Hello Year 2, we hope you enjoyed the Snail and the Whale last week! We really enjoyed looking at the work and art that was inspired by the story.
This week our story focus is Chicken Licken (sometimes known as Henny Penny), a traditional tale. By the end of KS1, it is expected that children will have heard and be able to recall a range of traditional tales. We hope you enjoy the writing tasks and the additional activities based around this book.
Maths this week is all about unit and non-unit fractions. The White Rose resources are here for you to download. There will also be Mathletics as usual on a Tuesday and Thursday. A unit fraction is any fraction where the numerator is 1, eg ¼. A non-unit fraction is a fraction where the numerator is not 1, eg ⅘.
At the end of Year 2, children are expected to:
Finally, in the coming weeks we may be suggesting some junk modelling activities as part of our book focus - now is the time to start saving boxes and bottles from your recycling!
We continue to think about you all lots and hope that you are safe and well.
Best wishes,
Mrs Bowen, Mrs Bishop and Mrs Smith