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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Home Learning Summer Term 2 Week 2

Dear Year 3, 


The first week back has flown by, well done on making it to the end of another week of home learning!   We hope you all enjoyed the story, Lakshmi and the Clever Washerwoman.  We really enjoyed seeing the fantastic reward posters you created and we are looking forward to receiving your published newspaper reports to read.  We have put the photos on the class page so check out what your class mates have been up to.  Did anyone make a fraction maths game this week? Please send us some pictures so we can show it off for you on the website.  


The plan for this week and all the resources are attached to the email. As usual they are all on the class page of the website too.  In maths we are spending the week recapping Money.  The children looked at money earlier in the Spring term and it will be beneficial for them to consolidate this. The White Rose activity sheets are all attached to the website and there are suggestions for practical activities too.  In English, we have another Indian story for you to enjoy, Rama and Sita.  


On Monday we will be having our June Puffins v Goldfinches Class TTRockstars Battle, this will start at 9 am on Monday 8th and finish on Friday 12th at 3:15 pm.  We were so impressed with how much everyone participated in the last battle so it would be great if we can get even higher scores this month. Remember you earn the most coins in Garage.  The 3 most valuable players in each class will get emailed a certificate!


Monday 8th June, is World Ocean Day so we have found an Oceans of the World Quiz for you to do.  There is also a PowerPoint to tell you all about this year's theme Innovation for a sustainable Ocean (These will be sent in a separate email).  


We hope you have a great week, make sure you try and have a good balance between home learning, relaxation and exercise.  Please remember we are at the end of the email if you need any help with your work or if you just want to say hello and tell us what you have been up to.  We miss being all together in school and always love hearing from you and seeing all the amazing learning you are doing and fun things you are getting up to. 


Please keep safe and stay alert, 


Take care,

Miss Vernon and Miss Thijssen

Home Learning Plan Summer 2 Week 2 w/c 8th June  

Click on image to enlarge and open the document

Monday 8th June

 World Oceans Day

Find out all about World Oceans Day with this PowerPoint

Test your knowledge on the Oceans of the World Quiz!

Somebody Swallowed Stanley [Children's story | Read Aloud]

Optional: additional Twinkl home learning activities if required
