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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe


(Home) School's Out For Summer!


Well done! You've made it to the end of the school year and we are SO proud of all you've achieved at home following our home learning plans. School may now be 'out'  but the learning never stops so why not challenge yourself to complete as many of our Summer 2020 activities as you can? We've put together a range of experiences that will help to enrich your understanding of the world and give you lots to talk about when you come back to school. How many can you tick off during the summer? We look forward to seeing and hearing all about it when you return in September. Until then, stay safe and well and have a wonderful, relaxing break.

With best wishes from Mrs Pinkerton and the Foundation and Key Stage One Team.

(Click to enlarge).

Key Stage One Parents' Information Briefing


As we are unable to hold our 'information evening' for parents of children moving into year 1 and year 2, we have put together this video to share the key information. We hope you find it informative. Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to welcoming your children into their new year groups in September.

(Click on the image to view)



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Quickfire words

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Baby Shark

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Number hunt

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Reception Home Learning Pictures...

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Robins at home !

Hello Robins from Mrs Holt

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I've made a little video to show you what I've been up to

Tuesday Robin's Art Challenge Peacock

See what we are learning in the second half of the Spring term !

Welcome to the Foundation Stage Page! 


Take a look at the exciting learning opportunities ahead of us this half term...


Here is a taster of our plans for the half term.  During spring we are focusing on Traditional Tales including the Three Little Pigs, The Three Billie Goats Gruff, Jack and The Beanstalk, Hansel and Gretel and Little Red Riding Hood. We will be celebrating Chinese New Year with a week of activities including a Chinese Fan Dance and parade which you will be invited to watch on Tuesday 21st January at 2.45pm Robins will be having Forest school the first half term on Thursday pm. The children can come to school wearing warm outdoor clothes.  PE days remain the same: Miss Wilkes’ Thursday and Miss Holt’s class Wednesday am.




Autumn Term 1


Welcome to our school. There are so many exciting learning opportunities ahead. Your children are going to come on a wonderful learning journey with us! We appreciate, however, that many children find it difficult to explain what they are doing at school so here is a taster of our plans for the rest of the half term.

  Please make sure your child brings a water bottle to school each day. Many of you have registered for milk. If you haven’t yet registered, please do so as we only receive milk for those on the list. It is free until children turn 5yrs.

PE for Miss Holt’s class is on a Wednesday.  Miss Wilkes’ class is on Thursday am.  Please help your child to practise dressing and undressing. We ask the children to bring in a PE kit by week 3- including shorts, t-shirt, trainers or pumps. We will be in bare feet in the hall for gymnastics and trainers for the ‘daily mile’.


Parent/Carer pop in. Thursday 19th September 3.15-3.30 a chance for your child to show you around their classroom and learning environment.



Phonics evening parents invited:  Wednesday 25th  September, 6.00 pm

Details and letter to follow


Reading and Writing:


Reading helpers:

Miss Wilkes Monday


Mrs Holt Wednesday


Next half term: Wednesday 13th November


Characteristics of effective learning.

Details and letter to follow

Topic related activities

In reception our planning remains flexible to enable us to adapt to the children’s needs and interests. Being flexible allows us to adjust the curriculum to where the children are in their learning and identify next steps. Here is a sample of some of the activities …



We’re Going On A Bear Hunt


Weeks 1-4


Baseline assessments


Sound discrimination: Phase 1

Sounds all around us


Rhyming words: recognise rhymes, continue a rhyming string


Onset/initial  sounds – silly soup:  socks and sand and silver spoons

Cats and crabs and crocodiles

Dogs and ducks and dinosaurs etc…



Talk 4 Writing: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt – learn and act out the story using key phrases


Talk 4Writing: make a class story map and story wall


Innovate ideas – What other ‘hunts’ could we go on? Which landscapes might we go under/over/through?


Talk 4Writing: Individual story maps to imitate and innovate – mark making and drawing



Recognising name, looking at letter shapes


Week 3 reading diaries and book from reading corner to rake home


Comparing and ordering objects by size and using mathematical language to make comparisons


Saying number names in order

Counting objects 1:1


Introduce Numicon


Numeral recognition and ordering


3D and 2D shapes and patterns


  • Making new friends: circle time games
  • Self portraits
  • Going on a bear hunt in Forest school
  • Introduce class bear
  • Making a story wall with mixed media and different  art techniques: rolling, printing, collage, textured paint, pressing
  • Collage Bear Hunt
  • Body percussion and percussion instruments
  • PE: warm up games, parachute and introducing large apparatus to jump, climb and roll.
  • Start ‘Write Dance’ program for gross and fine motor skill development
  • Start ‘Dough Disco’ for fine motor development
  • Forest school (details to follow)
  • Introducing the daily mile (chn to walk/slow run around out track)
  • Role play Vets surgery
  • Introduce Charanga music scheme – nursery rhymes and simple rhythms
  • Visit from Avonvale Vets
  • Baking biscuits
  • Introducing guided reading
  • Making animal homes using a range of large and small construction items
  • Designing the ‘perfect pet’


Weeks 4-8

Special friends: Reception children are paired with a year 6 child to share books in the library each week. They will also have special playtimes and buddy times together throughout the course of the year.


Please note we do not pair siblings or children that are known to each other. It is about establishing and nurturing a new friend.


Sound Talk: blending a word from its segmented sounds: c-a-t = cat ( to support reading)


Sound Talk: hearing sounds in words, identifying initial sounds


Letters and Sounds Phase 2:


tricky word -  I

i./n/m/d    - to

g/o/c/k – no/go

ck,e,u,r - the

letter sound recognition

segmenting and blending to read words

Start reading records

Talk 4 Writing: The Tiger who came to tea; create class story map; innovate as a class and draw class innovated story  map

Talk 4 Writing: make individual story maps to imitate and innovate Who is coming to your home? Think of other animals…What do you think they would get up to in your home?


Rhymes of the week: from Rumble in the Jungle


Tell me a story:

Chn create own stories for class book:  scribed/read/performed to class each day


Other books focus: Dear Zoo

The Great Pet Sale

Mog and the Vet

Vicky the Vet

Non-fiction fact books

Explore the concepts of ‘more’ and ‘less/fewer’, sorting sets of animals;


Using objects to find one more/one less?’


Creating concrete graphs and comparing amounts

(favourite pets/favourite fruit)


Counting objects and matching the numeral


Looking at coins and counting using pennies


Introduce concept of addition and subtraction- counting on and counting back

Using objects to add more or take away - less

Things you can do at home…

Make a bear cave with junk

Go on a ‘bear hunt’ in the garden or park

Paint or draw your teddy bear

Draw a picture of your favourite pet

Do you have a pet at home? Take a photo or draw a picture and tell us about it!

We welcome children to bring in work or objects from home to ‘show and tell’  if they are related to the topic.


Some examples of ICT links to learning        

Bear Hunt Michael Rosen performing   

Song and action version


Ordering numerals

Shape sequencing

Parents' Information Session on The Characteristics of Effective Learning


Thank you to all that joined us for our information session. We hope you found it helpful and found out more about how we support your children to become effective learners. 


Please find the presentation and associated information below. 

Parent Information Session on Phonics, Reading and Writing.


Thank you to everyone who attended the session on phonics, reading and writing. We hope you found it informative. Please see below for the presentations and links.
