Welcome to the Year 2 Kingfishers & Wrens Class Page 2024-25
The Year 2 Team
Teachers: Mrs Holt (Mondays)
Miss Wilkes (Tuesdays-Fridays)
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Elwell & Mrs Elsworth
Teachers: Mrs Pinner (Mondays & Tuesdays)
Mrs Smith (Wednesdays-Fridays)
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Leach
PE - Wednesday morning
(Please ensure that your child comes to school in their full PE kit. Thank you.)
We have started our exciting new art topic called Life in colour. The start of this unit revisits primary colours and then allows the children to investigate secondary colours. We investigated colour mixing by using watered down paint in the primary colours and then tipping the tray to allow the colours to blend and mix. We had so much fun!
Year 2 news...
We made a story map to retell the story of Peter Pan and Captain Hook. We had alot of fun acting it out!
Year 2 News...
Christingle Service at Holy Trinity Church
The children took part in our Christingle service in front of family and friends. They told everyone what Christingle meant and the reasons why it is important to many Christian people. They also sang some Christmas songs. They were brilliant! Well done Year 2!
The children had to design a 'huff proof' house for an imaginary 4th Little pig. We tested their builds with a hairdryer.
The Elf arrived in school early and caused chaos in Kingfishers and Wrens!
He wrote 'hello poo' on the board, took the lids off the glue, tipped out the pencils, threw the shapes on the floor, drew faces on the bananas, put headphones on the cushion, built a pyramid with the milk cups and we're sure it won't stop there.
The children wrote a diary from the perspective of the Elf.
Year 2 News...
We have been looking at structures and discussing how things are built. We discovered that for something to be strong and stable, it needs a solid wide base. We also found out that triangles help to strengthen a shape, such as in bridges. We had fun using spaghetti and marshmallows to create structures as well as using various size tubes and string.
Year 2 News...
A Time Machine Landed in the classrooms. We took turns to visit different places including Medieval and Jurassic times, underwater reefs, volcanoes and rainforests. We used this to inspire our writing to plan a journey story.
Fires and Festivals
Autumn 2
What we've been learning...
Our topic in R.E. this term is 'Who is Jesus?' We invited Phil Harper (the children and families minister from Holy Trinity church), to answer questions we had thought of as a class. It was very interesting to hear his responses and beliefs. We compared his beliefs about Jesus to other staff members, and we said why people might believe differently.
Autumn 1 - Seaside Rescue
Summer 1
Spring 2
Spring 1
Seaside Rescue
Autumn 1