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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Week Beginning 22.6.20

All of the information below was sent on via email on 19.6.20. If you did not receive an email , please contact us at


Here is this week's learning overview

Click the image below to open the planning document as a PDF


This week we are focussing on Greek Gods and Goddesses and their role in Greek myths.


Complete the reading comprehension below and read the stories on Greek Gods in preparation for a writing activity later in the week.


Practise your SPAG skills by choosing one of the activity sheets (*, ** or ***) to complete.


Here are this week's spellings:











Carry out some research about Greek Gods and Goddesses. Use the Powerpoint, factfiles, story  and websites below (and any other books you might have at home) to help you make your notes.


Thursday & Friday

Choose a way to present your research about Greek Gods and Goddesses. This could be:

a poster, a booklet, a PowerPoint presentation, fact files, a set of 'Top Trumps' cards. 

There are some templates below, should you wish to use them. Please email us a photograph of your work, or the work itself for feedback.


There are no longer any White Rose teaching videos and worksheets which follow how our curriculum in school would. Therefore, everything you need for each lesson will be on a PowerPoint (attached below). Each lesson (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) will include:

  • Introduction/teaching slide(s) 
  • Independent task
  • Support task
  • Problem solving and reasoning task
  • Home Learning Challenge

You will still be set Mathletics on Tuesday and Thursday. 

Optional activities

Art - For the next 2 weeks your art activity is to create your own Ancient Greek pot using your design from last week. Remember, your pot should represent YOU. To make the pots, you can either use clay (if you have it at home), paper mache or salt dough. Think about what shape you want your pot to be. The instructions for all methods are on the PowerPoint below.


ICT - Add another page to your Ancient Greece website based on this week’s English work on Gods and Goddesses. Step by step instructions for adding a new page as well as your front page are attached below. 



If we had been in school this half term, we would have been enjoying our ‘Chance to Shine’ cricket sessions. Although we cannot be in school, ‘Chance to Shine’ have created lessons that you can follow at home, so you can still practise your cricketing skills!

Click on the link below to watch the lesson and then use the activity sheet  to set up your skills training!


Click here:

Have fun and, as always, we would love to see any photos or videos of how you got on!
