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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Home Learning Summer 2 Week 6

Hello Goldfinches and Puffins, 


We hope you have had another good week home learning and those of you that had an opportunity to return to school for your well-being mornings enjoyed it as much as Miss Thijssen, Mrs Cockburn and Mrs Tilford did.  We really enjoyed our time on Zoom together this week and are looking forward to another Zoom session with you next week where we will play more fun games.  There are two weeks to go until the summer holidays now, so the end is insight for a well earned rest from all the amazing home learning you are doing.  Remember to send us some photos, we really love seeing what you are doing!


Please find below the plan and resources for next week. They have also been emailed to you all.  English this week is based on a music video, we hope you enjoy it.  In maths, you will be covering a very important skill of learning to tell the time.  For Wednesday and Friday there are PowerPoints rather than videos to introduce the lessons, these are large files and will be sent in separate emails but you can also find them on this page below.


If we were in school you would have had a visit from The Road Safety Officers this term. To ensure you still can access the vital road safety information they have developed a 'Road Safety Superhero' themed resource. Please see the  letter attached below with the links to the four sessions from the Warwickshire Road Safety Club which are fun, engaging and informative for you to learn about it at home.  


Later today, you will receive an email with your child's annual report.  We hope that you enjoy reading about the successes of your child this year at Bridgetown and areas for them to further develop.  We are very proud of the children for not only a fantastic Year 3 up until March but for how well they are all coping with the current situation and the amazing effort and enthusiasm they are (and you all are too!) keeping up as we hit 100 days of lockdown this week.  Have a lovely weekend, enjoy the rest and  continue to keep up this fantastic positive home learning attitude for a couple more weeks.


Best wishes

Miss Vernon and Miss Thijssen 


Home Learning Plan Summer 2 Week 6 w/c 3rd July 

Click on image to enlarge and open the document
