mental Health week - making connections
Week beginning 13.2.23: Abraham's journey of hope, led by Phil Harper from Holy Trinity Church
Term 4 2022-23: Joy
Week beginning 27.2.23: Launching new solar panels - special assembly with VIPs - making link between HOPE for the future and bringing JOY.
Week beginning 6.3.23: Listening to 'Don't stop me now' and considering what brings each of us JOY.
Week beginning 13.3.23: Hearing the story of Jesus' journey through Jerusalem and Palm Sunday bringing JOY.
Week beginning 20.3.23: Hearing the KS2 choir sing which brings us JOY!
Week beginning 27.3.23: Ode to Joy by Beethoven and Mother Teresa
Term 5 2022-23: Diversity
Week beginning 17.4.23: Introduction of Better lunchtimes
Week beginning 24.4.23: What does DIVERSITY mean to us?
Week beginning 2.5.23: Coronation assembly
Week beginning 9.5.23: No assemblies (SATs in hall)
Week beginning 16.5.23: Pentecost and the diversity of groups coming together for it
Week beginning 22.5.23: Key updates and choose new value
Term 6 2022-23: Kindness
Week beginning 5.6.23: Showing video of boy on bus being kind and sharing examples of when someone has been kind to us
Week beginning 12.6.23: What does KINDNESS look like? Feely bag of different versions and listening to 'Lean on me' + Dairy Milk challenge for acts of KINDNESS
Week beginning 19.6.23: Story of Good Samaritan by Phil Harper from Holy Trinity Church
Week beginning 26.6.23: KINDNESS and friendship themed assemblies led by PLT, including video 'Colour our world'
Week beginning 3.7.23: Solar panel update
Week beginning 17.7.23: Story of KINDNESS during First World War when soldiers stopped fighting to play football together
Values Assemblies 2021-2022
Term 1 2021: Co-operation
Week beginning 13.9.21: Who did Emma Raducanu need to co-operate with in order to be successful?
Week beginning 20.9.21: Making our school a successful place through our co-operation
Week beginning 27.9.21: Activity with long spoons and food items. How will co-operation help to feed ourselves?
Week beginning 4.10.21: Pupil Leadership Team elections
Week beginning 11.10.21: Singing assemblies
Week beginning 18.10.21: Bible story on Co-operation - Phil Harper from Holy Trinity Church
Term 2 2021: Sustainability
Week beginning 1.11.21: Science show assemblies
Week beginning 8.11.21: What is Sustainability? Watching video from climate change conference - what can we do to make a positive difference?
Week beginning 15.11.21: Remembrance Day assembly
Week beginning 22.11.21: Vicar - bible story linked to Sustainability
Week beginning 29.11.21: Y5 ROAR sustainability project - winners share their inventions
Week beginning 6.12.21: PLT lead sustainability assembly on key figures who have made a difference - Greta Thunberg, David Attenborough and Marcus Rashford
Week beginning 13.12.21: Summary of term and feedback from each year group on Sustainability activities/actions
Term 3 2022: Belonging
Week beginning 3.1.22: New Year and New Year resolutions
Week beginning 10.1.22: What does belonging mean? Which different groups do we belong to?
Week beginning 17.1.22: Penguins huddling and belonging
Week beginning 24.1.22: Launch of Sugar Smart campaign
Week beginning 31.1.22: Bible story on belonging by Phil Harper from Holy Trinity Church- Candlemas theme
Week beginning 7.2.22: Belonging to a safe online community
Week beginning 14.2.22: Singing assembly bringing Bridgetown community together again
Term 4 2022: Determination
Week beginning 28.2.22: 'The Climb' music - discussion and reflection
Week beginning 7.3.22: Determination required to play a musical instrument - demonstration from local brass band
Week beginning 14.3.22: Bible story from Phil Harper about Jesus' determination during Lent
Week beginning 21.3.22: Determination to have a healthy lifestyle - promoting cycling from the county Road Safety team
Week beginning 28.3.22: KS2 choir performing 'Power in me' - song about determination. Hearing from Y6 children about how they had to demonstrate the value of determination on residential.
Week beginning 4.4.22: Singing assembly and generating new value for next half-term.
Term 5 2022: Freedom
Week beginning 25.4.22: What does Freedom mean? Listen to 'Freedom' music.
Week beginning 2.5.22: Watching BBC video of what Freedom means to others and thinking of the colour that we imagine freedom to be and why.
Week beginning 9.5.22: No assembly - SATS in hall
Week beginning 16.5.22: Story of Saul on the road to Damascus
Week beginning 23.5.22: Singing assembly
Term 6 2022: Security
Week beginning 6.6.22: What ingredients do we each need to make us feel secure? Listen to 'Feeling Safe' by Thomas Muglia
Week beginning 13.6.22: What measures are in place to keep us safe in school? Brainstorm and sort by who is responsible for each of these actions.
Week beginning 20.6.22: Bible story on Security
Week beginning 27.6.22: Team Safe delivering assembly about keeping ourselves safe and managing our worries - thank you, children!
Week beginning 4.7.22: Security of our memorial garden
Week beginning 11.7.22: No assemblies (Y6 production)
Week beginning 18.7.22: Singing assembly
Values for 2020-21:
Acceptance (Term 1)
Integrity (Term 2)
Imagination (Term 3)
Awe and wonder (Term 4)
Empathy (Term 5)
Perseverance (Term 6)
Acceptance (Term 1)
Week beginning 7.9.20: Accepting that we need to be READY, RESPECTFUL and SAFE in school.
Week beginning 14.9.20: Smartie experiment with glass of water - we are all the same underneath but look different on the outside.
Week beginning 21.9.20: 'Giraffes can't dance' story and comparison with 'Boy in a dress' - accepting differences between us.
Week beginning 28.9.20: Bible story about acceptance led by Mr Phil Harper from Holy Trinity Church.
Week beginning 5.10.20: Pupil Leadership Team presentations and elections!
Week beginning 19.10.20: Black History month - story of Rosa Parks
Integrity (Term 2)
Week beginning 2.11.20: 'Man in the mirror' song and reflection on what Integrity actually means
Week beginning 9.11.20: Remembrance Day assembly
Week beginning 16.11.20: Anti-bullying assembly to mark National Anti-bullying week
Week beginning 23.11.20: Assembly led by Phil Harper from Holy Trinity Church - bible story on integrity
Week beginning 30.11.20: Fairness and honesty, Fairtrade and the story of the Cadbury family
Week beginning 7.12.20: Youtube clip of boy being given incorrect change in the shops - does he show integrity and admit the shopkeeper's error?
Week beginning 14.12.20: Summary of Integrity activities in classes from the term
Imagination (Term 3)
Week beginning 11.1.21: Imagining the year ahead - New Year resolutions
Week beginning 18.1.21: Bible story on Imagination
Week beginning 25.1.21: What's in the box?
Week beginning 1.2.21: Using our imagination in the world of books - example of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and stepping into the world of Narnia
Week beginning 8.2.21: Reflecting on quotes about Imagination and using magic boots to imagine our community being back together
Awe and wonder (Term 4)
Week beginning 22.2.21: Mindfulness and using senses to appreciate the world around us
Week beginning 1.3.21: Space buggy 'Perseverance' lands on Mars
Week beginning 8.3.21: Return to school which is AWEsome and WONDERful - Paradise by Coldplay
Week beginning 15.3.21: Bible story of Creation, led by Phil Harper
Week beginning 22.3.21: Awe and wonder of the weather in the UK!
Week beginning 29.3.21: Places all over the world which inspire awe and wonder
Empathy (Term 5)
Week beginning 19.4.21: Discussion on values covered so far and term ahead
Week beginning 26.4.21: Short film on empathy - being in someone else's shoes
Week beginning 3.5.21: Preparing for NSPCC Numbers Day and understanding the charity supporting this.
Week beginning 10.5.21: Vicar's Bible story on empathy
Week beginning 17.5.21: Using our faces and body language to share our feelings and how we can show empathy to others
Week beginning 24.5.21: Round up of empathy from the term - what has been covered in each class? Share and reflect
Perseverance (Term 6)
Week beginning 7.6.21: 'Eat them to defeat them' campaign - persevering in eating our 5 a day!
Week beginning 14.6.21: What is Perseverance? Listen to 'You will be found' and reflecting
Week beginning 21.6.21: Pupil Leadership Team presentation on Perseverance - story of Hare and Tortoise
Week beginning 28.6.21: Listen to 'The Climb' and Tailby Tale around Perseverance on a long walking trip
Week beginning 5.7.21: Vicar from Holy Trinity - Bible story on Perseverance
Week beginning 12.7.21: Perseverance in sport - story of Gareth Southgate and football
Week beginning 19.7.21: Perseverance over the last year! Reach for the stars dance/music
Values for 2019-20:
Belonging (Term 1)
Understanding (Term 2)
Enthusiasm (Term 3)
Independence (Term 4)
Honesty (Term 5)
Safety and security (Term 6)
Belonging (Term 1)
Week beginning 2.9.19: Bridgetown's Bag4Life - what do we want our school to be like?
Week beginning 9.9.19: Who belongs in our school? Focus on lunchtime staff and expectations.
Week beginning 16.9.19: What different groups do we belong to (Cubs/Brownies/sports teams/PLT, etc)
Week beginning 23.9.19: What does belonging mean to different people? Youtube video and discussion
Week beginning 30.9.19: Bible story of Ruth about the sense of belonging (led by Mr Harper from Holy Trinity Church)
Week beginning 7.10.19: Pupil Leadership Team presentations
Week beginning 14.10.19: Belonging in school and the behaviour expectations within that
Week beginning 21.10.19: Belonging to an environmentally friendly planet - recycling project in school
Understanding (Term 2)
Week beginning 4.11.19: Understanding that sometimes things are not as they seem - optical illusions
Week beginning 11.11.19: Understanding the importance of Remembrance Day
Week beginning 18.11.19: Understanding the wonders of the world - led by Reverend Taylor
Week beginning 25.11.19: Understanding others' feelings - putting ourselves in other people's shoes - 'Lean on me'
Week beginning 2.12.19., 9.12.19. and 16.12.19: Rehearsal for Christmas performances
Enthusiasm (Term 3)
Week beginning 6.1.20: Setting positive and enthusiastic New Year resolutions.
Week beginning 13.1.20: Bible story of Saul linked to enthusiasm.
Week beginning 20.1.20: Is your glass half empty or half full?
Week beginning 27.1.20: Having enthusiasm or a passion for a hobby or interest - look at examples.
Week beginning 3.2.20: Showing enthusiasm when we have 'knotty' problems.
Week beginning 10.2.20: Recap on half term's value.
Independence (Term 4)
Week beginning 24.2.20: Barriers to independence
Week beginning 2.3.20: Story of Chicken Licken and the sky falling - key message of not believing everything you are told and thinking for yourself independently.
Week beginning 9.3.20: Story of Emporer's New Clothes and the message 'Only dead fish go with the flow'.
Week beginning 16.3.20: Independent food choices - where does the pretzel come from? Vicar led assemblies
Honesty (Term 5)
Week beginning 20.4.20: Billy Joel's 'Honesty' and Tailby tale about honesty!
Week beginning 27.4.20: Story of Moses and the ten Commandments from the vicar, Phil Harper
Week beginning 4.5.20: VE Day assembly with feature from first peacetime baby born on VE Day!
Week beginning 11.5.20: Football fair play video and the need for honesty in sport
Week beginning 18.5.20: Story of The boy who cried wolf
Safety and Security (Term 6)
Week beginning 1.6.20: Taylor Swift's Safe and sound and safety reminders for school and home during Covid-19
Week beginning 8.6.20: Being aware of dangers around us and wearing protective gear when we need to - egg experiment
Week beginning 15.6.20: 'We all have the right to feel safe all of the time: Black Lives Matter theme
Week beginning 22.6.20: Taking ourselves out of our security/comfort zone - how have staff done this?
Week beginning 29.6.20: How have children pushed themselves out of their security/comfort zone?
Week beginning 6.7.20: Vicar, Phil Harper, sharing the story of Noah and the flood.
Week beginning 13.7.20: Bringing together all the values from the school year and reflecting on their links - being the best we can be and reaching for the stars!
British Values: Here are some ways we address these at Bridgetown.
Values Parent Forum Wednesday 16.1.19
Thank you to all that attended the values parent forum. It was a really valuable evening.