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Bridgetown Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Home Learning Week Beginning 8th June

Thursday Maths sheets

Happy Friday - Thank you to the Year 6 Owl who spotted that the Thursday maths sheets were missing yesterday on our Thursday page.  I have attached them after the video!

School Day

Hello, It's school day again.  We have all enjoyed our day in school this week - we hope and it definitely felt a little calmer and we knew what to do.  If you haven't joined us this week, here are your school day activities.  Remember that School Day is our additional day each week - the day that we do at school but you can enjoy it from the comfort of your desk, make sure you have time for snack, break and a spot of lunch!


Reading: Please could you read for an hour today? This can be your Bug Club Book or your own choice of reading book.  We think that you have probably read all of your Holes chapters this week as there wasn't as much to read, but if not then do please finish up to the end of Chapter 10.


Maths: You should now have your Theme Park ready to get up and running.  You may have spent all of your £500,000 or have some left over, just in case - your 'rainy day fund'!  It is now time to find out how much it is going to cost you to run, tickets costs and how much you take each day.  Here are your tasks to complete:


1. Complete your poster to advertise your theme park. You may also want to design some of your rides.
2. Have a look a the powerpoint Week 2 – Theme Park Maths
3. Complete Task 2. In this task, you will need to have a look at the amount of each attraction you have in your park and work out how much it would cost to run each of them for a day using the table provided.
4. Complete Task 3. You will need to work out what category your theme park fits into. Once you have worked this out, you can decide how much you will charge per ticket based on the maximum amount your category of theme park can charge.
5. Complete Task 4. In this task, we have told you how many people will arrive at your theme park each day. Multiply these visitors by the price of your tickets to work out the ticket income for your first month. You may use a calculator!

PSHE and Transition to secondary school.
1. In school we are looking at different games we can play in the playground that involve no physical contact or use of equipment (apart from hopscotch)
Can you think of any ideas or activities that you can play at home in the garden that don’t involve physical contact or use equipment? You can try playing these at home.

2. We will be looking at questions about secondary school and moving on. So far we have only had a few questions sent in so if you have any questions, worries or concerns then please email them in so that we can use them in our discussion sessions.


Have a good day and then have a lovely weekend 

Mrs Swanwick and Mr Lether  smiley wink


Thursday 11th June

Good morning Year 6, here's your learning for today


1. Read Chapter 9 and 10 or continue listening to these chapters from the audiobook


2. Create a timeline for Stanley so far, with the events that have happened to him.


Percentages of amounts

1. Watch Video: Can be viewed on the school website or through the link here:

2. Activity worksheet: ‘L3. Percentages of amounts.’


Topic - Mayan Number System

1. Complete any of the tasks form the Mayan Number system that you haven't done. 


If you have finished everything then you can always go back to finishing your World Ocean day poster from Monday.

Have a good day smiley

Wednesday 10th June

Good morning Year 6, before you start your work today, I am trying out a little video hello.  Just before Mrs Cockburn and I left the classroom we thought we would see what it would be like sharing you a couple of virtual display boards so here goes...  After you have looked at these we hope that you can email in work and thoughts about secondary school if you haven't already - this is for both classes even though I filmed from my room.  Your work for the day follows on after as usual.

Have a great day - Mrs Swanwick  smiley 


1. Review this writing about the yellow-spotted lizard using marking success and improvements.

2. Read through the cohesive devices list

3. Write a non-chronological report for a yellow-spotted lizard


1. Watch Video: Fractions, decimals and percentages through the link here:

2. Activity worksheet: ‘L2. Order FDP.’


Following on from your working out of the Mayan Number System yesterday, try and devise your own number system. You could use any symbols to help you or even be creative practically using Lego pieces, food items, sticks and stones, bottle tops etc.
Share your system giving it a name, examples and how the system works.

Tuesday 9th June




1. Re-read Chapter 8 of Holes by Louis Sachar or listen to it on Youtube (see video under English for Monday.

2. Listen part of David Attenborough talking on this clip:

3. Complete the planning activity in the worksheet below the video.

Top 5 David Attenborough Moments | BBC Earth



Spelling: – ent, -ence and -ency

Wordsearch Activity Sheet: making new nouns
Or create your own wordsearch using the year 6 words and the optional challenge words if you are learning these words.


1. Mathletics and/or TTRockstars.
Remember that it is battle of the bands this week!!

2. a) Create your poster for your Theme Park maths. See Task 1c in the powerpoint from last week.

b) Can you draw some designs of your rides in your theme park. See Task 1b from the powerpoint last week.



The Maya Number System
1. Follow the powerpoint about the Mayan Number system
2. Complete Worksheets 0-19 and 0-399
3. Complete worksheets 0-5080

Monday 8th June


Good morning Year 6!


We hope that you have all had a wonderful weekend and are well rested for another week of learning. We are looking forward to seeing some of you in school again this week. As we did last week, we have included the work we will be doing in school in your home learning packs for those of you who will not be coming into school. Please do not do this work at home if you are coming in, otherwise you will end up having to do it twice!


Remember, BATTLE OF THE BANDS! starts today on TTRockstars, so make sure you regularly visit to boost the points of your class. Please also keep up with your Bug Club reading on Active Learn Primary and let us know if you have any problems there.


Hope you're ready to enjoy another week!




1. Read Chapter 8 of Holes by Louis Sachar or listen to it on Youtube. JUST Chapter 8
2. Select a variety of words and phrases to describe the different lizards on the resource sheet.

Holes by Louis Sachar Ch. 8-10



Spelling: -ent, -ence and -ency
1. Follow powerpoint on the suffixes –ent/-ence / –ency.
2. Complete the spelling word match-up activity matching sheet.
3. Practise using the y6 spelling strategies on the powerpoint spinning wheel to practise and learn the Year 6 words and the if you wish the optional challenge words

Maths Equivalent FDP

Watch the video about equivalent Fraction, Decimals and Percentages. Have a go at the worksheet below and check your answers afterwards. Good Luck!

World Ocean Day

Monday 8th is Twinkl’s World Oceans Day! This links so nicely with our plastics work we started way back before Easter.

1) Have a look at the ‘World Oceans Day’ powerpoint. Jot down and discuss your thoughts with your family or friends if you can.

3) What do we need to change to maintain a sustainable Ocean? Can you create and present a poster and/or write and present a speech to persuade the World’s governments to implement.

Contact us Here (upload any report personal comments here if you have not yet sent them in)
