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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Year 1

Summer Term 1




Knights and Maidens....


Just in time for St. George's Day, in year 1 we learned all about 'Knights and Maidens'. We started our topic by imitating and then innovating the 'defeating a monster' story, 'Saint George and the Dragon'. The children loved using talk 4 writing to learn the story and enjoyed coming up with gruesome words to describe their own monsters! In our art and dt lessons, we looked at the work of Paul Klee and enjoyed imitating his famous picture, 'Castle and Sun'. Pop into our practical area to take a look!


 We learned about the significance of different animals and colours used on coats of arms and shields and used our school houses colours, Nelson, Raleigh, Chichester and Drake to print around them. Currently, we are building our own 3d castles, ensuring that we include all the key parts of a castle.


In our topic work, we are learning about what life was like in a castle, why castles were built and about significant people in history like William the Conqueror. We are also finding out about what life was like in the past and even learning some 'olde' language!




Here is a taster of our plans for this half term . Our topic is called Fantastic Forests!







Week 1

Hungry Caterpillar-

Imitation stage

Learning to spell the days of the week


Grouping Equally.

Sharing Equally.


Plant detectives To identify and name a variety of garden plants and make observations


Charanga Music Scheme

P.E Gymnastics Travelling and jumping

Art Clay Minibeasts

ICT Word processing using Textease/ e -safety

PHSE Caring for others / Mothers’ day

RE Easter

Geography Looking for Signs of Spring Watching the weather -using a weather chart


Week 2

Hungry Caterpillar

Innovation and Invention stages

Diary writing My Perfect half term !


Fractions = Making Halves

Making Quarters

Sharing and Grouping.


To identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants.




Week 3

Little Red Riding Hood – A warning story Imitation stage

What are the elements of this story ?

Role playing characters

Describe characters

Numbers to 100

Counting to 100

Finding Tens and Ones.


Comparing Numbers to 100.

Making Number patterns.

To group a variety of common flowering plants including trees.



Week 4

Little Red Riding Hood – A warning story Innovation stage

Identify the beginning ,warning , middle and end of this story .

Describe a forest setting .

Describe a new character and warning for the story

Learn to plan this story


Telling the time to the Hour.

Telling the time ti the Half hour.

Using Next, Before and After.




To identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants and look closely at roots


Week 5

Little Red Riding Hood – A warning story Invention stage

Writing my own story based on Little Red Riding Hood and publishing it .


Estimating Duration of Time.

Comparing Time.

Using a Calendar.



Butterfly life cycle




Week 6




Recognising Coins.

Recognising Coins.

Recognising Notes.

Recognising Notes.

White Rose Assessments




Butterfly Lifecycle




Spring Term 1

Here is a taster of our plans for this half term. Our topic is called It’s a Child’s Life and here is an overview of what we will be getting up to! Please support your child with their learning, just ask if you would like further ideas. We aim to continue to send out a short piece of homework alternating between English and Maths each week ( as well as weekly spellings and reading) on Friday to be returned by the next Friday or sooner if possible.






Topic ( weekly sessions )

Week 1

Stories about Toys./ Christmas News



From ones and then tens

Addition and subtraction familiies


Everyday Materials;

Identifying and Naming and Describing and Comparing.


ICT How to plan and give instructions – turtle /programmable toys.

History -How does the class think the lives of children have changed over time?

PHSE Know the school and classroom rules and how they help them.

DT: Moving Pictures;

Pop up books and make a pop up card

Link to stories about toys. Sliders and levers/ scissor skills/wheels and axels/properties of materials .

Music Charanga Music Scheme

P.E : Principle Skill – travel ‘towards’ and ‘away from’ apparatus. Travelling, high, low and narrow.

Week 2


Imitation Stage

Bedtime March Past

Start with cold task.


1.Counting to 40

2.Writing numbers to 40. 3.Counting in tens and ones.

4.Comparing numbers.

LI: To identify and name a variety of everyday materials.








Week 3

Innovation Stage

Bedtime March Past

To spell words containing each of the 40 + phonemes already taught.

. 1.Finding how much more.

2.Making Number Patterns.


3.Solving Word Problems.

4. Solving Word Problems.

LI: To describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials.

Week 4

Invention Stage

Bedtime March Past

To develop their understanding of Punctuation

Re-reading what they have written to check that it makes sense


1.Solving Word Problems.


LI: To compare and group together a variety of everyday materials depending on their properties.

Week 5


Narrative Story

Who are you Stripy Horse?

To read aloud their writing clearly enough to be heard by their peers and the teacher.

To write sentences to form short narratives.

Re-read what they have written to check it makes sense.

Develop pleasure in reading by becoming very familiar with key stories.


1.Making equal groups.

2.Adding equal groups.

3.Making equal rows.

4.Making doubles.

LI: To compare and group together a variety of everyday materials depending on their properties.


Week 6


Narrative Story

Who are you Stripy Horse?

To read aloud their writing clearly enough to be heard by their peers and the teacher.

To write sentences to form short narratives.

Re-read what they have written to check it makes sense.

Develop pleasure in reading by becoming very familiar with key stories.

1.Solving word problems.


1.Grouping equally.

2.Sharing equally..


3.Making Halves.

4.Making Quarters.

LI: To compare and group together a variety of everyday materials depending on their properties

Week 7


To add prefixes and suffixes using ‘ing’, ‘ed’, ‘er’ and ‘est’ where no change is needed in the spelling of root words.


English Skills Assess and review

Maths Assess and review

Seasonal changes -ongoing unit



Autumn 2 2016

Here is a taster of our plans for this half term . Our topic is called Handa’s Surprise and here is an overview of what we will be getting up to ! Please support your child with their learning , just ask if you would like further ideas.  We aim to continue to send out a short piece of homework alternating between English and Maths each week ( as well as weekly spellings and reading) each Friday to be returned by the next Friday or sooner if possible.






Week 1

Handa’s Surprise  (A journey story) Imitation stage learning the story -Talk for writing

Number and place value

Counting on 0-20 (at least !)

To observe changes across the four seasons : Autumn

Locating UK and Kenya on a world map/globe

NEW Charanga Music Scheme

P.E Gymnastics

Art Remembrance /Poppies

Computing: Bonfire night  pictures (Painting program)Logging on/ logging off


Week 2

 Handa’s Surprise  Innovation stage Can we change the story or parts of it ?

Number and place value


To observe changes across the four seasons : Autumn

 Researching key facts :Kenya starting to use simple maps

NEW Charanga Music Scheme

P.E Gymnastics

Art African animal masks

Computing: (Painting program)Logging on/ logging off

Talking about friendship Would you like a friend like Handa ?

Week 3

 Handa’s Surprise  Inventionstage Can we make up our own journey stories ?

Addition and subtraction

To observe changes across the four seasons : Autumn

Researching key facts :England starting to use simple maps ( Internet skills )

NEW Charanga Music Scheme

P.E Gymnastics

Art African sunsets collage

Computing: (Painting program)Logging on/ logging off


Week 4

Compare Handa’s Surprise  / Handa’s Hen – similarities and differences

Addition and subtraction

To observe and describe weather associated with the seasons : Autumn/ Winter

Compare a Kenyan village with Stratford-upon -Avon

NEW Charanga Music Scheme (African Drumming ?)

P.E Gymnastics

Art African sunsets collage/ Masai shields

Computing: (Painting program)Logging on/ logging off


Week 5

Stick man

Addition and subtraction

To observe and describe weather associated with the seasons :

Nativity preparations

NEW Charanga Music Scheme

P.E Gymnastics

Computing: (Painting program)Logging on/ logging off

Talking about Christmas-How do you celebrate  ?

Week 6

Stick man


To observe and describe how day length changes across the seasons : Autumn / Winter

Nativity play productions ( More information coming soon ! )

Find some of the places in the Christmas story and find them on a world map /globe

NEW Charanga Music Scheme

P.E Gymnastics

Computing: (Painting program)Logging on/ logging off

Talking about Christmas- Do all children celebrate ?

Week 7

Stick man

 Theatre trip Warwick Arts Centre (FS and KS1)

 Christmas activities

Stick man /Christmas activities

To observe and describe how day length changes across the seasons : Autumn / Winter

 Christmas activities

Check out these weblinks to support your learning this half term...

 Autumn Term 1

Our topic is called Amazing Me! and this is an overview of what we will be getting up to!






Week 1

The Magic Finger Roald Dahl 100th birthday celebration

Days of the week / Months of the year

My face

Self portraits

Establishing classroom rules together

Charanga Music - Using our senses

Role play The Doctor’s surgery

Week 2

Writing about how we have changed since being a baby

Introducing the new cursive handwriting scheme

Using labels and captions

Place value and numbers to 20

Labelling parts of the body

Creating a body collage

Games / PE striking & fielding skills unit

Sorting baby clothes and children’s clothes / The passing of time

Week 3

Once There Were Giants

Talk for writing

Place value and numbers to 20/ ordering numbers

Life sequence baby to adult

Learning to switch on / shutdown a computer and basic mouse skills

Washing our hands why it is important and making a poster

Self portraits  Famous artists  Picasso


Week 4

Once There Were Giants

Writing about themselves in more detail using homework task

Place value and numbers to 20/Addition and subtraction


My address

Who looks after me at school ?

Self portraits  Famous artists  Picasso

Week 5

Our special talents

Place value and numbers to 20/Addition and subtraction


What makes me special?

Week 6

What is special to me? Where’s My Teddy? ( lost teddy story )

Place value and numbers to 20/Addition and subtraction



Who makes me feel safe?


Week 7

Books about healthy eating including Eat your peas !


Being healthy/ medicine

Harvest festival

Making a rainbow of fruit and vegetables


Try out some of these weblinks to support out topic (just click on the images)...


Labelling the body parts game.








Create a healthy lunchbox activity - what will you choose?







The handwash challenge - when should you wash your hands?

Fire-fighter Visit


The Year 1 Children thoroughly enjoyed their visit from Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service, not least when the teachers dressed up in all the fire-fighting equipment! The children also learned lots of serious messages, such as not to play with matches and also how best to escape a room filled with smoke. A special thank you to the fire-fighters who gave their time to help us.


Did you guess the teacher in the photo in  the newsletter?
